Time to bag/vase these males?

I wanted to do an open pollination and just let the boys do their thang without having to touch them, but it looks like they’re developing much faster than the girls and I’m worried they wont be in synch for a flawless pollination. Here’s some pics of the males

poor buddy grew into the light and got a little burnt

and some females for reference

What do you guys think, is it time to get the males ready for their pollen drop (paper bags, cuttings in a vase over newspaper, etc), or do they still have some time?

FYI this is Grandpappy Skunk from jade nectar under t5s, in 1 qt. containers of soil, 4 weeks since flip. Way too long of a veg time, they’ve been stunted by cold followed by over then under watering :sob: finally dialed in enough to chug along…


Yup. The gap is problematic.

But if you’re only expecting a low number of seeds per female, you can play the card. They will be pollinated at the very first bracts and a bit “freezed” at this stage.

You have to boost them in anyway you can. Let dry well the soil, minimal watering + foliar feeding balanced in N. Just an example.

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Collect the pollen until the girls are ready.


Collect the pollen, and FAST!

Once those bags start to drop you’re going to have a mess on your hands, pollen everywhere. It looks like your girls are a couple weeks away from being ready.

Lots of ways to collect, and once you have pollen dried and stored you can pollinate at leisure and have plenty left over for use with another grow.

Best of luck,