Labs that do seed rescue / tissue culture?

[Edit update: I’m all set now, thanks OverGrow!]

Long shot, but anyone got a lab / connection for tissue culture seed rescue? I’m in Washington state, US. I’ve got some very old cannabis seeds. About 30% pop tails, but then don’t grow. I’m going to try ga3 next, but honestly if I could just pay someone with a lab a couple hundred $ to tissue culture rescue what they could I’d be thrilled. They could keep cuts.

I sent some last year to someone at Dark Heart in California who was going to do it just to get hands on the genetics, he said a bunch sprouted but then they folded and I lost the contact.

They’re from 1997, descendants of the Hindu Kush line my parents and their friends were growing down in Humboldt. Uncrossed with modern anything. Some purple phenos, big plants, gorgeous buds, high thc, sweet smells. I’ve got some seeds from modern progeny, still top shelf but they’ve let herm tendencies creep in and they don’t grow whole fields any more so no doubt the gene pool is less rich than with these old seeds.

I’ve tried the regular old seed germinating stuff, documenting on my main grow diary. Ga3 is next, but I don’t have high hopes and I’ll run out of seeds eventually. Advice is nice of course, especially on my other thread, but this post is intended as a fresh attempt to get someone with fancy equipment to solve my problem for me for part $ and part to get their hands on the genetics. Thanks much!


@Northern_Loki knows some places.

Not too bad I believe you can get 10 for 100$.


@SCJedi is your man.


The Tissue Culture Process will, indeed, germinate your seeds, but can’t guarantee their viability. It will, however, produce a “purer plant”, if sucessful. What germination methods have you utilized? Good Luck on your endeavors, don’t get discouraged. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yet another reason I need to get this “lab” up and running ASAP. I’d do it for free!


The at-home Microclone tissue culture kit might have options for seed propagation

Check them out :man_shrugging:t2:


We are looking into purchasing a book to learn this and go from there. Would be nice to have this set up by summer of next year.

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I’m in the process of building a seed starting machine that works similar to an ezclone but with a ton of modifications. It basically pumps oxygenated water onto a lighted tray that holds the seeds. Really old seeds get broken apart immediately so the tissue can have access to light before it starts to germinate. I’m finding the seed tissues start turning green and it can produce a little more energy to get going by starting the photosynthesis process early. The water is kept warm and you add natural sugar, hydrogen peroxide, PH buffer, mild nutrients, and a few other things I’ve been experimenting with. Ideally there would be different compartments to keep the seeds separate. My nephew is in school for engineering and I might have access to their 3d printer sometime soon. I would love to get a few of those machines out to people with ancient seeds


I have a pack of aliendog waiting for you to do that. Lol


Nice! I’ve got a pack or two as well in desperate need. Gives me motivation! It’s gonna happen trust me :wink:

Out of likes :man_facepalming:t2:


This is cool. There’s a thread on Icmag where someone shows a DIY seed starting chamber with a plastic food container full of water that’s warmed and I believe oxygenated too. Inside that warm watery oasis is another plastic container with an antimicrobial sponge on top where the seeds are recommended to be started. Sort of a similar idea! It’s so cool to read of these ideas. Many blessings and much love


Check out Synergy Genetics tagging @SCJedi

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Thanks! @Northern_Loki mentioned them also, I called them today & waiting for a call back. :slight_smile:


I got your call and will call around the noon time hour today. I am in Northern California, so PST.


Great conversation with @SCJedi at Synergy today, he’s going to fix up my seeds in a way I’m confident will give them their best chance. Thank you everyone for helping make that connection happen! Fingers crossed that some of them make it. :slight_smile: I’ll update for sure!


Cool story about where the seeds came from and despite the mold issue I think you really lucked out with how they were stored. I will do my best and hopefully, we can get you some viable seedlings back home, safe and sound.


I’m curious if anyone has successfully captured old genetics from old seeds via this methodology?

