Rastafarhigh's Outdoor Garden

After many hours of reading here I decided that I should also share my current outdoor grow.

6 plants from feminized mixed seed packs, 2 from sweet seeds and the other 4 from growbarato. My own seeds are not sprouting anymore and I really like variety but money was tight unfortunately :confused:

However I’m very excited about them, there are some interesting and very different smells greeting me🙏

One girl has pink pistils, I only saw it a couple of days ago and it’s the first time I see this on my own plants.


Guess you don’t have humidity problems :sweat_smile: but many watering walks, they all look great, thanks for sharing… beer3|nullxnull


Yeah you could say that :sweat_smile: very different from the temperate climate where I grew up. Thanks for the kind words :slightly_smiling_face:


Simply WONDERFUL !!! :grin: :rainbow:


Thank you for sharing, and boy howdy do your plants look great! :+1:


Great garden, thanks for sharing.


Yesterday’s photo dump is not the prettiest so I decided to take some more today after the daily caterpillar hunt 🤷


This morning I took some more pictures, no close ups today.

It looks like caterpillar season really started :flushed: I have been finding some but today there were little ones everywhere. Not wanting to spray anything it’s hand picking for hours, probably my least favorite task growing here.

The plants are in holes that are dug about 1x1 meter, amended with homemade compost and manure from chicken and guinea pigs. Heavily mulched with straw and top dressings.

I have been making some compost tea’s and added some wood ash dissolved in water after a few weeks of flower.

Although I’m happy with how they are looking now, especially health wise they should have been bigger even with the later start. The cold weather with heavy wind early into the season messed up a good start but harvest is not looking too bad.

All plants have been tied down to keep weight and plants lower to the ground, winds are strong and people would see taller plants more easy.


Your pics are fantastic, the healthy Cannabis and arid desert background. Perfect. Fn caterpillars. BT not available?


Good job done, I was wondering how those plants could thrive in that desert soil icon_e_confused|nullxnull. Be careful while using wood ashes … beer3|nullxnull


Yes wood ash is strong, especially in this soil but I mixed a smaller amount in some water. It’s been some time since so nothing to worry about just me trying to cover a wide range of minerals with what’s on hand. Good information though :+1:

This desert soil is lacking organic materials so I am doing my best to add as much as possible. The mulch also really helps with the intense sun and heat during summer, 43c and they are not really bothered.


Fn caterpillars, I agree, but I am also really not a fan of spraying anything on flowers I’ll be smoking. BT has been recommended a few times and is available but although it is widely used I’m not convinced that I want it on my buds.

I would like to be sure it doesn’t leave any residue or affects flavors because those are important factors to be growing my own.


BT are just bacteria’s, you can apply it until harvest with no consequences, check this …


I know BT and have been trying to find any information on residue and what happens when you smoke it. No decent scientific information to be found because its not conducted.

In California, for example, bt is only on the list for allowed pest management in cannabis during vegative stage.

Bacillus thuringiensis makes up for part of the bt products, the rest doesn’t need specifications, how about their toxicity?

Thanks but for now I’m just not convinced.

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at least thats what i’m doing.
Until 7-10 days before harvest.

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Thanks guy’s, always nice to hear some personal experiences and people that want to help :+1: I’m convinced it works and I know lots of people that use it but I’m just very critical about spraying something on my flowers :bouquet:

A scientific study about smoking bt sprayed buds that includes all ingredients in bt products is probably what it will take for me I’m afraid.

Maybe trying some bt sprayed bud myself could change my mind too, until now I always noticed when someone used another product so that’s probably not helping either :sweat_smile:

Anyway, I really appreciate people sharing their experiences and would actually love to hear some more opinions about it.

Peace :v:


It’s quickly eliminated from the body in low doses, check this out … beer3|nullxnull



I got tired of looking for small buds in last year’s leftovers and shaking pollen, so decided to partially harvest a small side branch and remedy that issue.

It’s SSM 1 first of the 2 sweet seeds mix and they both seem to be amnesia to me. Some very relatable bubblegum smells that remind me of the crashtest 2 f2’s (amnesia x bogglegum) I used to grow. The crashtest 2 f3’s I made over 10 years ago didn’t want to sprout so I’m very excited to see this turned out that way.

SSM 2 is likely to be another amnesia but it started to flower some weeks later.


After a few days of strong wind, I was finally able to capture a few pictures of the girls. Luckily nothing suffered any major damage.

I also decided to pop some more seeds to have an experimental out of season grow.

The last 4 seeds I found years ago in my Y griega mom decided to all sprout, before any of the seeds I bought this year. There were 2 more seeds that I didn’t know where I got them from, but it was from my older genetics too. One was a bit smaller but the other one was huge, I’m not sure if it’s the fattest seed I have ever seen but it’s definitely remarkable. The biggest seed also sprouted, I will be watching this one.

I had some trouble with my old seeds last 2 years so I really didn’t expect any to grow :sweat_smile:, this is a very nice surprise.

Next day I decided to check the mail box and I got really excited to see my first seeds via OG had arrived :raised_hands:

3x Mint chocolate trip f2, a tribute to useful seeds, found there way to the propagation station :champagne:


Garden is looking great! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute: