Tokers world

Absolutely, I test anything you have.
I’m about at the end of New stuff
To play with so sure I will.
She is looking pretty, I love the bud structure of her.
Can’t wait to taste her.


Ok she’s chopped


And here are 3 of her cuts
She’s fast
Look at them and I just chopped her
LolUploading: 20230502_182333.jpg…



Toker my brother amazing looking plant

Great job

How does she smell


Imagine a cat box just emptied
Then add a touch of pine cleaner
Some lemon pledge
And hints of something sweet
But I’m sure it will develop more as she dries


Needs more trimming but she’s hanging


Well Paps the last harvest is still hanging and deeze clones are


Smoke report brother please

And these here look great


Hold on let me twist one.
I can say now it’s Strong
To much and your muchin and snoring.

So cutting her up I get a nice pine/cat piss smell if that makes sense with some lemon

Toke 1

I’m getting pine, lemon and a earthy
Spice tone
She’s smooth af
But expands lots
Careful toker lol

Toke 2
The spicy undertones are wonderful
She gets more spicy as her resins
Run, by the time your halfway thru a joint it’s like it won’t ever stop burning lol
Spicy resins and oils

Ok so I’m getting off good now
I can close my hand with 70 percent less stiffness.

My mood is smiles
It’s like not soaring but it is
It’s just the body stone
Compliments the soar and keeps it
All together.

Toke 3

She’s very smooth
Im feel my eyes slanting
And the glow from.the LED
Looks like
Wonderful hehe
1 more Toke and im done
Got a shit load of garden stuff outside to do if I keep on
I be playing world of tanks
All day lol
Maybe I make a veggie thread
What fourm is that appropriate in?

I’m sorry I don’t do prim and proper reports
I can say this
It’s fooking good shit
And it will fly off the shelf.
Thanks man
That spicy pine lemon piss is complex but delightful


So i.chopped one at 38 days
She had some funky issues
Not related to your end
She still was quick though
They are at 39 days now.
I show the chopped
And then the last 2
She could have filled more but I found some eggs on her so poof
Out the closet She went
It was my bad of course.
Honestly though, a bit sooner prolly do me.
When they go the distance i have to be careful not to smoke to much
Or I’m useless.



Sounds great brother

I will smoke one in your honor


Sweet looking plants.

1 Like

I’m the same way. Grow it smoke it. I lose tags. But I’m sure it was delicious.


Ok Paps, 35 days i think I chopped.
It’s Strong.
I think the heri is factoring in as if I smoke a joint I’m useless and pass out .
So I chopped the others at 48 days as it be useless to me for anything except sleep mess hehe.
Love that high more than the stone.

Anyway that little plant nearly filled this jar.
I thought all 3 of would fill it but it appears I will need yet another gallon jar hehe.

Keep me in mind, im needing something new to grow.
Not because of any other reason
Than I’m always searching
Something different and tasty.


Im happy you enjoyed it I do have a few things you may like

Next project should be fun
Anesthesia from whazup there old so if they crack I’m also run Joti afghan to cross it to


Thanks man, I have spicy, and fruity,
I have blueberry and diesel and skunkyish
I really like fruity stuff.
Love cherry bomb, Ole school but the taste was spot on.
Anyway anything will work
Thinking I might order some berry bomb reg seeds, not seen cherry bomb reg in a minute and mighty grape was true to its name as well.
Happy weekends yall

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Here’s my citrus collection
For me it’s the best in the world
But I been to Fla and know the deal.
Mine are just a joy for me.
The candumum blooms year round
Though it has to come in in winter
But in the depths of a dark depressing winter having the smell of orange blossom next to me
It just fooking great.
The other vergated plant is a pink
Lemon tree, also will have to come In
Though one day im planning a greenhouse(small cute ones)
For my girls.
I’m waiting for lowest to cut the price
On limes and I snatch one of them.
But ya my candumum has been with me now 3 years
She was 3ish when I bought her
The plant is a Cherokee purple tomatoes.

Gardens been fooked for me except melons.
Weather been wacky and cool, but finally seems to level out.
But that’s not why my garden’s fooked.
I used the herbicide spayer instead
Of the bug sprayer a month or so ago
I caught it and sparyed plants with water but they grew like they were in
The a monster movie so I cut it all down, thankfully I never sprayed them