The year of making do

I’m always star struck at how clean your setup is. Props.


Thank you @ColeLennon ! Now if I can just learn how to better utilize it to be more productive! :grin:

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Update / F57:

Flowering plant still stressed but carrying on. Smell is amazing, strong dank lemon. Looking at trichs still several weeks to go:

Clones weren’t getting enough light. Now that I’ve increased light they’re starting to thrive, still small but the distressed tops are looking better and they’re putting out strong side-branching consistent with monster cropping:

Little Wappa 4 also wasn’t getting enough light and was stretching too much, so I put her in the starter box to bring her closer to the light. I really can’t explain why I didn’t start her in the starter box, it is, after all, the starter box.

In summary lots of mistakes still being made, but keep telling myself I have to be learning something.


So I’ve been using wet towels in the starter box and veg box to keep humidity up.

Checked things tonight and damn, both boxes were dry as a bone. Starter box was 35% RH @ 27°C which is like a VPD of 2.1 which is just brutal for a seedling. Clones weren’t much better. Gonna have to come up with a better solution.

What’s crazy is that room RH is 45% but the starter box runs warm (which is great as far as that goes, since seedlings like to be warm) but that also has a drying effect (which is not great).


Ya need something like these mini ultrasonic float m misters; this guy has a great website selling them but UK sources should be easy to find:


I’m an old box grower myself, I copied the NewGanjaBoy Stealth box. I loved the years I spent building and running mine, so long ago now.

I was wondering why the no food to clones?

Myself, as I see a root peaking out of a rooter, they get my pre fertilized medium right then. They need food to rebuild structure, and to get going strong.
My germinated seeds, I do not feed until 4-6 points emerge, myself.

Light leaks (large ones) will stunt growth as the plant is trying reveg with the extra light hours. So they just stand there.
I would sit down with my boxes, in the black, and run each section, searching for light leaks.
Many ways to kill them, after you know of them.
Also pay attention to air exchange. I used punk sticks to see my air flow. Whether it was room building, or grow boxes, it is very important, IMHO. Mine extraction always ran 24/7, to pull air in through my soffit vents, or when I made hollow walls and doors, to be air flow worthy.
I could pull 3-6 ounces from mine, with a 150 hps mated with a 70 mh. I also cut out the bottom, so I sink my pot through the floor, for MORE BUD ROOM!
Worked a treat to. I ran hydro a year or 2, in the same box.
IMHO, boxes are great skill builders.
You box is awesome, just find her quirks and slay them.
Great thread! webe
I do have pics of my old boxes, if you ever want to see some of them to laugh at, as I’m NOT a skilled wood worker, but a wood butcher really.
Just have fun with it!!


Hi @beak i love your set up neat and clean

If you add a timer to the heat matte it helps to keep the temperature under control [quote=“Beak, post:58, topic:107201”]
N overload but leaves are not green, they’re lightly yellowed. Any

Could be due to PH
If ph is off it can cause all sorts of issues

Wow you’re doing just fine! I found this thread and just got caught up .
I was starting to give some advice but you sure are doing a fine job

Welcome and thanks for sharing



My bad, I should have explained: they’re in All-mix. So there are plenty of nutes.

This is good info. I have solved the worst of the leaks by putting a box over the duct tube and sealing with foil tape. However yesterday I noticed another light leak source from the gap between the starter box (above the flower box). I’m thinking I should swap the flower box and the veg box (the two bottom boxes) so the left side is always 18/6 and the right side is 12/12 because there’s no light leakage from left to right and also the right side seems to get better ventilation.


I’ll be lucky to get an ounce out of this flowering plant. I’m sure I can do better. This is only my second grow and I’m still sussing out pH problems and other rookie errors.

Thanks for stopping by @webeblzr


Well hey there @Papalag yeah I’m pretty sure the fundamental issue was pH. To save you from having to trudge back through my posts, the culprit was a janky pH meter telling me my input was too acidic, leading need to add pH-up; in reality my water was perfect and I made my soil alkaline with the unnecessary pH-up. Which explains the stunting and light sensitivity that cropped up later in the grow as the pH slowly crept up.

