Tiny white bugs in soil?

Fucking right bro.

It creeps me out sometimes😂

The teeth are really what fuck me up sometimes


That’s a dope ass bong! And a beaker I love it!


Now that’s a faaaaaattttttyyyyy! Nice


Side note. I got my living soil to a 6.0 ph by cutting it with two 5 gal buckets of peat. Woo hoo made me feel a lot better about it.

Also i did a npk test. Nearly no n or k. I added about 3.5 cups of insect frass, about a cup of dr earth 5.5, some lava rock for aeration, and some grokashi. Wet it down again with a 5gal bucket with 2oz photosynthesis+, some molasses, and about an ounce of labs all mixed it until i could squeeze a few drops out of a handful.

Hell yea i love the beaker bongs!

Yeah some fool slips some 50x salvia extract in there and forgets Time for a wild ride.Its bad when the bong lectures you about your lifes choices