Too many Polyhybrids because

Polyhybrids are everywhere these day’s and normally it’s not a bad thing. But I see the real problem with them and that is the people that are making them are not finishing the job they started like most did years ago. Now a lot do not even know there making one.
If you happen to figure out you did there are really only 2 things to do and that is either work it and get it stabilized or CULL IT but that I got to be noticed thing in the brain is a tough one for the younger generations.


Bottlenecked genetics becoming a big problem from it aswell.


Breeding takes lots of space and time.

Let people chuck if they feel like it.


I agree I just didn’t have anything else to talk about today :confused:


Yep that genetic drift is a killer.



Yep I do know that my friend I get off subject pretty sometimes. In fact, the term genetic drift often gets used in the cannabis space to describe any change in appearance or behavior of a clone variety over time.

I was thinking more about everyone using the same shit over and over and finding that same effect from everyone’s plants.


Why do you say this?

It’s not just landrace vs polyhybrid. There’s a wide spectrum of possibility.

People rag on cookie crosses. I’m unlikely to grow/make one.


Yee totaly! There’s a ton of reasons! Terpene and cannabinoid profiles lost to high thc content. People breeding with lab numbers instead of their favorite smoke. No selections going on. People buying two clones at a dispo and crossing them to sell on the market with no testing or anything. Seeing stuff with 200+ parents in its lineage and calling it a sativa or an indica. At this point its hard to distinguish effect differences.



If you’re talking commercial that really grinds my gears. The numbers and names are all bullshit anyway.

I saw seeds advertised as sativa dominant ready in 45 days. Horseshit.

I’ve got indicas that are ready in 49 days and sativas that take 12 weeks. Crossing them and meeting somewhere in the middle just makes sense to me.

Anyway, chucking is fun. I just pollinated a half a haze with a heavy indica so we’ll see what happens.


Im all for chucking yo! Saving seed stock and doing your thing. Breeding plants in your own environment is the bomb! I hate the genetic pollution thats happening with the legalization of cannabis happening while all these hybrids are popular. Ive tried growing a few and havnt found anything ive really liked honestly. Always end up growing that oldschool stufff. Currently smoking on blue ice which is blueberry x white widow x haze.


In the last 2-3 years I’ve only grown seeds that were 20 years old or stuff from OG members.

Legal stuff is not something I’m even slightly interested in. I cruise the seeds for fun sometimes but it’s all nonsense.

I made a white widow California orange cross which was very nice. Both 20 year old stuff.


I love that oldschool herb forsure. Back when it was like “oh shit this weed is amazing lets cross it with that other incredible herb!”


I am doing the chucking thing, just have two strains that do not quite do things for me on their own. One is a F2 and the other from what I understand is only available as fem’s so no idea how far they have been taken. I am on the second generation of seeds and guess 20% might be culled soon and then if half end up male I will have maybe eight plants to see if they give me a winner or not. Then rinse and repeat. More just for fun and curiosity. Hope to come up with something worth while, if not I have wasted a lot of time with other things that did not pan out.

That being said I am doing a seed run with Pakistan Chitral Kush. I want the old strains to continue on even if they may have fallen out of favor. I hope to do other preservation runs yet, might mix another line into my chuck if I find it is going nowhere. Just spinning my wheels having fun.


This is why I love this place, others understand things like this and the true value of gems and prized genetics. I value each and every TRUE breeder still at it today because so many are just creating useless polys. But there are also many doing the real work and getting these priceless gems into peoples hands. With either not knowing where to look/lack of funds and people hoarding the top shelf for so long a lot of the real FIRE never makes it into peoples hands albeit a select few and sometimes when it dies it’s already been tainted. I think each and every one of us on here with these beliefs and a platform to do so can literally change the world in a small way. This is what gives me hope


The way I see it, popping seeds was always a crapshoot. The very few stable lines we see are more often then not from a family who worked it for a long time, not a breeder…

Also, even when worked a few/many generations, such lines wont give clone like plants from seeds, the maths behind it don’t work like that :slightly_smiling_face: if you double the chances of an amazing keeper in 10 generations (1.5% to 3%) you did very good.

Furthermore, cannabis is a clone propagated variety. Breeding towards bettering the average plant in a line doesn’t make it easier to find the extreme specimen, usually it’s the other way around. The better the mean, the worst the extreme. Ie the extreme will be very close to the mean…


#1 complaint in legal markets: Dry weed. And concentrate that loses its ‘flavor’ if not refrigerated.

How to test for thc cbd ratio: leave your bud in the sun for a week. If it turns to dust and loses its flavor, it’s high thc government weed. If it’s still greasy and has its flavor, it has cbd, natural weed.

Moral of the story: Why are we letting the pharmaceutical industry create all the weed trends? No one wants the shit that’s marketed, the trends, the purple crusty weed, strains you can’t tell apart from each other. Strains that don’t get you high. People want quite the opposite,they just don’t wanna be the one to say “this shit doesn’t make sense”

Lemon Kush with high thc and limonene = trashy gross poser terpene weed. Pharmaceutical bait.

Lemon Kush with low thc and 3-mercaptohexan-1-ol = weed people want to smoke. Craft organic thiol weed.

The cookie is a beautiful breeding tool with very few faults. People who are buying cookie packs only complaint is the price.
How many of you are growing seeds that come from packs with the cookie logo on it. ?¿
Don’t answer that because I already know that most of the seeds that are being grown are second hand.
Beyond popular belief just crossing og kush and Durban poison doesn’t get you “cookies”.
Ask yourself, does your cookies smell like “og”, or does it smell “doughy”.
Most of the second hand stuff reeks of og and tastes like cigarettes. The better versions of cookies is alway doughy and very flavorful.
Unfortunately I don’t have access to cookies packs. Besides they sell out so quickly. My opinion may change once i grow something directly from cookies themselves because I refuse to base my opinion of the strain on random cross that people are “chucking.”

People say they have cookies, but i ask why do their bud not look like this. Right. That’s because it’s a “Cookie cross?”…. With what???
The thing about cookies is that most breeder don’t have a genetics match for her. Meaning when you breed to gsc you don’t get a happy medium. Because the results of the cross is always cookies first then a little bit of whatever. Meaning your strain is genetically weak as fux.
And that’s because of laziness and a lack of further breeding. There are too many people who are depending on cookies to make their “bs” better. We all know it doesn’t work like that. And any magic from that type of cross is pure luck, therefore not repeatable. As my nursing instructor said…”garbage i!, garbage out!”
There is also too many people blaming thc for the reason the bud isn’t good. Bullchit, if your chit suxs, it just sucks and thc has nothing to do with it. If your favorite stain is giving you a headache, and you cross it to cookies… quite naturally, the cross that you produce will give you a headache as well. High thc didn’t have any thing to do with it the headache… the chemicals make up of the plant did.
I’m not a cookies advocate because I have my own work. But I do know that when I cross to a cookies strains, I get to see all the goodness that’s inside of her. I see the goodness that people are complaining that they aren’t getting.
It take 2 or more to make a cross. When you choose to do so, you better know well what both parents are committing to that cross. I have probably said too much. But I will say this, the goal of a cross is to improve on that which already exists.
So why complain when smoking the same bud, when it was you who didn’t put fort any effort to make it any better. Peace. Smoke something. Fly High!

All credit to mean gene