Tokers world

Beauty, glad they made it :+1:

Keep killing it in there bro :clap: :clap: :clap:


Nice shots! How many days of flower are there in? Looking delicious bro


Thanks man, 75 days, I could chop anytime
Now, but I think this next Friday will be
Harvest time.


I chopped yours barrie, I think she was trying breed herself?


Ok so I showed a monster bbd on the bbd testers thread, her and these DEF seeds Rainbow Brights are huge apples and banana gelato x lemon Cherry gelato
If memory serves me.

Both at 40 days now.


Looks like some late nanners, still happy with the outcome ^^ I’ll hope she taste good, thats my N. 1 goal


I’m super happy, I pushed her.

Now I have like 6 more to play with to.

You like her, just keep an eye out around day


I love you bro :kissing_heart:

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44 days, Rainbow Bright


Barries ladies hanging.
Already delightful man, a small bud was just dry enough to chop up and burn.
It’s super tasty and it’s not even fully dry.
So a proper report will come soon.


New and improved closets lol, nah summer is almost here, Temps rise and I can’t sleep with
The heat so I moved them to the back of the house.
In winter I enjoy the heat and funky blurple
Glows, like a LED fire place hehe.
Summer not so much.
One veg closet.


Cant wait for a simple smoke review ^^ there looking so tasty :relaxed:

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Look at Her barrie, you won’t be disappointed.


Still struggling with dragon Core, she’s been reported 2 weeks ago in New Happy Frog.

I supercropped her, new growth appears but still…
My ph is always adjusted, to the left are Cartwrights RPf4 same age, no issues
Same everything.
What am I missing?
Perhaps she was grown in another medium
Or the parents and genticly if that possible
Their offspring hate my medium?
I have not feed either as it’s rare happy frog
Seems enough for most strains , sometimes
I use fish emulsions in veg if they look N
Hungry but this looks like a deficiency
And having RPF4 next to them happy
In same everything has me stumped.
It’s like many problems i have seen
But can not come up with one good reason
One time i had a strain like this, a real tarter she was.
But when I flowered her she “healed” herself so speak.

I dunno what else to do, nutes won’t help
Ph is good
Soil is brand new…


Just water them they showing some burning spots… Spray them with some water every time when the light goes off (and you find some time) also some worm casting doesnt do any harm :wink:


Oh, I’m sorry to see that it’s struggling. My best guess is that she’s runty and can’t keep up. The parent were run in a very different medium but strong plants can handle any medium. Her leafs look a bit water logged and leathery, i often use dry backs trough out the plants life and this could have been selecting for plants who like it.:man_shrugging:

Hope that she’ll recover and atleast give you a bit of harvest.

Pz :v:t2:

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It’s OK man, there are 4 , they don’t like something
But I not giving up.

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That’s very true, and I agree. I’m sorry that I’m not able to grow along with you to have an better understanding of the actual plants, so I can only do an educated guess based on the parents. Both parents where tried and tested trough a lot of torture and stresses. I do this because I want parents who can handle a lot of pressure, but also to weed out the herms. The only stress I can’t really emulate good enough in my current environment is to handle high moisture in the root zone. Using rockwool, when the water levels get lower, it pulls a lot of oxygen into the root zone. Enough to be able to handle living in water. But since a more organic approach doest work this way and holds moisture differently, it doesn’t mean that a trait that’s good for one will translate.

What I’m trying to say with all this rambling is that my guess is that they are sensitive to medium oxygen levels. :sweat_smile: Meaning that they probably is fuzzy about having a very fluffy environment which can hold a low of air while wet.
Maybe this is of help to you and I’m very thankful for all the data you are providing. :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:

Oh it’s my pleasure man, sometimes hiccups
I don’t think either one of us has done anything
Wrong,they aren’t awful looking but they are trying
To tell me something.
But wait till 12 12, like I mentioned, I had a stran
Like this before and flower healed her somehow.
They aren’t runts I just supercropped them
To make the new growth faster so I can gage
What’s wrong
Im.really thinking I should soil test the Ffhf
Maybe she likes a ph a little different,

We will figure this strain out together, she’s got me
On a learning adventure.
POOR NIX, I pulled 4 seedlings up as they were stunted and fried.
Have 4 more seeds germination now.
When I would get tomatoes and pepper seeds
From esco long ago I noticed that mine
Grew ok but really did better the 2nd year
From seeds I made.
That’s showing me that environment has an effect
Even if they are both OK thr plants had to adjust
To American soil, Heat in the South etc.
Just thinking outloud.


4 replacement NIX germed, and these…
Cherry Tropicana are getting fast tracked.
Toker loves cherry, and Tropicana
The mix should be special.