Tiny green pest under leaves

Any thoughts as to what these might be and what I should do?

Starting to get spots on my leaves so I thought it might be calcium. Then I thought to look for spider mites. I saw something tiny on the underside of the leaves, so I used my handheld digital microscope to take these pics. I had a hell of a time focusing. These were the best I could get.

These things are tiny-barely visible to the naked eye. They aren’t doing massive damage, but I’m curious what they are and how to control them.

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Looks kinda like a thrip.


Suggestions on control?

Doesn’t have to be organic. These are in Octopots.

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If they are in veg, spinosad. If not, BTk may be a viable alternative.


Soapy water in a spray bottle spray both sides for 5 days
Both sides of the plant,that’s how I got rid of mine


In flower.

And @ReikoX, of the four different varieties in the tent, the Ghost Rose seems to be the least affected.


I got thrips from using
Miracle grow my first grow never used it again after that,
But the soapy water trick works I don’t know about spraying it on flowers


I had good results getting rid of them using soapy water with a little peppermint oil added. Apparently they hate peppermint oil and it has the benefit of making your grow space smell nice.

I’m not sure about spraying them in flower though, I don’t like spraying anything when in flower.


I’ve seen the soapy water work in the past too . You can always do a bud wash at harvest if the soap concerns you.

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