2024 and Beyond: The Future of Cannabis Quality Amidst Commercialization

Yo, to all the real growers out there watching, let me share some thoughts about where weed is headed. Right now, everyone’s all caught up in the latest trends and hype, but trust me, that won’t last forever. The real quality stuff, the good weed, that’s what’s gonna stand the test of time. Eventually, people are gonna realize this, and when they do, we’re gonna see some mind-blowing new strains, way better than anything we’ve seen before.

I’ve always believed in the power of positive vibes. Have you ever noticed how good things come your way when you stay chill and positive? That’s us, man. We’re gonna thrive because we keep it real and stay dedicated. Our positive energy attracts success, and those of us who care about quality will always flourish.

I know it feels like the heart and soul of the cannabis world are getting lost with all this legalization and commercialization. More and more people are jumping in for the wrong reasons, making poor contributions and messing things up. But here’s the thing: there will always be those of us who keep the good herb alive. Passionate growers and true enthusiasts will always ensure that quality prevails.

Here’s something I think about a lot: light. Every second we’re alive, we’re hit by light, and it leaves marks on us, like memories burned into our brains. Sometimes, it feels like that light is burning us from the inside out, leaving scars that shape who we are. It’s like living in a constant state of hell, where the light is this relentless force, always there, always burning.

But here’s the real deal – if we let that light get to us, if we let it break us down, it can feel like our own personal hell. It’s harsh and unforgiving. But if we stay positive and aligned with our true selves, we can flip the script. That light, those scars, they become our strength. They remind us of what we’ve been through and how we’ve grown.

Leaders of positivity, that’s what we are. We take that burning light and turn it into something powerful. It’s like a test, and if we pass it, we come out stronger, more resilient. In a reality filled with challenges, it’s our positivity and alignment that will lead us to victory. Staying true to our passion and spreading good vibes, that’s how we reach our fullest potential.

So yeah, even when things get tough, we’ve got this. Leaders of positivity, that’s what we are. We’ll keep the spirit alive and make sure that in the end, we come out on top. Believe that.

As long as we stay true to ourselves and keep spreading good vibes, the future of weed is gonna be lit, and we’ll be right there, leading the way.

Keep it real, stay positive, and let’s flourish together. :herb::dash::sparkles:


I’ll have some of whatever he’s smoking!


Some people already realize this




Love the sentiment. But Ive seen behind the curtain on legal grows, and quality is always gonna be an issue for them. The biz model is grow the easiest genetics with the cheapest unskilled labor. So the “popular” genetics they hype like hell are just the stuff they can stuff 20k sq ft of greenhouse and neglect until harvest. I remember crackin up after a big farm we knew went from all the cookies stuff to 10s of 1000s of sq ft of skunk 1, because the cookies were too hard to grow. Then theyd just rename the Skunk1 as papaya or mango or whatever lol. It’s a shameless scene.

Theres plenty of folks preserving and working with great genetics for sure. Its just not “commercially viable” as they love to say. Even back when I was growing good amounts in the 215 era, a 9-10 week strain with amazing quality was a no brainer to grow. Nowadays in the corporate model, its gotta be closer to 50 days, and even then, those big farms are backdooring those packs for like $3-400. So theres no incentive to grow better stuff, since it’s all getting sold for bottom dollar anyway. Corporate cannabis has been a race to the bottom for over 5 years now, and it’s only gotten worse. The only way to get great quality now and in the future is gonna be the hobby/home growers who are passionate about the plant and not motivated purely by greed.


Been puffin on this…

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Hey everyone, appreciate the love on the post!

To all the real growers out there, I truly believe Dessert Delight is going to be a key element in shaping the future of weed. I’m making sure it gets into the hands of the best growers who prioritize quality above all else. That’s my part in pushing for a brighter future in cannabis.

