This is why I dont like LEDs

please dont poison things with google search results… friends dont let friends learn life from google


hi all well i see everyone running in circles chasing there tails! most of the problems folk have under just leds has nothing to do with cal/mag or any def as such but esp beginners have the led far too close and this causes leaf damage to be more exact the stomata remain closed when light intensity is too high,we mostly have had experience with hids like myself many years growing under mh/hps and we judged easy the light distance as we feel the heat from the light source using the back of the hand test,
then we try doing the same under led and end up with damaged foliage which in turn affects nutrient uptake then mistaken as a cal/mag def and hence adding extra often overfeeds compounding the problems,you cannot grow under led in low temps which means adding heater or as i do now in winter run combo hps/led for the heat,this works perfect,no added cal/mag and no defs.
just my view,cheers all



well put… thank you man


Is that not sifting , now we are going in circles.
I have chickens to feed , you all have a good day working this out , I’ll be smoking some weed with more terps then most carts enjoying the little sun we have this week.
I want to see studies done specific to cannabis , everybody has a different theory on what to do or what it is but I’m not paying to add heat when the point of led is to save electricity , my house is wood heat and my grow room stays cozy, I’m not dumping additional amounts of anything threw my soil, I’ll switch to led when one of the manufactures or somebody else publishes a actual study explaining what is going on and why. It’s not in my interest to change what works or spend time figuring out others peoples new lighting tech. Somebody wants to give me one to run side by side studies and fund the research sure but not on my dime or time.


lol…yes i sift… but i dont suggest sifting to newer people using a new light… have fun smoking that better than everyone elses weed bro… i never meant to offend you…id just hate to see this poor guy do what i did at 1st…google until i was friggin ill… and carts… lol… fake terps… ha!

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These studies are on wheat and potatoes respectively, and neither conclude that LEDs are inherently badly-made or that LED makers are making them wrong. The latter one does hint that more variety of spectra in LED lighting could be helpful for crop steering, which was already assumed considering that the same variety of spectra in HID lighting was helpful for crop steering but needs proof anyway. Not sure why you bothered linking them…?


honestly at the end of the day leds just need a different grow style or parameters… temps humidity light intensity… everything slightly changes… SLIGHTLY… it is by no means inferior just because its not lined out by growers to perfection… i think leds are making hps and cmh inferior to be honest… with the conservative electric cost alone… not to mention longevity of fixtures in general comparison… 5 year warrantees etc… not saying hps dont last a long time either just saying… 5 year warrantee is pretty decent… and the spread is way way more even… center to outside ppfd differences


This is the best explanation I’ve heard but even with my room temps at 80 and the the lights plenty of distance from the canopy these issues arise. I’m curious as to a explanation why based on research,
I believe the full spectrum nature of the lights plays a part.
I would love the extra space the led provides and the small electric savings never hurts but I need to see more research based information with multiple strains.
I also agree that the broader coverage may be better this is part of what makes me consider them but I have yet to be convinced.
Full spectrum in flower has benefits and draw backs but for long term veg it really seems to stress them out some strains more then others.
There are some companies who make adjustable spectrum led lights which I have not ran and think could have good potential but I’d rather see spectrum specific builds to not sacrifice running Diod numbers.


You have a few problems to deal with. The powdery mildew being the most important in terms of priority.
I would start spraying them with sulfur immediately.
What is the relative humidity in your grow space? If the RH is too high, this is more than likely causing your mildew problem as well as your uptake problem causing the yellowing.
Everything you are experiencing appears to be environmentally induced. Give us some numbers on your space such as temp & humidity and we can get you somewhere. However, I will emphasize this now, start spraying wetable sulphur or whatever you choose to use to combat that mold as soon as possible. You are in for big trouble moving forward if you don’t.


I for one love my LED’s. I have seen some have trouble with them but full spectrum LED’s do fine for me in both veg and flower. Now I have only used so many different models but I just don’t see the issues others complain about.


So is anyone else laughing at the fact that this is really about powdery mildew and whatever environmental issues are going on here but… instead we’re having a ridiculous debate about lights! What is going on here?!
This is seriously hilarious :rofl:


I chuckled my self as well. :upside_down_face:


I think all this mess comes from the thread title … box|nullxnull


Running with HLG 600rspec. Didnt realize it caused my PM, thought it was me overstuffing the tent.


OK I have run my HLG 600 rspec with no issues. Why would you think an LED gave you PM?


When I weight the cost of my old HPS and Metal Hal back in the day for my electric bill,The 69 to 89 dollar bulbs and all the heat stress issues the ability to Dim and turn on and off at a whim and not blow one of those expensive fucking bulbs not to mention way more plethora of a color spectrum I can’t go back now. For myself personally not speaking for others or to cause a tizzy I have recognized that the deficiency I had back then wasn’t the genetics wasn’t the dirt wasn’t the lights it was my technique and how I prepared my soil and adjusted my environment for what I could control and buffer what I couldn’t.I had to watch everyone one on here for almost two years and see what everyone did,What they used ,how they failed how they succeeded,Fail myself then fail again harder then finally see what I did wrong and understand what I was seeing adapt everyone’s advice and work to fit what I had to work with.LEDs aren’t for everyone and that’s totally Cool we all can learn from each other and everyone has thier own niche.I love this plant because I learn something new everyday and it teaches me a lot about myself and how to grow as a person.You grow with your plants :seedling: :arrow_up: :100:



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I’m surprised that the meer mentioning of PM hasn’t brought out the PM fairy ?@JoeCrowe where you at?


Thank you.
Yeah, basement is cooler than I want it to be

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