Tokers world

Yeah loking really nice in there, and smelling nice to apparently :slight_smile: That rp can get really stinky :+1:


Going to do my update today, Thursday I have surgery, all those years of mixing paints and thinners and chemicals have cost me a half of finger, doctor said I have cancer that invaded
A soar, prolly got some chemical in it.
Anyway no big deal, I just want it off me.
I mean it sucks but I’m always a grateful
Optimist, I know folks who would beg to
Have my problem and not theirs.
My old lady’s all concerned, told her no worries
I’m right handed
She frowned on that one hehe.

Anyway I been getting things together here
Cleaning, gardening etc so Thursday when all this is over I can chill, even going to pre roll joints
Cause I’m going to have to learn how to do this
With a half of middle finger.
Tomorrow is pre op, and I have a few things to get straight tomorrow, get my birds taken care of
Cleaning refill all their pools etc.
I asked them if possible, NO fentenal or whatever that garbage is.
Rather feel pain than exist in the netherworld.
Since my Bday is 8 March I asked my old lady
To order me 20 fabric pots hehe.
I have more seeds coming to test plus several more
To get to, it’s going to be a fun fun summer
Excited, and grateful to have this thing gone.
Looking at cancer all day long as it has spread a little has been harrowing, Toker is grateful
To my doctors, pharmacy. All of these folks
Have treated me very well.

Ok so barries lady’s on left
Cartwrights chunky rotten pineapple
Mindless just being mindless
DEF seeds Rainbow Bright
And of course 2 BBD.


Nice :+1: brother very nice

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Wow, beautiful plants you have there. :green_heart: sending you positive energy and good vibes.


I wish you the best my friend… Im getting 40 years old on the 13th of March so were fish brothers​:heart: sending my best vibes​:tada: plants looking amazing can’t imagine a better test master grower :ok_hand:


Thank you so much my friends.
What a day, im home now and the woman folk
Upset with me lol, they wanted me to stay
With my old lady but they should know this is a good sign, for when toker is truly in bad shape
I run to them.
As of now my arm feels like a sack of rocks.
They have choices these days and rather than
Totally knocked out I chose a never blocker.
They put me to sleep but not with the hard-core stuff.
I know lots of folks aren’t religious and I hope not to offend anyone but I was apprehensive this morning
I said my prayers, confessed my sins and off we went.
Nurses were super, everyone was so kind
So professional, caring .
It made my heart happy.
Everything went well, he said the flesh behind it was good and healthy
When I woke, as they tore some velcro thing off
Me when they were done.
I woke and was crying, not like bawling
Just tears running down big time.
My nurse leaned down and said
"You were praying and praising the Lord, It was beautiful ".
I say this because for me I am not ashamed of my
Lord, I asked him to steady me and he came to
Me in the netherworld and we hung out together.
I have to say this, it would be ungrateful of me not
To publicly praise Him
Ok for those who aren’t religious, forgive me
It us Who I am and I’m not trying to convert anyone.

Anyway i have about 8 more hours until nerve blocker wears off and I find out what pain is like.
It’s been interesting doing things with one arm
I will never pass an opportunity to help someone handicapped again.
I have a bottle full of pain meds but I try not to use them, we will see but I hate being all narcotic
I prayed on this and in one week I went from uninsured to insured and operated on.
Amazing, most humbled, most grateful.
I’m drinking a huge crafe of French press coffee
Was fed very well including home made Hungarian chicken soup.
Most grateful for the folks in my life.
Ok so…
Back to the garden I go , my old lady said she would order me a fake finger but I declined
I can’t keep up with my lighters
Much thanks yall, blessings of peace and safety to all of you.


Hey @Toker1 I’m so glad you made it out of the other side of this trial. And I’m glad you could find comfort in your faith and family.



Brother best wishes and sending prayers and good vibes your way



Hey my friend, nice to read that all went as planned I’m happy for you. By now the meds should have worn off so I hope you’re pain is not that strong and you have enough prerolls to smoke on :grin: I’m not a pills fan either just in real bad cases I’d take one or two

Did I understand that correctly you now can’t show someone the love when he’s cutting you in traffic?


It’s 522am and I can use my arm again, but yeah
It’s wearing off .
I’m going to do 600 MG on ibpropen soon
And see if that’s enough to be tolerable, if not
I have to take the damn narcotics.
I still have one bird mindless lol.
I appreciate it yall, while the prospect of pain
Stinks I feel better with all them drugs running out of my system and if need be there is the meds.
And anything I want to eat will get made for me
So Meals are looking way up.
But yeah I’m sure pain will come on strong
But now I know it won’t last however long
The lights at the end of the tunnel and tokers
Fixing to punch the pedal.
Much much thanks again yall.


Heal fast toker!


Damn yall, if I don’t bump it etc I have very little pain
Not even a advil is needed.
Putting this is the rear mirror

6 Rainbow Bright
2 RB were weaklings for some reason
Could been me but I never waste time in plants that aren’t happy so I pulled them.

One has to be a male lol, “he” is twice as tall as the others and is same age.
I be glad when that beast mindless is done so I can spread out RP and BH plants to show better.

Toker been milking this, I can’t get dressing wet
Supposed to take spong baths but Mrs toker
Giving me baths , spoiled rotten, I haven’t told her I could just shower with one hand hanging out
I already put in my dinner request
Beef tips and gravy with caramelize onions.
Happy weekends yall


Soon for an update but I’m bored
Screw this im going back to work.

So mindless at 78 days…no amber
I’m wondering will she go another week or so.

Cartwrights rotten pinapple is frosty already
Barries is as well but a little behind as they are
I’m going to have to expand into my back room
My birthday is the 8th, been hinting daddy pig needs more LEDs, shamelessly lol.
My citrus is taking up a tent and 2 lights but they can go out now, just have to bring in if we go below 45F.
That will let me do 8 more at least.


I chopped “mindless” at 80 days
Rotten Pinapple at 42 days
Barries ladies looking and Smelling good.


Barrie your girls are doing nice, they have a strong citrus delicate perfume scent.
Rotten pineapple doing her thing.

Rainbow Bright and 2 BBD 4 days into 1212
Lonely seeds looking like 6 for 6 36 hours in the
Paper towel
And Cartwrights rotten pineapple 2 days into
Paper towel, looks like they be ready to be put
In seed starter tomorrow.


Really nice! Hope you are doing well over there. Your plants are certainly doing well :wink:

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Damn, what a beast that is! Awesome! I hope mine just get as heavy as yours :grin:


Me to, I can’t wait to see yours.
I have so many projects I’m doing I won’t be able to grow her again till winter


Looking good my friend :ok_hand:


Ok so 4 for 4 on Cartwrights RP seeds
Dragon Core is almost ready 4 dirt, 2 RP at 49 days
Barries ladies and Rainbow Bright and BBD
8 days into flower.