Too much light?

I’m running 2 Mars Hydro 480’s in a 4 x 8 tent. First run at attempting perpetual grow. Anyway I have an old 315 cmh light, if I throw that in the tent with a 3100 k bulb will that be too much? Trying to figure stuff out before I kill another plant. Tks


Download a ppfd meter app and check. As long as everything’s under 1000 at canopy level you should be fine.

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I think you’ll be happy just running the two 480 LED bar fixtures this run. That work out to exactly 30watts per sq foot in flower that’s all you need.

I don’t know you or your experience level but if you have that tent dialled in and have c02 and all the temps and humidity perfect then you could run all three and get the benefit of that UV from the CMH

Edit- if you can afford it grab a nice apogee meter

First thanks for your replies. Regarding my experience level grower, I am a new grower trying to do everything I read at once. Actually the mania is settling down and I am starting to dial things in and trying to avoid one of my mega is better mistakes.

Only problem is I found a whole new side to growing when I found this forum. The first place, while quite informative, seemed a little bit like the land of leprechauns and unicorns. But that is
Just my perception from reading on a board. Anyway on this forum I feel like I’m surrounded by like minded folks whom I could get in a lot trouble with. (“Rather laugh with sinners than cry with saints”)


I would humbly suggest once you make a change, run a cycle. Then make another change, run with it that cycle. If you change up during a cycle, you may not get a feel for what that change can offer you. I’ve run perpetual for a long time now.
I always encourage folks to first getting their feet in the dirt, to make your plan, implement the steps to complete it, and then monitor, record your findings on a week note pad. Make observations first, and think, read, ask before a sudden reaction. You may need to act fast, or you may need to simply wait and watch.
Right now, I’d not worry with perfection of light patterns, or UVB, or CO2 initiation, or what medium is best.
Get yourself growing, and knowing will follow, as you watch and monitor, and ask what you do not understand.
Seek where the knowledge is at, ask for links so you can understand, grip it, know it.
Most of all, have fun with this passion! I spent 20+ years now, all these wonderful folks helped me for so long now. So I know you will be fine. All the best to ya!


Thank you for your words if encouragement. I endeavor to do as you have described, however I have an independence streak that is a detriment at times. I will read and study anything up to the point I ask for help. Which is where I am currently at. I started this journey last March, read up, bought an Amazon weed growers kit, read more, waited on seeds, read more, waited more, finally got seeds and dropped first bean last July. 4 soil 4 dwc (I was suffering from information overlord and the needed me to resolve the soil vs hydro debate). Needless to say it has been very educational experience . I still read but now tempered with experience I have a better understanding. It is starting to gel Thanks to you and others who are willing to share their experience


Wonderful words of wisdom mate, that says it all.

CMH with LED is my favorite combo. Dense frosty buds.