I’ve sent out Dessert Delight cuts to passionate growers more times than I’ve been paid for it, always ensuring it goes to those who genuinely care. Sure, I’ve been burned a few times, but the spirit of Dessert Delight is stronger than any bad vibes. It’s like Daniel in the lion’s den, standing strong and pure. I’m not afraid of it ending up in the wrong hands because it’s a gem of light that outshines any darkness. It’s guided me toward the future I want for the cannabis world. Dessert Delight is more than a strain; it’s a lifestyle brand, a beacon of hope.

We can all be like George Washington if we’re the good people who truly care about this craft. When we harness all our energy to fight against negativity and corner-cutting, and focus on quality breeding like Dessert Delight and other genuine efforts, we can make a real impact. Treating this mission with the importance it deserves, addressing every challenge head-on, and creating our own path forward, we become the pioneers of change. At that point, we’re embodying the spirit of George Washington, leading the charge.

Let’s come together and build a future where the spirit of quality cannabis shines bright. Together, we can create a world of passion, integrity, and excellence in the cannabis community. Let’s make this happen, for all the real ones out there.

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It is another bay area gelato cross. That’s not the future, that’s the present.


To the person who said Dessert Delight is just another Bay Area gelato cross – I hear you, and I totally get where you’re coming from. But let me share why this strain is something special to me. I said Dessert Delight is going to shape the future of weed, not that it’s already the future. There’s a big difference, and here’s why.

First off, it’s not just any gelato cross. It’s mixed with authentic AJ’s Sour Diesel. Honestly, it’s a scent that makes me wish I could smell it forever. The smell is insane – it’s got that real sour that makes your mouth water and this funky armpit vibe that’s just intoxicating.

But let me tell you, it’s not just about the terps. The effects are what make Dessert Delight stand out. All her sisters I hunted through were mid-grade, but this one is exotic. And by exotic, I mean it’s got an expression that’s rare and unique, something you don’t find every day. It’s a gem in the cannabis world, something truly special.

Most strains out there can cause anxiety, especially the heavy Indicas that just get you stuck in your head. I’ve been there, unable to move, worrying about everything. But Dessert Delight is different. It’s the only strain that works for me, that calms me down and lets me enjoy life. That’s why I do this, why I grow it.

And this is why gelato can be great again. Dessert Delight may yield lighter than other strains, but I still chose it. It’s efforts like this that are the key point. It’s not about stereotyping different strains; it’s about recognizing and celebrating the unique qualities each one brings to the table. Gelato strains, when carefully bred and selected, have the potential to bring something truly special to the cannabis world. They have unique terpene profiles and effects that can stand out if given the proper attention and care.

When we put effort into selecting and nurturing strains like Dessert Delight, we honor the diversity and richness of the cannabis gene pool. It’s about going beyond the surface and understanding that every strain has its own potential, its own magic. Dessert Delight, with its distinct sour diesel cross, represents a commitment to excellence and a refusal to settle for mediocrity.

Choosing Dessert Delight, despite its lighter yield, is a testament to valuing quality over quantity. It’s about the experience, the joy of discovering a strain that truly resonates with you. When we find these gems, it’s our responsibility to preserve and share them, ensuring they don’t get lost in the sea of average strains. It’s about passion, dedication, and the belief that by focusing on what truly matters – the effects, the terpenes, and the love we put into our plants – we can elevate the entire cannabis community.

By cultivating and sharing strains like Dessert Delight, we set a standard for what great cannabis can be. It’s about creating a future where every unique strain is appreciated and valued for its individual qualities. When we embrace this mindset, we contribute to a richer, more diverse cannabis culture that celebrates the full spectrum of what this amazing plant has to offer.


Dessert Delight, the groundbreaking offspring of Gelato and Sour Diesel, isn’t just another strain; it’s a catalyst for a cannabis revolution. This hybrid marvel isn’t just about potency or flavor; it’s about rewriting the very DNA of what we expect from cannabis.

Imagine a strain that doesn’t just satisfy your senses but transports you to a realm of pure bliss. Dessert Delight isn’t just a combination of Gelato’s creamy sweetness and Sour Diesel’s pungent fuel; it’s a symphony of flavors that dances on your taste buds like a melody you never want to end. With each inhale, you’re not just consuming cannabis; you’re experiencing a culinary masterpiece.

