The year of making do

Think Its decided . I like the idea very much! Now time to save up

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Pro tip, find a coco grower who doesn’t use them anymore. Much cheaper.

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Oh man, I hope so! It’s crazy how it’s more than the floraflex kits but I’m sold now.

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Oh it’s way more expensive because of the carrots and the main feed line isn’t cheap either.

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It’s equal parts siphon and gravity. If you look at the photo you can see the watering can is on the same level as the plant and the Blumats emptied the watering can.

If you need faster flow rate you can raise the water relative to the plant, and if you want to slow the flow rate then you can lower the water reservoir.


Awesome, thanks bro! And keep up the great work, I know why I lost track of this thread after popping in in the beginning as I never hit watching, but did now and am in it for the long haul . Keep up the great work! I’m suiuuuuuper intrigued by that TC mendo skunk especially as I’m working a lil skunk hunt/ project myself that’s been ongoing but just came across a ton of epic material . Where did you acquire those beans? I’ve never seen them available :thinking: now I want some too for the project after reading your description. Very cool


It’s from paradise seeds

Straight from their site

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Yeah mines better :grin:

As @Mithridate said these are from paradise seeds. So far I’m really pleased with these genetics. 40 days in flower, she’s making dense skunky buds. Strong plant.

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Harvest day F65

I know it’s only one data point but observationally she really seemed to like the Blumats. The Blumats effectively doubled the length of the wet/dry cycle. So instead of 4 days between watering it became 8. The last cycle, I was away for work for 11 days. This gave her a deep drying prior to harvest.

The thing you notice about the Blumats is that because the Blumats continue to give “subsistence” water even when the soil becomes extremely dry, there is a much deeper/more gentle “dry”. You’re much less likely to shock the plant (practically impossible) so the plant gets a lot more time in the all-important “medium-dry” zone of the wet-dry cycle (and less time in “too wet” or “too dry”). Plus it’s just nice to only have to water half as often.

Getting these was an eye opener and I will definitely keep using them going forward. This was my most successful plant yet. She turned a beautiful purple and is producing a very strong skunk+blackberry odor. Can’t wait to try her out!


Great job! I’ve actually been looking at the blu-mats myself. Tired of hand watering. Very interesting
(Out of likes atm )


I used the Blumats in addition to hand watering. 4 Blumats put out about 250mL of water daily; my plant wanted ~500mL. But doubling the Blumats so that she was fed exclusively by them would have meant she never goes through dry cycles, which imo is undesirable.

Ya I’m a big fan of dry backs, big big fan. I wouldn’t like that either

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Post grow follow up.

Following a ~2wk dry and ~2wk cure these babies are some of the best weed I’ve ever had.

Things I learned this grow:

• Blumats work
• Dry backs are good
• Switch to 12/12 earlier
• Get more Tommy Chong’s Mendocino Skunk because this shit is top shelf weed

Next up: Atomical Haze from Paradise seeds


As promised,
Atomical Haze from Paradise seeds.


Previous photo was from 10 days ago, here’s an update

I broke one of her main stems pulling it back. Duct tape is like a bandaid and a cast here to keep the wound covered and supported.


Time for an update:

We’re at 1 month of veg and she’s ready to flip to bloom schedule (12/12) so that’s happening today.

I’m using the Blumats again because the last plant seemed to love them so much. This time I’m trying a screen. We’ll see how that goes. At least it ought to be easy enough to remove if I hate it.


Looks like she bounced back pretty good :relieved:
Nice screen setup too - i bet youll like it :v::sunglasses:


Update F8


Your grow has been looking awesome so far.

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