To flush or not to flush, that is the question (Poll)

More power to you brother.

I’ve always enjoyed the secretly sneaking away for 15 minutes side of it.


This stuff makes me think about hot knives.

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I hear this!. I can’t hit vapes because the hot oil burns my lungs. After puffing vapes, my lungs get sore and I need to even back off smoking nuggs for a few days to heal. Its not the fake terps to me, I don’t add any any in-- I only use pure heat or co2 extracts that I have made myself, but the hot oil does kill my lungs every time I vape.

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those thc distillate vapes hurt my throat too i think its something to with the terps they add in them but idk

I can smoke a bong all day long and feel fine but those little vapes hurt


Maybe it is the heat… u may be on to something!!

I’m inclined to believe this. Especially pine…




I’ve noticed even these dispensary oils… some taste just like fucking pine sol smells… such a fake profile… I hate it… I like the original weed piney flavor… that is IN weed lol… who thought up fake terps?? They need to get lynched


To me, hay taste is what results from a perfect cure… The lack of chlorophyll, which tastes harsh and grassy, leaves only the taste of cellulose behind. Terps are the flavor components.
Potassium supplements are sold as a flavor enhancers and terp increaser for the final stages of flowering, with lots of real-world studies and documentation to back that up for anyone who looks, so you may have heard that incorrect information from a random cannabis “brower” but it is not a fact. :v:

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I’ve heard alot more about sulphur being a flavor enhancer

Not lynched :scream:
Maybe just left in a tiny room with their oily mess.

The vape thing has an incense smell and flavor that gets stronger with use. That I can’t grasp. When in public or in casinos I like the disposable pens that die by the end of cart, which I usually give the rest to whomever I am with.

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Lol I was kidding :sweat_smile: but they do need a smackin’ for slackin’… to quote Fred durst lol

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seems like a loaded question. Would depend on ones definition of flush, as well as the methods used to grow.

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I suppose taste is as subjective as whether to flush or not. I’ll cook with weed that tastes like hay, but to me, smoking it just makes me think about smoking lawn. Not my flavor. No offense intended. Personal preference.
Yes, my weed is cured. I was doing that 30 years ago before I even heard the word cure. I always kept the best of what I had go thru my hands, putting it in jars in a cool, dark location for months. Realized even then it got better with time. My buddies said it was just old, until I busted it out later.


No burping??? @crownpoodle

Not to start more madness, but burping is as much a myth as flushing.
There I said it


Lol… idk… that depends on how wet it is… if wet… it has to be done


This is my way


Very fancy setup :ok_hand:t5:
I dry to snap, paper bag for a extra day or two, then jar til I smoke. Alot of times my excitement may be considered burping. :sweat_smile:


I wholly agree with that assessment. Plus, some strains are harsh no matter how well cured and flushed, while some are smooth as silk even if they were quick dried and leave a charcoal chunk in your bowl… I live where my temp and RH always stays between 52-63 so I can leave my plants hanging out, without jarring, and they will cure perfectly. I can touch nuggs that I have in my spot that were harvested 2 years ago and they are still sticky. Stuff in jars gets stale quicker IMO. I believe the main issue with the conversation is that we don’t have an agreed upon glossary of terms. To one person, hay is earthy and nearly tasteless and therefore desirable since all one tastes are the terps, while to another person the word hay is interpreted how the first person would label grassy and uncured…language is ambiguous, and speaking in ambiguities can never lead to a valid concensus.