Thrips suggestions Canada

Thanks I much appreciate that I have some in with my mother’s in a veg room and this will be a great addition to the variety of things Im hitting them with.


Agreed, it also acts as an abrasive but you are correct. I think a lot of folks in the organic gardening/canabis world are coating the plants with DE employing it as an organic pesticide however it does work in other ways way too just not as widely documented.

I buy the suff in 5 kg bags, I use as an amendment and in the method described above and does a very good job indoors. I also bake my soil with layers of it on top and leave it for 2 weeks when I suspect issues as well.

An excerpt from a link below from a random gardening blog -Not scientific but relatively common knowledge about DE and how I came to use it

“To these insects, diatomaceous earth is a lethal dust with microscopic sharp edges that cut through their protective covering and dries them out”


Thanks for the info @George


If you do decide to use DE I highly recommend also wearing a proper mask while handling. As hard as it is for some people to believe some of the stuff we use in growing weed is extremely harmful when inhaled . Especially over an extended period of time. While none of it is good to inhale , Silica is another extremely bad one to be inhaling. And by extremely bad I mean it can and will kill you and not in a quick and painless kinda way.


Looks like I’m going to lose the two plants in flower. There goes my supply for the next couple of months :frowning:

Im amazed at how fast this happened. I’ve dealt with thrips in the past without much issue.

It took around 4 days from perfectly healthy plants when I first noticed some minor spots on the leaves to almost dead. They must have been carrying something that they transmitted to the plants. Maybe the thrips are just the symptom of some other underlying issue?

Fuck sunshine mix.


Unhealthy and weak plants attire pests, maybe there was something previous, sorry for your loss …


how the hell can thrips kill a plant? They are pathetic creatures. Especially in 4 days? makes no sense.


Agree, some pics would have helped to see the issue … :sweat:


That’s what I can’t understand. They must have been carrying some sort of virus that was passed on to the plants or the sunshine mix was just absolutely saturated with them.

I’ll borrow the wife’s phone to take some pics later.

The grow room they’re in looks Iike it just snowed with all the diatomaceous earth I spread around :joy:


Ah damn bro that sucks. I lost my last harvest due to aphids and it sucked; only option I had was to cull plants because they took over in a few days as well. Literally white baby aphids everywhere … talk about nasty little buggers.

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I have them now! I’m putting DE on the top of my soil and getting sticky traps. Dammit.

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Spray plant with soapy dish water ,that’s how I got rid of them,spray backside
Of the leafs,had them my first ever grow,

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If you can take them into the shower (or outside with a hose) and give them a good rinsing. Make sure you get the bottoms of the leaves too. While they’re drip drying you can clean your room with whatever you think is appropriate. If you do it a few times every few days you can sometimes get rid of them altogether

If not you’ll still knock them way back and buy yourself some time. Thrips don’t usually do a ton of damage if they’re kept in check.


Spinosad 100%.

I had em - couldn’t get rid of them! Insecticidal soap etc would knock them back but they always kept coming back. Nothing eradicated them.

1 shot of Spinosad and gone forever. Seriously - 1 simple application at the regular rate. My plants were happier if anything after being sprayed… and have not seen a thrip since.

You can order Monterrey lawn and garden spinosad from American company but have shops in Canada.

It will solve your problem immediately. No joke. It was dumb simple and completely eradicated them.


hah hah please don’t spray banned substances on your cannabis - thanks, your biggest fan.

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How’s the air up there? :slight_smile:

I dig 100% - each to their own - Spinosad is banned in Canada. I would sure as hell love to know why though.

The spinosad I used is OMRI listed, and wasn’t sprayed in flower. I’m not talking about spraying some serious shit here…

Either way - don’t aquire and don’t spray it if you don’t want. But it sure as hell is effecitve… and doesn’t come with a side of condescension.

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yah up here you can use this substance BTK, it’s biological control that wipes 'em out with a single application. Most things you spray on your plant are banned here because of the dangers of hydrogen cyanide. Places like idaho and colorado don’t have rules like that, but over in washington state you are definitely not allowed to use spinosad, eagle 20, or abamectin(avid). The list here in canada is comprehensive, covering almost all pesticides known to man heh heh.

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BTk is a caterpillar specific BTI works better for grub and mite larvae. We can’t get it for gardening (like BTK powder), but it is available as a mosquito control, dunks or bits for the birdbath, water affect, rain barrel, in Canada. States has Gnatrol, we don’t.


Got some of these the other day, couldn’t see them at first… Was worth the 20 bucks to see them buggers just spread all over the soil, they are fast! I didn’t see any attack an adult, was hoping for serengeti type war, but hey. I’m sure the growing BTI population in the soil, may end up killing these buggers too. OOPS, I’m not sure about that. Anyhow I didn’t really have thrips this round, but the persistent fungus gnat population was pissing me off, so we’ll see. I’m a week into BTI in my veg room and 4 days into the mites in the bloomroom, we’ll see who wins biological warfare round 1 , mites or bacteria…probably thrips and gnats for the win LOL


I take the approach of putting that btk on anything and see how it reacts. The label says caterpillars, but I’ve come to see that it works on thrips, aphids and flea beetles. Especially in the living soil, I unleashed btk on the plant and into the soil, it was an extinction event. Lots of bugs will shake it off like spider mites and fungus gnats.


This doesn’t apply to everyone but I have a friend running a sealed room that cranked his co2 burner twice 7 days apart that killed off his thrip problem.