The year of making do

Wappa 4 coming in strong with roots starting to pop out the bottom so she’ll get an up pot tomorrow.

New growth on LA Amnesia clones showing classic reveg oddness with rounded tips and smooth unserrated leaves. New growth color is good.

62F LA Amnesia flowering plant is finishing small but fragrant.


Upsized Wappa 4’s pot and moved her in with the LA Amnesia clones.

Used extra perlite since I’m an overwatering fool.

These plants are all the same height now and the clones seem to have recovered from their abuse so it’ll be interesting to watch them compete for height.

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66F - Decided to keep her going for a few more days. Gave her a final defo and watering:

Probably could have gone ahead and harvested her. She smells nice, trichs are a mix of clear and cloudy with amber coming in:

I’ll harvest her once she dries out from this watering.

Also snipped a budlet off her and popped it in the exhaust box for a quick dry.


chop tomorrow or the next day.



A week later and the new plant is rapidly outgrowing the clones:


Wappa 4 growing fast but troublesome issues showing up on leaves. Unsure what this is. Can’t find any signs of insects. Shouldn’t be any nutritional issues at this point.


Good work :metal:

Is that a camera in your veg area?

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How many watts you got on them? Might be too much?

Yeah it makes timelapse videos. I’m on the fence as to whether or not they’re useful, but it was a fun project to set up, and pretty cheap.

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30 watts. The top leaves look okay so I’m inclined to think it isn’t light burn. Maybe calmag exhaustion.

That’s pretty neat to watch at the end of a grow I bet! Is it on an arduino or something similar?

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It’s on a raspberry pi zero, $20 for the computer & 17 for the camera. My supergreenlab controller integrates it so that I get daily timelapses. It’s useful for monitoring growth speed and plant thirst.


I am likely wrong, but looks like calcium deficiency to me.

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One of the reveg clones finally showing serrated leaves again.


Congratulations on your 2nd grow. I don’t know much about microgrowing or liquid nutes, so I’ll stick with what I do know. For cloning, nothing is needed but a substrate, or water for the cutting to sit in. It’s a gimmick that you need anything on the cutting, I promise. A REALLY easy clone system is a glass of water and a cheap fish bubbler with an air stone. When I did it this way, I used a clear glass, so I buried it in some peat moss to keep the soon forming roots in darkness. You could use an opaque glass or wrap a clear one in paper, or anything really. It’s basically the same thing as an aero cloner, but cheaper and smaller. You can even get rid of the fish bubbler if your memory is good enough to swap out the water every day or a couple times a day. What you are looking for is an oxygen saturated environment for roots to form in, So if you skip the fish bubblor oxygenate your water before using it, by shaking or stirring it. I recommend rainwater but tap water should work. Any light will work. I rooted my plant last summer underneath the sun, outdoors. You could stick a couple cuttings in the corner of one of your boxes. Whichever one you have a room in.
Another way of making a cutting on the cheap is to just use a small, deep pot with some promix in it. Make sure you moisten the promix well, without overly compacting it. Place your 6 inch cutting into the promix, burying several nodes if possible, but at least one. I will assume you know how to remove the leaves properly, But if you don’t, hit me up.
stretch some saran wrap over the top of your container and remove it once a day to swap out the air. The promix should be wet enough to make a nice humid environment for your cutting. Growing pot can be done cheaply or you can spend as much as you want. This is a nice cheap way to do it
I thought I was making the first post on this thread, lol. Sorry about that. I don’t know how to remove the post. Looks like you got the cloning figured out😁


I gave her some calmag today

Meet Wappa 4.1:


Wow, can’t believe I didnt see this grow sooner. Love the compact multisection box. Love the rpi camera overwatch. Pure gold ITT. Keep it up @Beak !!

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Wappa clone 4.1 in starter box, Wappa 4 in veg box, moved LA Amnesia clones to new home in flower box in prep for their flip.