Thrips suggestions Canada

I used soapy water sprayed the plants top and bottom of the leaves for 5 days they were gone


My mate grows garlic and mint in with his photo plants in the same pot as the plant,he swears by it

He just dumps the garlic and
Mint at harvest time ,says he has never had a bug problem since doing this,his father was an old school grower as well

Garlic is a natural fungicide that protects cannabis plants from fatal diseases. Garlic can be planted right next to the plants, but it can also be used in a spray for spot treatment.


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My shed sucks for attacks as I told you before. My first time with thrips. Soapy water spray today, I might put a few drops of mint. But need to find a compliment to the soapy water, maybe something acidic to help the soap. I worked with a chemist that always added a bit of bleach to the soapy water we were spraying. Was a R&D Project involving air over water spray bar in an industrial setting. Maybe if I drop the ph to 5ish to help the soap. Is there a ph between the death of the plant cells and the bugs outer protection? In your research did you cross this?


I tried Neem oil foliars and all sorts of stuff then ended up trying Safers 3in1. It’s sulphur and soap basically. Haven’t had any thrip issues since.

Can make it fairly easily and cheaply too, just google JADAM Sulphur recipes.


Wowza! Thanks for the info.

Actually what I found is those thrips are pretty tough when it comes to exposure to things like btk and sulfur. I used the classic protocol 0 to get rid of them. I did a whole bug snuff film thing and I had pyrethins in the basement that killed those fuckers in an hour hah hah. That shit is gross, though.
If you’re doing experiments on bugs, definitely watch them to make sure they die. I’ve had ones where you swear the bug is dead, but you can see inside it’s organs are moving. Once the liquid dried up the bug got up and started looking for food. When the insides of the bug stop twitching, it’s not going to recover from that.