Today I Am Grateful For

Today I’m happy that I can send out some seeds!


Today I appreciate the direction in which my life is heading, my joy knows no bounds, I feel groovy!


Today I am grateful for friends, family, seeds sprouting, receiving seeds from you lovely people, and the abundance of good music in this world, I am HAPPY!

Also guacamole, I’ve been eating this stuff almost every day for a while now. :smile:


I’m grateful for my family and that we’re happy and healthy


Today I am grateful for the beautiful woman I have had for five years and counting …


Answered prayers
Mom broke her hip right before Thanksgiving
She’s finally going home
She’s going to be 90 the 22nd.
She looked so, so miserable
Yesterday she looked damn good
Damn good ready to bolt that place.
She hares the food there, between
The 4 of us we kept her in bojangles
Pizza, home cooking and egg rolls
And egg drop soup.
She be staying with my sister for a bit
Hopefully permanently but She’s very
Independent, we shall see.
Answered prayers.


I will be 74 on the 22nd. A very Happy Birthday to your mom! And good for you guys for keeping her well fed with food she likes! It’s so great that she looked “ready to bolt that place.” :slight_smile:


Awesome new to hear brother !

This is odd my grandmother broke her hip a couple days AFTER thanksgiving .
She’s 85 and man she hates the place hates her roommate and dosent conversate with none of em …”why should I let them know my business “lol
She gleams right up when we walk in she loves my gf …
Cutest thing she told us how to make glumpkies from scratch the last visit we had oh yeah she HATES the weighted spoons!
Aunt and uncle are running the show …
Best we can do is just keep her happy with phone calls and visits !
Everyone Says she’s still confused from the anesthesia !? …three months later though hmm

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I am very grateful for cannabis and friends and chocolates.

I woke up feeling tired and heavy and wondering what’s the point… and then I ate half a spoonful of decarbed 1:1 (CBD:THC), and some Belgian chocolates. Had some chats with my beautiful loving friends.

Life is wonderful again!!!

Also I just discovered raisinbread in the kitchen!!!


Meeting my first grand baby and daughter in law for the first time!!! Both are wonderful and doing well!!


Today I appreciate pancakes!!!

With some coconut oil and strawberry or raspberry jam… mmmm…

To be alive and able to experience the flavor… amazing stuff!


Kefir pancakes are the best :drooling_face:


i love pancakes! i used to have a pancake saturday routine where i cooked about 30 or so 3-4" pancakes every week. i loved it but could only do 3 at a time so it took almost 40 minutes. i got an electric griddle at a church fundraiser yardsale for a dollar and just used it the first time a few weeks ago and man, almost a dozen at once is a game changer for old dad. he actually gets to sit around and rest a little now.

but what i am grateful for today is a day off so that i can go catch up on some of the volunteer work i have been putting off. time to go help some folks out!


Today I am grateful for feeling the presence of a special someone next to me when going for a walk, for the many birds singing, for the sun beaming down upon me, for a random old lady commenting how lovely the weather is, yes indeed it is!
For arriving home and having mom sitting on the bench, reading, flanked by our cats.
And also for the magnificent piece of pie I had after breakfast.
What a time to be alive!
It is well with my soul.


I just got back from a walk, saw a mother duck with a bunch of baby ducks in tow, and a completely white cat crossed my path. Very grateful for such occurances.


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Oh hell yes, deliciously magnificent pie for breakfast! :yum:

Gotta be alive for enjoyment like that!


Love is what it’s all about…

My dear friend Shannon’s parents were shot to death by their neighbour when she was in her early 20’s.

She sent me the following message;

I dedicated a post of remembrance to my Mother & Step Father today. This is the day they passed April 11th!

“Another year gone by without the physical presence of these two perfectly beautiful souls… Taken from this plane of existence too soon. Though my Mother & Step Father are with me often in Spirit and for that I am grateful. For we are all Spirit within physical form. I thank them for their loving guidance through my journey! I am thankful for my mother creating me & bringing me into this life! I am thankful because of them I have my brothers, my sister, we all have our children, and they may decide to have our grand-babies! We are all one Co-Creating Family & I am so thankful to tears!!! Our beautiful family came from two Magnificently Beautiful & Unique SOULS!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I LOVE MY FAMILY!”


Today, I am grateful for everything being the way it is.
Life on this planet is about as rock and roll as it gets.
I welcome it all, I accept it all, we are mankind.
Much love to everyone, may you remember your magic.


today i am grateful to the Lord for providing for us so graciously. also to my loving wife for putting up with my crap, helping out, and being a beautiful person. and to the rest of the family for the same, except my son who doesn’t help out sometimes - but the rest applies to him. life is good.


I give thanks for my friends who send me awesome music, I give thanks for my friends circle expanding, beyond Earth’s boundaries even. What a time to be alive.
Welcome to 2024, where aaaanything is possible.
Whatever we are grateful for is what we’re gonna get more of.
That idea(l) is worth more than a shot.
At this point I have a lot of faith in the artist that created the UNIVERSE.

I give thanks for being able to share my gratitude in this wonderful place.