Tips to who gon face the cancer

Your family an u are in my thoughts an prayers
Everyday hugs grower


Just wanted to send my best wishes and prayers to you and the family. My father was diagnosed with stage 3b lung cancer about 13 years ago. He fought through several rounds of chemo and it eventually caused his heart sack to build fluid ultimately suppressing his heart to function properly. I want to start by saying he would have lost his battle sooner had he not been using marijuana to circumvent the chemo side effects. I made him hash and butter so he would not have to smoke harsh flower. The butter was healthiest but because he refused to quit smoking so proffered the hash. While I am unaware of breast cancer and the effects from cannabis it has, I am fully aware of potential benefits. Cannabis can kill no longer active cancer cells which is good no matter how you look at it, but just as important can give back the quality of life to a patient. My father was able to gain his weight back which he lost from a suppressed appetite due to stress and chemo. I am and will ALWAYS advocate for cannabis use in cancer treatments, given it is ok to do so. If cannabis use prevents treatment efficacy, I would be reluctant to use it however. I can only speak to my fathers situation as his cannabis use did not effect his treatment efficacy! :pray::green_heart:


Good night all yā€™allā€¦
Its a pleasure came here to say than the surgery was a sucess.
Little damage.
2 scars.
And we just need to do a radio.
Im happy at end of all.
Was a hard time last 2 months.
Lot of stress.
But the cancer was small and in the begin.
But you guys help me a lot.
I without words to say thank to all of yoy guys.
Beans received and puted in good use.
Thank you all so much overgrow.
Im glad to be part of this.
:orange_heart::green_heart::blue_heart:šŸ©µ :purple_heart: :brown_heart::heart:šŸ©·


Son of a bitch, man, I feel your pain, its not something anyone ever wants to hear, I will say, both my parents have beat it, my ex wife beat it too, I was thrilled she did but now that sheā€™s my ex wife after getting caught doing things she shouldnā€™t have been doing Idk how thrilled I am but I donā€™t wish it upon anyone. All you can do is power through and try to be positive. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this, its never easy and often scary but keep your wits about ya, be the rock you are meant to be and fight, encourage the fight, positive vibes and much love brother! Keep your head up!


Itā€™s a battle to keep your mind in happy places
Buy ya have to.
Lost half my finger to it in Feb, but the oncologist
Seems pleased now, but I have a funky mole
On me so now I have to go to.the skin doctor
And guess I will find out what happens next
If anything.
At least my platelets are normal, that was a big
Keep going, donā€™t let the stupid voice in your head
That drags you down have an audience.
Keep going


Hello there.
We surviving at allā€¦
Was a happy day.
Last day of medical license she got.
I would like to thank all the support , tips , positive vibration and kind words than you guys hit me.
I germinate some beans today.
And we are amoking last kush before sleep.
Have a good bight.
And fuck the pessimists , gossipers and liars.
We need to be true and we need to stay strong!!!
Fuck cancer!!!
A toast to live.
Make your days happy!


I made it , oncologist is done with me
Skin doctor checked me out up and down.
Cancer free.
Life us good, rolled snake eyes this time.
Hope yall are well.


Stay Positive @HollySun91

Thats a really important attitude to build.

My Malignant Tumour was removed 26 years ago. 4 out of 4 conditions, all pointing to the tumour spreadingā€¦ and Iā€™m showing no impact from it, Yet.

Hang in there, those Risks are too Real so you canā€™t ignore them my Friend.

The Medical World does have Answers for these things, but I like your search for the Right Herbā€¦ It starts at home Bud.

You are already doing a great job, talking aBout it.

Stay Strongā€¦


Wasup @MissinBissin
Im missing your beans bud!!!
I remember you bud.
Good morning.
Thanks for positivity!!!
We re not toguetter more.
But i sending all positive energy to him
Life is sucks sometimesā€¦
But she already win this fight.
Some bullshits happens when all is bad.
I was exaust cleaning the house and make all to him lives good.
I have scars of cancer on my family.
I lost my grandfather years ago by this shit.
This old mans with prohition culture like to know only them is important.
A haole stole him from me.
They talk they cultivate , but never harvest nothing this comedy guy.
Traition is hard.
But i deserve all of good to him anyway.
Im with a new lady , but still sending positive energy and growin some of these beans tham you guys send it to me to him.
She lost one guy tham make all to him.
She 13 years more old tham me.
So experience nots all.
I miss my lady.
The fake marijuana fighters bring to me problems of prohibition because she was haters because i have the best beans and theyndo not have courage to import.
So they prefere to attack me than help.
I was cool , i worked on legalization march.
I do not need to proove nothing to this cannabis smokers on my country.
Marijuana is the best for me about harm reduction.
So fuck what they say , fuck what they do till they say nothing to me.

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My actual garden.
I think some thief stole my photopheriod plants on red cup.
I just grow indicas and hybrids.
Look the leafā€¦
But i ll investigate.

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I have a lot of little shits than never harvest nothing talking bad about me becauae they know my nickname on overgrow.
They stole beans from me.
A friend of a friend mine came to my house and one postals was gone.
Tham have my nickname.
Ita funny see old people talking shit when we on that fight a years on our Country and never harvest nothing too.
They create problems on prohibition to attack us to win our credit.
This is the same bullshit tham happens on U.S.A before the legalization occours.
This fake image grows.
I love Overgrow