Anyone have any comments on these pesticides?

i’m gonna try to grow legally in wv and was reviewing the documents they have online. it gave a list of approved pesticides and it got me thinking, “i wonder if these are healthy?” so rather than look them all up on the internet individually and wasting my saturday, i’d be lazy and ask this fantastic community of folks who probably know without looking it up. i mean i may have just smoked a bunch of one of them! i hate to be a burden on the community, so when i have a surplus of seeds (i plan on breeding for seed production) i will be sure to share. have a great weekend all, i’m off to clean the house, then farm work, then maybe jumping out of a plane a few times.


I have used potassium bicarbonate on PM and it worked for maybe 5-6 days.


#5 is just Mosquito Bits or their dunks, Mosquito Bits - Kill Mosquito & Fungus Gnat Larvae
They work well, IMHO.
Also Arbico-Organics are amazing products, spendy, but crazy good stuff, that I used anyway.


@sfzombie13 What are you trying to treat or prevent?

For pesticides I have a few preferences Marrone Bio makes some great products that are safe and affective. They have some “cannabis grade” as well. As mentioned above, Arbico also has some good options.
I prefer to make my own sprays using limited ingredients. Alcohol, surfactant/soap, essential oils, h2o2, and distilled water. Someone had posted a nice formula they prefer recently. I can try dig it up if you’re interested.
I steer toward “same day harvest” approved sprays if buying commercial.


these are approved for use in the pot i smoke and i wondered if they were unhealthy.


Beauveria bassiana is the active ingredient in Botanigard. It comes as a wettable powder and a liquid.
Here is some information:


Just food for thought. There are only two crops out there that are grown specifically to be smoked, cannabis and tobacco. Tobacco requires no pesticides because nicotine is a natural killer of most bugs. That said, there are ZERO pesticides approved by the USDA to be used on cannabis or any inhaled crop for that matter. It is also 100% illegal to use a pesticide in anyway against the directions. If you’re specifically looking at this as part of opening a legal grow for commercial purposes, something to be aware of. That is why integrated pest management is so important in legal grows and no, pesticides are not part of IPM. Pesticides are what you use when IPM fail. At any rate, you’ll need a pesticide applicator license to even purchase most pesticides that you can’t get at Home Depot and then you’ll have to complete paperwork saying why you’re purchasing it, what it will be applied to and how. Using pesticides on cannabis you intend to smoke or sell to others to smoke is dangerous and again frankly illegal.


it’s legal in wv and i smoke it, that’s the reason i was asking if they were safe. the reason i found the list was because i plan on growing it. everything on this list is legal to use on marijuana grown in wv. but our attorney general sued the epa for trying to keep us safe so i very much doubt the validity of this moronic state’s idea of “safe”.

Only the USDA can approve a pesticide for use. EPA and state legislation do not override that. And again, you will never find a USDA approved pesticide (all legal pesticides must be USDA approved) for cannabis. You might be able to find a chemical for tomatoes but that chemical will not say it’s safe to use on cannabis. Even if you look at the big name companies that market towards cannabis growers, the bottles never say safe for cannabis or safe for buds or anything like that because they can’t and because it would be illegal to do so.

I know plenty of people do this, I know y’all are going to, but I love that people ask what’s safe and then just completely ignore this.


they may not override them but they damned sure tell the growers what they can and cannot use on the product. the wv state legislature has very much approved these pesticides for use on medical marijuana, so the whole concept of “only the usda can approve use” is fundamentally flawed. i’m not ignoring anything, i just found out about it as i thought it was not legal to use anything on it. my license cannot come soon enough so i can stop using this shit and start using my own.

Untrue. Let me introduce you to

All the pro-grade stuff available with no licensing.

Further, many of the home depot pesticides are the pro-grade chemicals, just diluted.

Bayer Tree and Shrub? Imidacloprid
Immunox? Myclobutanil

etc etc


What @vernal said or just hit up the farm supply for lotsa big bottles from scary companies ready to ship:

Yes, there are companies selling chemicals to people they shouldn’t be. Same for just about any chemical industry given the internet.

You can read about Regulated Use Pesticides for yourself, and yes, some of the chemicals mentioned are classified as RUPs. The post was about pesticides for a legal grow… again I know people, especially those already growing illegally, will do as they please with no concern for this at all. Probably not even worth mentioning at this point some of the proven side effects to inhaling chemicals like myclobutanil but maybe check out an MSDS before you go spraying things. I’ll end my rant here given I know most cannabis growers are totally fine to just spray their plants with whatever.


Hydrogen peroxide reduces to Oxygen almost immediately upon being sprayed.Potassium bicarbonate is used in wine making to reduce acids by increasing ph.#3 is Knot weed extract.The others are naturally occurring fungus and bacterial controls.So not much poison going on there,mainly biological controls which are less dangerous and less residual.GL

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The third one on that list is Regalia. It’s an extract of knotweed.

ETA: Didn’t noticed Hashpants comment about #3 before commenting.


No worries,I didn’t know that was an active ingredient in Regalia

Here’s a link on the first one. It doesn’t sound all that different from Beauvaria Bassiana.

Most if not all of the listed compounds are also on Vermont’s list of approved pesticides (VT’s list is even longer). I’d feel pretty comfortable spraying them.

You can find VT’s list in the following document.

Personally I use Regalia, Cease (Bacillus Subtilis), BT, and Beauvaria Bassiana. I was hesistant on the last one because it’s pretty wide acting against arthropods.


sounds like i’m probably ok smoking it then. way better than getting fentanyl in it or whatever else is on the street weed now.

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I spray BT twice outdoors plants.Way better than caterpillar poop and the mold it causes.