To flush or not to flush, that is the question (Poll)

I use vap pens everyday got three strains laying right here. I just can’t smoke without screwin up my sinuses due to allergies. No issues Vapin


Very well put

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Opinion only, or are you able to justify that claim? Start another thread if you feel passionate about it. “To burp or not to burp.” That is the question.


It would be a good 1… I think some knowledge will pour out in it @crownpoodle

Not that serious of a claim, it works for me and that’s what matters to me. I’ll continue to lurking and formulating opinions for my set up. Not knocking your methods, but I am not going to get all technical atm. I’m high now.

I shared some history. Some observations. Sounded like a claim, or just some less than subtle “pot” stirring?

Burping is for toilets.


I don’t know how to take that last post. Don’t read into mine as science, I already said that that’s how I do my shit. You do yours however tf you want. If I want to “stir the pot” I can without being subtle. I just stir shit up!
I don’t follow science, and most definitely don’t go by "bro science " . I’ve been in this thang for decades and idgaf how you newbs get down.

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Really not trying to argue. Honest. I give you credit for admitting a bit of stirring, nothing malicious. Lots won’t admit shit. “Who…me???” Yeah…I’m guilty on occasion. Does make folks think if they got too focused.
But I saw something makes all this hysterical to me. Flush, cure, etc. There are guys just love roach weed. Old weed too. Wonder how they feel.
Subjective comes to mind again.


I have very old weed. Feels good.


Like one says cultivation Then Curring If one grows exceptional weed which is half of it the rest “rests” in the cure which intensifies terpenes’s and increased CBD ( all depends on proper harvest)(If grown longer that plants flower time increase CBD qualities)

YES. Amen. It’s all about N. Cell metabolism. Division of this body vs. protection of the next one (seed, or assumed seed :yum:).

The plant needs to know shes dying. It’s just the way.

More about the calcium/gypsum flush.
Found this on slownickel’s instagram.


the data I have suggests that with calcium (106 in this case) applied aggressively in veg helps reduce the overall capacity of my medium to hold excessive salts. Then during flower periodic flushing with the cal106 again maintains a desirable EC regardless of soil moisture level, which means I can run dryer in general which seems to improve plant structure in early flower and secondary metabolites in late flower.

check out "Dynavap B portable vape" for dry weed - Sneaky Pete Vaps  --  (ref: DudeGrow)

If my nose tells the brain, it is smelling a fart smell, emanating from the reservoir, I swap out the solution.
Once maybe in the past year, after restarting my grow. I then added a barbed tee, right after the pump, to make the solution swirl…no more fart smell again.
I personally think this flushing came from a time when we were using much more harsh chemicals to grow with, in the hydroponics theater.
If roots rot so easy, wet, why are Octopots so successful?

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Good question magic I think.

I think in DWC the oxygen from the bubble stone protects them and water in Octopots vanishes so they’re not always wet icon_e_confused|nullxnull, would be interesting also to find out if they’re completely empty sometimes … beer3|nullxnull

After reading all this, I think we plan our next clone-grow around 2 cuttings-grown exactly alike, then flush one and not the other…
Draig has noticed lately that the unflushed ‘samples’ I take for him to check ripeness smoke just as good or better than flushed weed.
Can’t hurt to test it!


OMG that’s funny
but I applaud your commitment to science :clap:

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I will think Twice before using 15gallon fabric pots inside again.
Did you say Flush-time?