Tips to who gon face the cancer

Good night OG!
I cant sleep at night with the bad news who got my wife this week.
A malignant breast cancer stage 3
Its a fucked up week to me and my wife.
Two childs. With 3 and 5 years.
Different fathers.
And we take care of all.
Now i dont know how is gona be.
I need tips to choose a good strain and any other tip for this problem.
Any help with information are welcome.
I love my wife and we need to stay strong to face in a good way this problem.
Thanks OG



Peace and sending good thoughts and vibes to your family. I tagged GA because they know a thing or two about what you’re going through and might shine some light


I’m sorry to hear this news @HollySun91
Sending positivity :pray: to you and your family
I’m not very experienced with cancers, but have had a family member who had beaten it.
Wishing you all the best, and you’re not alone, feel free to reach out in PM if need be for anything. :heart:


Ooof, I hope it was caught early enough to do an effective intervention. My aunt survived breast cancer, and my father got past what seemed like a bad diagnosis of prostate cancer via gamma knife surgery
 it’s amazing what they can do these days (not to mention my mother who overcame 1 in 4 odds to survive a melanoma diagnosis 40+ years ago).


Hey brother, it depends on which type of breast cancer it is. For instance if it’s estrogen+ or “fueled by estrogen” then thc (might) interfere with the hormone blocking meds they prescribe.

You can check out this thread where I asked questions & see some of the suggestions I got here.

Nothing but love to your wife & you. You’ll get through this, have faith!


Sending my blessings and prayers. My 2 aunts and sister in law had double mastectomy in the last year or two. Sister in law and aunt just had a hysterectomy because of current medication. These are and were some of the happiest people I know.

They had “game plans” within a few days, and I think that helped alleviate some of the anxiety, depression and stress. Focusing on what they can control. One of my aunt’s planned all the trips she’s currently taking.

Like @yardgrazer mentioned, medicine has come a really long way. There’s a lot of reasons to be optimistic!


Fuck man. So sorry to hear this for your wife.

The good news is, medicine and treatments have gotten so much better. I have a friend with stage 4 cancer right now. And the doctors are like ‘nah. 20 years ago he’d be as good as dead. But now, he’s got like a 85-90% chance of being fine. He’s gonna be ok.’ And I’m so thankful for that.

Have faith. Show everyone in the family lots of love. Be kind and supportive. Let her be sad and angry. Forgive her when she’s not at her best, and keep supporting and loving. It’s the best thing for times like this.

We are all sending her positive vibes and support. :heart:


OG. Firstly, thank you for everyone’s support at this difficult time. Yesterday was a difficult day here at home. There is no country where marijuana is banned and where cannabis smokers will not gain a lot in the near future and with deep introspection. I have a nursery just for the genetics obtained here, but I feel I have to go further. I need advice on really effective strains for anyone dealing with chemo and loss of appetite. I appreciate everyone’s support. and I am pleased to say that I leave here strengthened by so many kind words. Thank you all
@Illicitmango @Gonzo @firehead @IKEA22 @yardgrazer @Zanzibar


This sounds like something I wrote, not sure if it is or not, but that would be exactly what I would tell folks. I think I did write this?


If you can find some Hemp high in CBG, that helps with appetite. One of the things I have noticed, immunotherapy has helped certain cancers much better then chemo. I am not familiar with it and breast cancer, but it might be something to ask her doc about.


Hello stage 3 is advanced but there is hope
as long as there is life there is hope

reishi to boost immunity

Pao Pereira


Yessir, that was a link to your post :+1:


Ding ding! :rofl:

Just givin ya hard time bud. Much love.


If cbg helps appetite, I’m unsure. But if needed @HollySun91 
I have a gram or 2 of cbg isolate

Edit: I have it somewhere but it’s not where I thought, sorry. I have a storage spot that it might be in and will try to check over the weekend.
You may be able to order some online if I can’t find it and interested.


I’m not sure I have anything useful to offer cannabis-wise, my friend, but I want you to know you’re loved and I’m thinking of you and sending good energy. Be well.


I was reading it, agreeing with it, then it dawned on me, I wrote that lol


One of the cancer patients I am treating used CBG for her appetite, she gained three pounds :slight_smile:


I checked all the spots it could really be and I cannot find my cbg isolate. I have no idea what happened to it and kinda feel like a dick for bringing up that I have some to offer.

There is a strain called chemo I believe that might be good to ask for.

To redeem some actual good-will there are many offerings of it online if that helps at all. I also have peanutbutterbreath cross seeds I just made if that might help. I think breath strains were good for some medical issues.
Send me your info if you’d like some.


I dealing with different problems and study all this good folks indicate me.
I ll response till the sunday.
Its a trouble time.
Thank you all by your precious time.


the treatment of chemotherpy and or radiation might get rid of the cancer but the chemo is poison it will destory your body the side affect will shows up years later same with radition . i wish yow well