Top dressing fertilizers

Damn y’all are kinda steering me towards Dr. Earth…has anyone here had experience with Down to Earth and Dr. Earth both for a comparison?


I had mixed results with Dr. Earth but I wasn’t using it correctly. We can call that user error.

Down to Earth is really good stuff, though. Dr. Earth is probably cheaper and more available at your average box stores.


Build-A-Soil gear is GREAT. Comes at a price, but after experiencing the results I’m sold on their stuff. The build-a-bloom and build-a-flower top dress blends are great. They also have a ton of high-grade amendments for adding to your soil mix.

I top dress as soon as they get into their final pots, once again three weeks into flower when an defoliate, and I feed a probiotic tea up until the last two weeks of flower with great results and super happy plants that never burn.

Thrive Yah-Whey is a great liquid probiotic that I use to supercharge my compost tea. I just toss eggshells, coffee grounds, avocado seeds and shells, cannabis plant trimmings, and whatever other compostable scraps I have into a 5 gallon bucket, fill it up with a few gallons of water, add a couple splashes of the Yah-Whey and in a couple weeks I have my bio-available probiotic super tea. I just use a paint strainer and jug it up, then add to water for a weekly drench.

Good luck, hope you find something that works great for you!

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I use the 4-8-4 myself in flower and I use their bio live which is amazing one of my favorites from them and their bat guano and sea bird guano is legit.i use the insect frass and langebedite.their stuff is good and affordable.

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Hey Rabeats2093,
If you make yourself, a jar of LAB’s, a shot glass, placed into a 5 gallon bucket of water, will help activate more from the organic values, in your mix.
I also find I need to give my plants less water or tea’s.
Also, just save one shot glass of LAB’s then add 10 parts milk, and in a few days you have another huge batch. I use about a quart every 2-3 months now, indoor.
That will increase as my outdoor gardens will all start getting a LAB’s splash.
Kelp and Alfalfa, when wetted down with LAB’s become fantastic composting biologicals.
Plus it is SUPER CHEAP!!
Just my $.02


yall really need to up your neem seed meal game.


Hey nice to hear from you !
Been a while !
Hope all is well
Please specify on LABS !!

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Here is a link I’ve for a while now.

click the Unconventional Farmer, banner, as you will see, you can make all the fertilizers you need, with little cost. Some effort, sure but it’s all there man!!
All the best to ya man!!


I remember back when sannies was open he had tabs you would insert into the soil and they released what was needed

I saw these|dm&pcrid=&pkw=&pmt=&plc=&kc=&prd=GT100&utm_source=google&utm_term=&utm_campaign=&utm_medium=cpc&slid=&prd=GT100&pgrid=&ptaid=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIp6y4mc6fhQMV4FhHAR1KHQUMEAQYByABEgLaa_D_BwE


I like Dr Earth and GreenGro, the latter being $$$.
Worked the treat for me last year…


Silly question @NuggHufferKush how do you use the langebedite?

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Any body top dress with grean bicycles?

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I use it in flower mostly.Somtimes I’ll just put some gypsum and that together even when I remix a batch.i heard it takes awhile to kinda break down also.some minerals do.

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Langbeinite is actually pretty readily available to the plants since it mostly dissolves in water and is already in ionic form. Solution grade langbeinite fully dissolves. I almost made a joke about langbedites but figured I better not. :smile:


Love that link by the way. One thing Im constantly using, especially with chickens. :+1:

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Just tossing in that I’m trying Build A Flower with my first Maui plant. It was born in coco, moved into BaS Light, and amended with Build A Flower in the first week of flowering. I can’t really speak to it being better or worse than anything as I don’t even have my first grow under my belt. Yet.

Seems happy so far!


So glad you find a bit of value in that list.
I’ve just started to use Calcium Acetate, I made from pan fried egg shells, that info was from YouTube, a Viking dude. or something like that.
I look at hundreds of YT’s, how to make stuff, concrete crafting, growing stuff, healing, meditation, Tai Chi for the exercise, if works my hands, mind, body, I’m in. Music videos, also.
I’ve zero interest in stupid human antics, crashing shit, mindless destruction, what many folks seek out.


I second this, or third it, also fourth !

Its made Feeding the plants effortless with Super results; 2 summers Now outside and a full season indoors

Gaia Green Veg and Bloom nutes travel with me; every 3 weeks I scratch-in a dose, as recommended


1.) Add Water


