To flush or not to flush, that is the question (Poll)

I have dropped a few 10 gal wet pots because my back went out carrying them. 15 gals would probably put me in hospital lol, save your back and drag those pots on a bit of plastic, or put some floor cleaner on the bottom of the pot and mop the floor as you go :rofl:


Shadey, Thanks for thatā€¦ I even inflated a small pool one time, so I could flush 4 plants in the 10ā€ tall pool. Hand pump it out lol.

It worked, but eNough of that


I started to go back to my 5 gal pots to save my back getting worse problems, but itā€™s not much good at that size for no till organic :cry: Luckily itā€™s not often you need to flush with no till, and I just have to remember to move the 10 gals when they are on the dry side and not wet. Now we moved house I will be keeping my veg and flower rooms next to each other and not 40ft apart :wink:


I will grow differently depending on how i feel. Sometimes all organic and other times all salt. I grew two plants recently with flora flex and flushed on hard for the last week and the other i kept feeding to the guidelines at Flora Flex. I canā€™t really tell the difference. I do cure for three months however. I donā€™t like any harshness in my smoke.


Do people flush when running living soil?

How do i get the soil to be depleted by harvest? Or does that not apply since its organics?

Just the thought of flushing in a sip doesnt make sense so im assuming no flush, less is more, try to deplete the soil type of thing.

Im not really sure but i heard people say when running a sip with newly fortified substrate not to veg for too longā€¦
i know there is a shit ton of different variables and everyone does it a bit differently but for a first timer do you guys have any advice?

Is there a point where i shouldnt add any teas or scratch in any amendments?

Or is it that simple that i mix, cook, grow, harvest, and have good tasting buds?

Since its organic is there no possibility of harshness as long as you dont OD on amendments in late flower, besides a botched dry/cure?


I think itā€™s not necessary in organic soil, check this outā€¦ beer3|nullxnull


I donā€™t flush but I leach the plants in the last couple weeks. I only flush to correct a major issue in the medium.


Yup me too. Quick easy reset. Maybe not so effective with charged soil.


What do you mean leach?

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The last couple of weeks any nutrients left are used because I feed 0 pmm. The medium is being leached of any remaining nutrients. I never achieve a zero ppm run off but by the time I harvest the run off ppm is much lower because of the plant still using what was available. I should also mention I never water until run off unless I want to check the run off EC/ppm. I water until saturated and any over flow gets taken back up by the plant. I run feed,feed water the whole flower cycle at 2/3 strength and then leach the remaining goodies in the soil the last two or three weeks with RO or rain water. My plants fade at the right time and I get great smoke. Flushing two weeks out causes my plants to fade a week early. 3 weeks out I get necrosis.Leaching from even 3 weeks out gets me a well timed fade to finish and a smooth smoke right from the dry. Obviously better with a little cure. The term leaching is the loss or extraction of certain materials from a carrier into a liquid (usually, but not always a solvent). and may refer to: Leaching (agriculture), the loss of water-soluble plant nutrients from the soil; or applying a small amount of excess irrigation to avoid soil salinity. To drain away from soil, ash, or similar material by the action of percolating liquid, especially rainwater.

ā€œthe nutrient is quickly leached awayā€


Short answer, no. Long answer, no lol.

Provided that you have a good soil mix and decent biology in the soil, youā€™ll be able to go pretty much seed to harvest with water only. Topdressing occasionally, usually in run up to flowering and again week or so into flower.

Because youā€™re growing in organic living soil, itā€™s not like hydro where you have nutrients in the water being added and the plant is forced to take up those nutrients. In organics the the plant can essentially access the nutrition that it needs, when it needs it. Especially with the SIP system, the plant always has access to just plain water, so itā€™s never being forced to take up nutrients.

If youā€™re using an Earthbox (or similar) Iā€™d highly recommend checking out Build A Soil youtube channel, they have 4 or 5 series of grows now and I believe they use earthboxes in every series.



I only flush when Iā€™m growing outdoors :rofl:

I also donā€™t see a lot of fade before harvest.

Build-a-Soil came out with a ā€œflushingā€ pod cast - itā€™s a must to see/hear - Cannabis Business Times is were the article is published - to shorten it :

  1. They did a No flush ā€“ a 7 day flush - 1 week flush ā€“ 2 week flush
  2. results - NO difference - except a ā€œclearerā€ product when making con-sin-trations !!!
    (article is a must for all ā€œflushersā€) ( the article talked about ā€œwhite ashā€ , taste, ect)
    like to just use raw sugars (FOOP Sweetner) and teaā€™s in the last 2 weeks of life

Hello @george, Iā€™ve got to run a scenario past you, and cuz Iā€™m on your Flush pageā€¦ the kids are only getting big feeds of water for their last monthā€¦

ā€œDoes that count as a Flush?ā€

And while Iā€™m here Doctor, when you have a chance, could you please give me a 1 - 2 diagnosis on this wonderful Green Camouflage pattern that has developed?

Itā€™s largely on the bigger version of the two plants. The camo is visible on the smaller plant, but not as extensively.

ps, The big plant had some Root innoculants added at the last up-potting.

Here is a photo of the main cola, displaying a Fan leaf, as Described. It is a healthy specimen on all other issues. nice texture included

Recently Iā€™ve boosted p & k in their last drink (w/ npk raw) re: late bloom needs
Iā€™m Fearing Iā€™ve missed the mark by using very little Cal/mg during the grow.
Iā€™d like to ask ā€œwhat do you think is going-on here?ā€

Thanks in advance G.


The ā€œspiralingā€ main cola is mesmerizing at least, on top of the camo ^^

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Most successful auto grow! EvEr ! Ssh @Fuel lol Funny that they were just to Fill the holes during an Heirloom growā€¦


I appreciate the taunt ^^
Very nice indeed.


Hi man, that count as flushing, but if you donā€™t want to have the purists attacking your neck you can feed 1/3 strength, thatā€™s what I do and it covers your back ā€¦

Iā€™m afraid I have no good news for you regarding your issue :disappointed:, that might be yellow septoria, whatā€™s your humidity? Check the link for more help, pity because they look great as usual ā€¦ beer3|nullxnull


The humidity is steady around 48-52%
Iā€™ll defoliate and clean-up the soil surface tonight

Try to keep it lower, you can carefully toss all those affected fan leaves, they are going to do no good ā€¦ :+1:

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