To spray, or not to spray? :)

I have a question about spraying clones. I’ve read elsewhere that some spray as often as twice daily, and others spray once, period.

What say you, OGers? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:



Once on clones at very start then after that just once aday inside prop lid when refreshing air , no where else or leaves will droop like overwatering : )


Hey @Lobstah . I root in rock cubes and never spray fresh cuts. I spray the inside of the dome and that’s it. Also no standing water in the trays.
10-14 days later I have rooted cuts with 95% success. I can’t remember the last time I lost a fresh cut. Cuts out of the fridge is a slightly different story.:grin::peace_symbol:


Right…I’ve read this same experience elsewhere, but others claim that 2wks is ridiculous for roots, and that left alone, they’ll root in as little as 3 days?



The best practice is to prep mum with bloom feed for week befor takin cut to boost p and k in subsequent cuts and this lowers the n in cuts also
When takin cuts of mums take them 1 hour after feeding
P and k is not as easily stored in plant so with cuts this is what runs out first so preload them on mum first
P is for roots , k for plant health
The lower n in cuts is what forces cuts to root quick in search for food
If cuts are dark green loaded with n this is what prolongs rooting as plant does not need to find food as urgently
: )


It depends on your cloning method. I use a bubbleponic/dwc system, no dome no spraying at all.


Understood. I should have specified non-cloning approaches…



That is what I use for cloning…

Me too. Doesn’t get any simpler.

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I spray 3 times a day to start. And back off after a few days to once a day. Then not at all after about 10 days. Sounds like I’m overdoing it. And I started as the worst cloner on earth. Now I’m almost 100 percent. My process improved when I started using pure perlite in small clear plastic cup.

I don’t spray nothing

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What’s your time to roots?


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10ish days. I use a bubble cloner. Sometimes I wish it was warmer than it is :+1:


I only ever directly sprayed cuttings in the first day or two, after that I just spray the inside of the Dome or the lid just to keep humidity up. I noticed if I was spraying the cuttings directly it was taking slightly longer to get roots because the roots didn’t actually have to search for water. Ive never used a bubble/aero cloner. I’ve only ever taken cuttings, place in water, recut stem on angle, dip in rooting gel and into a peat pellet then directly into the tray w dome.

Average time for roots is about 10 days give or take a couple days. Fastest I’ve had roots was in 6 days on a bubblicious I grew in 2017


It’s funny how some root so quickly and others take forever

I do agree with @ifish prep mom before cutting
I use rapid rooters
As far as spraying cutting
under dome
Spray 2 x’s a day 1st 3 days open 1 vents 1/4 way only
Day 4. Throu 6 1 x’s daily open I small vent all the way
From then on spray dome from time to time every few days or if the clone doesn’t look well

After say day 8 if healthy remove dome if they don’t Droop all good if they get droopy replace dome and spray


We have different ideologies. I cut place no lotion or powder no dome and ready to go :+1:


Sometimes I don’t even cut, much less any of the rest. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve got a Blueberry that needs to be planted today because it’s got roots longer than my arm; that one just got accidentally ripped off the plant while caging it, left on the grow room floor for 10-20 minutes and stepped on once or twice before I noticed, rinsed it off and stuck it in the cloner. I do spray them with kelp twice a week while I’m spraying all the other plants.

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I have read in multiple places that constant spraying leads to longer rooting times as they plant starts taking in all of the water it needs via the leaves.
I would think that forcing the plant to grow roots might also be a stressor.
Dunno. Would be interesting to test that out, but given that almost everyone has great success anyway, whether using a cloner or via direct planting, it’s probably not worth the time and effort.

Thanks for chiming in…


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Here are my six cuttings, after spending a week in the fridge, in my handy humidity dome/storage container, sitting on a seed heat pad.

Plenty of humidity in the container, I haven’t sprayed the plants since I put them in on Thursday. I put an inch of water with a very weak dose of food in it, so the bottom of the cups have some yumyums for the roots.


Hi @Lobstah,
I suggest ditching that heating pad. My experience is that unless your room is abnormally cold it won’t help with root development and can be detrimental. At a minimum, put a towel between pad and tray to avoid cooking your cuts.

PS, spray the cuts for the first day or two, spray the dome for the first week, then make them stretch down to find the water.