Tokers world

I always appreciated them, not fun to get hung up in
But the plain white flowers smell delicious
And now they Give these, I have a several stands
Easily found that can fill up a 3 gallon Bucket lol.
Nature provides


Barrie, you Remember the pheno above that started
To sex herself?
Anyway I smoked a third of a joint and thought
My heart was going to blow up.
Watch out for that pheno
Good as fuck now, I calmed down but
Not what my older self needs lol
Cocaine pot.


About dry enough to jar, somewhere in there is a bbd, the rest are My rainbow Brite.
Should last a bit.
Happy Gardens yall


What a wonderful harvest! Great work :fire: They look very frosty and I can imagine the aromatics hitting the nostrils.

Pz :v:t2:

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20 days and 6 days since the flip for the closets.
Haven’t seen Charlotte, perhaps she’s moved on
To a new life cycle.


Dang. I enjoyed seeing Charlotte. Plants are looking great!!! :green_heart:

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Thanks man, I had decided not to defoliate
For Charlotte .
I give it another week but I think she’s moved on.
She could have made a nest I don’t see.
I keep an eye out, She’s somewhere around
Doing spider stuff.

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Nice to hear she has some potency :sunglasses: now we have to find a denser pheno ^^

Ok so in tent is a dude and his girl
Cherry Tropicana breeding project.

In closet it appears 3 nix are girls, 2 are Cherry Tropicana

In other closet the RPF4 and DC keep growing lol.
Happy gardens


Moved all the girls into one closet

This dudes about to have a good plant time


Beautiful stud :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

Pz :v:t2:

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1 of the RPs is getting close, Dragon Core
Is stacking nicely
My male has just dumped all over her
I prolly yank him in a week or so.
I have no real clue how long he should stay
Last time I just let him dust and dust.
Anyway happy gardens!
I also have not defoliated, really because of Charlotte, saw her last week but I think
She’s moved on, still some debate defoliation
Might as well let them go.



Happy to see the DC is behaving! :partying_face:

Pz :v:t2:

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Looking good! Charlotte is still visiting? Is that some purpling of some leaves in the last pic, lower right corner or is that the lighting coming through oddly? :green_heart:

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Yes but it’s due to a led .

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Cherry Tropicana ,RP and Dragon Core.
Stud is doing his thing.

Been a sad few days, lost my girl dog.
Her and Jeff were very close, hes her blind
Son and both of us have been a little lost
The last few days.
A decade she was with me.
Rip Girl.
Many will think this crazy but she woke me up
Sunday nite, she was yelping but she called my name 2 times.
I did not have phone ready and was half asleep
But Monday she did it again.
She peed herself, I told her it was OK
Cleaned her, gave her a new blanket.
I did record her Monday.
Everyone who’s heard it hears her call
My name
Robert, Robert.
Here she is a few years ago
RIP sweet pea best dog ever.
We love you always.


Sorry to hear about the loss of your loved one. It’s never easy :cry:. Sending you positive energy and good vibes. Sounds like she was well loved :heart: take care!!! :green_heart:


So sorry for your loss
The fur babies are our family
Mine is like a second daughter to me

Best wishes


Hey toker, my sincere condolences to you and your family. I had to let my dog go a couple of months ago too.



Condolences my friend, always hard to lose a beloved one😢