Tissue Culture Canadian Project

I don´t man… again the luddite in me can´t feel cool with something like that :sweat:. This tissue culture seems “natural”, as in simply growing the same plant tissue on an inert environment. Now… if this takes off, there goes genetic diversity (and just ask banana growers and well does that go).

i think it would increase genetic diversity, if some place kept a library of all strains genetics would never be lost again


Probably in a lab stored somewhere as something you could theoretically grow. Paying and maintaining that would probably be only be within reach of big corporations and universities. In the meantime, 99% of production is made with “clones” or cultures of some 15-50 strains. I´m probably missing something or being overly pessimistic.

Yeah sterility is huge for this, which is why it’s above my pay grade :joy: I know my friend has spent a lot of :moneybag: on lab equipment to make this work. Just wanna do my part to make sure it’s a success!

Ok Maine said he’s cool with me reposting some stuff from his feed…

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Just a little sample of what my mad scientist friend is getting into :joy:if you guys find this interesting and want to provide some leaf samples, I’m pretty sure he’s open to testing with any genetics, so US-based guys can feel free to submit a leaf sample as well. DM me if interested, I can work out the logistics.

I’ll try to get Maine to make an account on here but he’s a super busy guy and this isn’t his full-time gig. All you family men understand… :smiley:

:v: buryseeds :v:


As far as maintaining, the beauty of this is the small footprint of the culture sample. While large corps can indeed afford to keep thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of samples, it’s not being the reach of a small company of even one individual to keep a few dozen, maybe even hundreds. At least that’s the hope!

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Great, If you agree I’d split this thread into two separate ones…

  • One about the technique in #advanced-techniques-experiments
  • Another your classified to obtain some samples in #trading-post
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Totally fine by me! Whatever works best bud, thanks :pray:

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I interests for Freezeland cut. Can normally tissue processes underway en route?

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