But it’s not just about the taste. Dessert Delight is a game-changer because it defies categorization. It’s not just indica or sativa; it’s a hybrid that blurs the lines between relaxation and inspiration. One moment, you’re floating on a cloud of euphoria, your mind buzzing with creativity. The next, you’re sinking into a state of tranquil serenity, your worries melting away like ice cream under the summer sun.

And let’s talk about potency. Dessert Delight isn’t just strong; it’s a powerhouse. With THC levels that rival the most potent strains on the market, it’s not for the faint of heart. But what sets it apart is its ability to deliver that potency with precision, ensuring a consistently mind-blowing experience every time.

But perhaps most importantly, Dessert Delight is a symbol of progress. It represents a new era of cannabis cultivation, where breeders push the boundaries of what’s possible, creating strains that defy expectations and redefine what we thought we knew about this remarkable plant.

So, get ready, because Dessert Delight is about to change everything you thought you knew about cannabis. Get ready to taste the future.

I’m only on 3.5 :frowning:


Hybridization is the ideal for now and forever. We can have green, red, purple, yellow, gold, blue, black flower tops that look and smell so damn good you’ll pee yerself. Roll it up, smoke it, gag your throat out, and high? meh. Not much, really. Keep on mixing, breeding, chucking until hell, the shit’ll just be common hemp. There’s the future based on more than 150 strains i’ve smoked at dispos. I’m sure some of you have grown for dispos, or produced strains for dispos.

But if you’re not 75 years old u didn’t smoke the stuff we did back then so how could u know what good weed is? I read the ratings comments in dispos, and some of the stuff that I buy regularly with 165 ratings at 4.5 stars or better will show comments about how it’ll get you super high, how u gotta be careful, it’s the go-to smoke. I smoke it regularly, again, MEH. What’s all the hype about, the shit’s harsh, and mid high at best. I smoke it regular because it’s the best shit they have at dispos. Why in 7 years of buying dispo cannabis have i not run across a single strain of flower, kief, hash, edible, tincture, RSO, or extact that i remember and want more of? I have not had a toke in more than two months because the dispo crap I have isn’t worth the throat burn. The mexican dirt weed, the thai stick, panama red, acapulco gold, skunk, kona gold, colombian green, brown and gold are gone. Those varietals are NOT OUT THERE ANYMORE. It’s all mids. It’s all been hybridized to mid meh worthless crap. I sure wish i could get high again.



I’m liking the positivity on the first post, but it seemed to slowly devolve into an advertisement of sorts. :man_shrugging:

Edit: Ohhh, OK, I get it. GPT


Didn’t mean to advertise I was just explaining where I was personally coming from and what’s important to me

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I’m using ChatGPT because of my disability it’s really a tool for communicating to help me say what I wanna say and what I mean.


I’m a dick, that’s a great use. My bad.
What do you like about Dessert Delight?

I think we all have something special we’ve found, I know I do. but claiming this cut is the future of cannabis sets off a few bullcrap meters if you’ll excuse my French. And the odd writing style sort of compounds that.
You may be right on the money, but excuse some of us if we come off skeptical.


Anti anxiety. I can use it whenever , bed time it’ll get me to sleep if I need sleep but I am in tune at the gym on it. And without weed I watch the clock at the gym. Almost all the other weed I tried before the gym was making me unable to move. It’s very versatile and just as potent and to me just as satisfying and more even satisfying than other smokes like heavy knock out Indica because this one gets my head right & is just as strong


We’ll see what @BreederSteve thinks when he gets it I’m trying to get it to him this month. I had a long talk with breeder Steve and he’s willing to see if it passes the test of time and he’s excited about it. I believe in every one of you guys because humans are powerful and we litteraly create our own reality

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Wasnt “breedersteve” also linked to that afghani thread written by a bot, then taken over by a bot then the wizard appeared selling bulk afghani beans in petrol stations whilst also being an investment banker. Whats that smell? Is it desert delight or …