This is why I dont like LEDs

I appreciate the heads up but they posted no numbers.

I’ll not reduce my phosphate use in fear of anything to do with mycorrhiza. Just to stamp that one shut.


Here is a direct comparison, a side-by-side grow I’ve been conducting, comparing my new LED to my HPS lights. Your statements are unfounded and your lack of controls leave so many variables abound… like the rotten soil and Powdery Mildew to state the obvious.


I wouldn’t say his statements are unfounded , he started using led lights and noticed a change in the plants growth and now we have a good thread discussing all the different aspects of led lights that are different then the standard HPS or metal halide bulbs that could contribute to problems.
There are several very skilled growers who have everything dialed in that have had a lot of the same issues with led so it is more then a coincidence or some old soil at play. It seems worth discussing as it helps educate people on aspects of plant growth they may not be taking into consideration.
Personally I’m glad I waited to get led lights because now we have them becoming available with specific light spectrums more dialed in to each stage of the plants life.
Full spectrum is a sales pitch , it’s the balance between the color ranges that matter. Led have traditionally focused on having a more even spectrum but it is not natural and it was determined long ago that plants prefer more blue in veg and more red/orange in flower as that is what happens in nature.
The next big sales pitch in led is going to be veg specific and bloom specific lights that increase your harvest 20-30% nevermind what they said about full spectrum now there going to explain why the old way was correct and act like they just thought it up lol


I’ve seen a few of the new led’s that have switches for veg/bloom. Some have probably included the 20-30% claim as well :joy:. Either way its nice to see more advances in leds. “Full spectrum” Works but its always nice when you can fine tune things easily.


I thought the raging kush and raging kale were pretty cool looking 100 percent spectrum tuning

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I run an HLG 600 Bspec and have had it about a year now.
It was purchased to replace a 1000W halide in a 7.5ft x 7.5ft veg room.
So far I have zero complaints and it has actually exceeded my expectations.
I have it at about 6ft off the floor and it is now at 80% output and it is growing all my plants in that space. People make comments in my grow threads that the plants look happy and healthy so I must be doing something right. Being my first LED light I am so far extremely impressed and I have made no adjustments to my nutrients. I run the lucas formula with general hydro flora micro8ml/bloom16ml per gallon at ph 6.8 in sunshine mix 4. I do add AG gypsum and Dolopril (dolomite) when I wet out my “soil” for use but I have not had to make any adjustments to my nutrient levels or feeding patterns. I have heard that LED grown plants need more Ca but I’m not seeing it with the way I grow.
Long and short… I am absolutely pleased with the HLG 600 B-spec and I can 100% say that it will replace a 1000w metal halide in a 7.5x 7.5 grow space and provides enough light at the edge of the room to keep larger plants happily growing and everything under the 6x6 foot print grows really nice.


I have to get my buds to look like that. :100:


That LED is hard to beat. I have the HLG Blackbird with the UVA 30 bar. I am chomping at the bit to set it up. HLG is hard to beat. :100:


I am interested in grand master leds upcoming light, they’ve added in 730nm to the unit itself which I don’t think others are using yet…but I havent done any research yet and I’m not in the market for a new light currently…just something I’m watching. (Canadian to boot!)

I’m not sure I would say the plants prefer one spectrum over another based on where they are in their life cycle, but it’s the light spectrums that steer them in the direction we think is correct based on natural sunlight. Do they know the difference? I’d say not as you can grow top quality smoke with whichever light you choose.

As far as deficiencies, it’s the intensity that’s causing issues. As I stated up above somewhere, if you put nitrous or boost to an engine without adding more fuel, you’re going to have a bad time. So if you push your plants to the limit with high intensity at close range, you’re going to see problems. Move the light further away or turn it down you’re going to see improvement. Once the plant becomes stronger and more developed you can push that so much harder…I have flowers that are millimeters from the leds without negative effect…I can’t do that with the hps without bleaching, tacoing and other negative effects.

This is the guideline I use for my soil. Thank you Dank.frank. With this soil I can still cause issues if I push the intensity too hard too early. But get your output and leaf temps in the right range and the problems are non existent.


You’ll love that blackbird. I love my RSpecs. Everything in my thread has been grown under them and like you said, HLG is hard to beat :wink:


Yeah, you grow some Kind under those :100: :fire:. I don’t know when I will setup my gear. It’s a space issue at the moment. My outdoor allows me to shine by itself for now.

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Pretty much anything is gonna outrun HPS.
Im more of an MH, CMH fan.

And Ive shared that its an old LED and 1/5 of the bulbs are broken, the spectrum is off.
Newer LEDs have a better spectrum and intensity


I dunno, my side-by-side comparison… everything equal… my 1000w DE HPS overclocked to 1200w are out performing my LED. It didn’t take until the last few weeks, but really, there is no comparison, IMO, to a good HPS… with a GOOD BULB (I can’t stress this enough)

The LED outperformed the HPS up to about half way through flower. But the LED buds are smaller (this is partially due to the fact that the plants under the LED finished 2 weeks earlier) and less dense… and the lowers are more larfy than the HPS. I mean I’m sold on LEDS now for other aspects… no bulb replacement, cooler grow room Temps, lower power consumption… better veg/flower use as opposed to MH veg/HPS flower


Ah my bad, i misread the above post as you were saying led > hps

To me, each light is a tool and jts all about how you use it. Id love led lights as supplement.
If i had to pick just one - MH / CMH


I wonder about the lighting intensity on the leds. Those little .25 watt diodes…I guess with a 10,000 it makes up for it in penetration. But 1000 watts vs .25, you would think the 1000 watt would have better canopy penetration.

I’m a fan of floros myself…

My opinion is leds are a great option for indoor growing of vegetables and food crops. Great price, and they work for tomatoes etc… But if you can afford anything other than leds for your cannabis, use that.


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Thats something Im noticing
The upper canopy is happy and stout.
Everything below those top fan leaves droops, so i have to rotate middle plants to the perimeter, perimeter plants to the middle.


I’m on the maiden voyage with my HLG 300Rspec as my flower lamp. You guys have me pumped!
Have you guys tried out bar style lights (any, I’m pretty sure HLG doesn’t make them), or just QB’S?


I have not tried any bar lights yet. Just put my first order in for one actually. Efficacy is 0.1 lower than the RSpecs but spread and heat should be better… we’ll see.


My moms are SO much happier under the 315CMH. It’s just too cold here this time of year to keep them happy under LED without a space heater. I will switch back to LED when it warms up.


I haven’t even used my blackbird yet. lol. Still in the box. :upside_down_face: