This is why I dont like LEDs

Thats what Im talking about :metal:

I’ll take pics in a bit, but one of the plants in the BAS 3.0 soil went super yellow pretty quick.
So, its not the soil, its the light.

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It’s the genetics then! or cal-mag or boron! :wink: :blush: j/k

Hope it all works out. :v:


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Im thinking a combo of the messed up spectrum from this old LED plus the cool temps.

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I’d say cold temps would probably be doing it. Especially if you’re around 65f. I’ve had plants sit like they’re overwatered until I upped the temps and they started moving again.


I have the house set at 72.
But, being in the basement, on cold cement. Yeah.
Missing the infrared of HID


Set them on a piece of rigid foam if you can, rather than right on the floor. Or a couple sheets of reflectix or something.


And a 2” perlite drainage layer at the bottom of each pot. Always always always :joy:



Perched water table :upside_down_face:


Two pics I found in the help section.
I was thinking maybe its the cold weather, as in the one pic, but Ive grown in the PNW where its cold and never had this.
Then I saw the iron deficiency pic and thought that’s spot on.


I’m seeing things perk up since I installed the 400w MH in there.

Before, the room was mainly in the lower 60s- and the floor even colder, because ambient outside air was constantly circulating under it. The plants sulked and really didn’t like it. In fact, when I transplanted them, a few of the yellowest ones were starting to show signs of root rot.

After transplanting them, hitting them with nutrients, and using both the LEDs and HID/MH lights, the temperature at canopy height is in the mid 80s to mid 90s.

The plants have reacted quite favorably to this. It’s basically a warm late spring/early summer day in my closet! The roots stay nice and cool, and the leaves are doing their thing in the warmth.

I won a Spider Farmer G3000 on another forum, and I want to do a direct head to head comparison with the MH/HPS. It’s got a digital ballast so I can turn it down to 300w output and keep things simple.

Any suggestions for a good uniform strain that would be good for this?


A rack of clones?

If you’ll run my F3 of Reeferman’s Red Cherry Berry, I’ll send some seeds. They’ve been 90+% uniform for me; I suspect they were already stable before I got them as bagseed. :v:



I ran into an iron def in my first grow and switched to Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus after that until I got my soil micros built up, it’s great stuff for growing under LEDs with the extra iron and smells nice

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Bugbee is the man who’s been doing cannabis studies for awhile now I think. He blew the 48 hours dark idea out the water. Apparently 48 hours light would be more beneficial. Here’s an interview on lighting I found I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet


I was bored and putting off getting ready for bed, so I decided to scroll through the most recent posts here on OG and came across this thread. Just wanted to say that you get what you pay for. So, like, if you’re using cheap, shitty LED’s, then yeah, of course you’re going to have issues.

I’ve been using Apache LED’s forever and they. Are. The. Shit. They’re very, very expensive and the AT600 is super-heavy (65 lbs), but they’re absolutely the best LED on the market. Probably the best grow light, period. No need for “dimming” or trying to figure out what “percentage” or whatever you should be setting your lights at during various stages of growth, no need to worry too much about the heat generated, nothing. The AT200’s don’t put out any heat at all, actually, and if I had to do it all over again, I’d have just bought like four AT200’s instead of the one AT600 and the two AT200’s that I use right now.

For a small-time grow, it’s worth the investment. I’ll never not use Apaches.


All my early grows were with shit chinese hollandstar LED blurple and I’ve never had a single issue. My plants were stellar. I didn’t use Cal/Mag in any of those grows.

Now I use Samsung leds. Bigger yields now.



I lost a few special plants because of a huge fungus gnat outbreak. Lost Roya Kush 7 to BAS. Also, got some burnt leaves from too much K in the BAS 3.0 soil.

Ive been making soils from scratch since before BAS was a thing. Never had this much trouble from a bagged soil.

So, Im back to FF and other bagged soils when I cant make my own from scratch. No more BAS for me.

It might be a good super soil for flowering plants. But fir sprouts and vegging plants, it was too much.
The rice hulls soak in far too much water for cold weather growing. Its been a week and BAS soil is still wet. My mix got dry and watered again twice.


Probably because you didn’t buy all the extra crap recommended products Jeremy names in his instructional advertisements YouTubes.


Lol, exactly
Right up there with Nectar For The Gods


I run the Botanicare line using diy Aero/nft rail units but tailor ppm for individual strains. LED lights are diy Vero 29 cobs. Never going back to hid…