I have 50+ year old Mexican sativa strains I’d like to grow, willing to drop a few bucks into this if it is reasonably viable.

Also who should I call?



I’ve seen some successful rescues, its not working out for my seeds so far, but @SCJedi is still who I would call on if I get any more old seeds.

He’s shared pics and tried all the things there are to try. I think my seeds have some sort of mold inside the seed itself, combined with extreme age and drying out.

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Ive got some killer seeds, that need rescued.

Late 80s-early 90s genetics. Seeds are from 2000.

NL5 X Haze x Nevils Hashplant x Skunk 1. 4 of the most prolific strains ever created. I had the seeds given to me, by a friend, that was given them by a guy who was an Eagle Scout Master. My buddy was a Scout Master, and went to a convention, in Louisville Ky, and he started speaking with another Eagle Scout Master, and he was much younger, and they got on the subject of weed, and after the convention, he went to the guys place, and the guy gave him 2 strains. He gave me this one, which ended up being the better strain, but, the other was extremely good, and more Indica dominant. Though, it was Narrow Leaf.

The strain he gave me, is also narrow leaf.

As potent as any weed Ive ever seen, and Ive been smoking since 1967. I lost customers over this stuff, in the 90s. Made them extremely paranoid. But, it also had an equally powerful, body stone, and the combination, of both, was to much, for many.

I grew this from 91-97, when a partner, ratted me out, and I lost all the genetics. I got busted, and charged with 1250 clones. Did from 1997-2009, with the feds for cultivation. I had given him 500 clones to ut on his 2000 acre farm. He got caught, rattedmeout, and they found 750 more, and I got charged with manufacturing, all of them. He didnt do 1 day in jail, and I did almost 8 years, and 5 years Supervised Release. He was 69, I was 39. He was 2 lifelong friends Uncle. He used to live next door to John Wayne, in California.
I had also given a friend some seeds in 96, and a couple weeks ago, he informed me, he had 100s of the seeds. He quit growing in 2000, and put them in a garage, in a tool box. Garage never gets over 68f. or under 50. Seeds have been in a film canister.

Im not joking, when I say this stuff, was extremely wicked. It would make a lot of people extremely paranoid, and one girl still hates me to this day, because she says I put PCP in the joint. This stuff was total lung buster. Every hit. You knew before you smoked it, you were in for it. Also tasted like the best 60s Nepali Temple Balls. Sweet, Floral Hash, that reeked of catpiss, and flowers. You could smell this stuff, 200 feet away. 1 bud, would stink up a whole house.

Its better than my buddies Verified Chem91skva clone. Noticeably stronger.

I asked Katsu about it, but he said he wasnt good enough, yet, and to let him practice. Though, I dont think hes started on embryonic Rescue Yet. Just tissue Culture.

My buddy lives about 100 miles away, and I dont have physical possession of the seeds, but will, next time he comes in.

If you ever get up, and running, and you think you could give it a good shot, at embryonic rescue, Id sure let you give it a try. All I would want is seeds for me, and my buddy.
If I could reve=ive this strain, my seed buying days, would be over. I may experiment with some crosses ect. But this stuff was so good.

We did cross it with NL1 x Hawaiian back in the 90s, and the Potency, ws always dominate. It took structure, from NL1. It was the ultimate stuff, for putting a kick, into another strain. I also never saw one bad plant, in almost 7 years. Each plant, was like a clone.
I also never got tired of this weed, in the l almost 7 years I grew it. I didnt care about any other weed ect. I hadnt seen weed as good as this, since the early 70s. And it was as good as any of it. Better, considering it would grow its ass off, inside. Oh, its done in 7 weeks. At 30 days, you can defrost a bud, in the microwave, and I guarantee, its better than anything around. It already has a killer taste, and buzz, at 30 days. Its deadly. Outside, its not done, until 1st week, of November.


Been watching a tissue culture show alot lately on YouTube called “plants in jars”. I really dig it.
Hope it helps you to DIY.