The good news is that she’s still going to finish fine and her clones and the new Wappa seedling were not subjected to any of this accidental abuse so maybe they’ll do better.

Thanks for coming along for the ride!


Looking good at ~60 days :+1:.

What are you planning for the next run?

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Hey @nocal! Got three clones from this plant that I’m revegging, and started a Wappa which I’m stoked about.

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:call_me_hand: do you plan on just running one through bloom or send ‘em all?

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Depends on how well they take. Right now two look stronger than the third so I might just keep those. I guess I’ll decide when I get to that point.

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In theory since these clones were taken pretty far into flower they could experience the monster crop effect, meaning they get crazy bushy. If so then there’s no way I have room for all three

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Hey Beak, my very first harvest dried out at a whopping 68 grams, with the larf, LOL!
Damn I loved my box grows back then, making every damn mistake, a human could.
But as you are, I did, we plow forward.
I was never a journal type of person, but writing down some aspects of what your doing, CAN, help you see your missteps.


I started my first run a year ago today. By three weeks in I had pretty much killed the first two seedlings I started so I tossed them out on the patio to die and started two more seedlings.

Hey ho after a week the two plants I had given up for dead made a complete recovery so now I had four plants to deal with and I wasn’t about to toss any of them.

Come flower time all four were so stunted my net weight was only ~100g for all four plants including larf. They looked like plants grown for a dollhouse or something, the tallest was only about 30cm :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Are you running your cabinet, in a perpetual concept?
I had a utility area, extraction fan, floro, hps, mh, ballasts in there.
Lower or right under there, was a bit taller area, to germ seeds, clone, and hold 1 plant in veg ready to replace the bigger flowering area right of utilities/nursery area.
Each area had it’s own door, and sealed off from the other.
Man, as go through some older photos from 2002 or so, how primitive I made and used that box.
Compared to yours, mine was very neanderthal…well I am a 3.8% neanderthal, my DNA shows.
I learned so much back then.

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Yeah I’ve got a starter box, a veg box, and a flower box. Still trying to learn how best to pace my plants for continuous flow.

I took clones off the big plant just before putting into flower, but I killed all the clones by overheating them accidentally. After she was in flower (3wks) I had to take a few cuttings of some undergrowth that wasn’t viable, so I decided to try cloning and revegging them (mostly as an experiment). After several weeks they were going super slow and not looking good at all, and at this point the flowering plant was six weeks into flower, so I figured I’d better start a new seed.

Well then I realized that the reason my clones were doing so bad was because I wasn’t giving them nearly enough light. So I upped the lights on the reveg clones and now they’re looking like they might be viable after all.

So I guess now my plan is to get these clones into the flower box shortly after drying the flowering plant, and then veg the new seedling I started so that I could take clones from her and flower those. It’s definitely a make it up as I go along sort of situation lol.


Day 62F
Showing a mix of cloudy and clear but amber has been coming fast in the last few days:

Terps are totally on point right now: strong limonene, pinene with a skunky funk. Definitely as advertised for this LA Amnesia.

I’m at day 62F and then vendor suggests 60 days so that’s lining up well. I’d like her to get bigger but I haven’t seen a lot in the way of bud swelling or lengthening over the last week. I don’t want to wait too long to harvest because don’t want to lose this terp profile trying to chase a few extra grams or %age THC.

At any rate watered deeply two days ago so it’ll be a minimum of 3-4 more days while she dries out. Then I guess decide if l’m watering again or chopping.


Yeah that timing can be a bear, between the growth phases, or what I call them.
ReVegging adds a lot of time.
I always trust my loupe! Sounds like your in that sweet spot.
When mine get there, I’ll yank them out of flower, insert the next plant.
This late in their flower time, a few days in the dark, is a great trade off to getting a new one into flower quicker, IMHO. Well for us stash growers anyway.
Enjoy the harvest!!
I’m going to trim jail tonight myself!! All the best to ya!!