TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

I want to try a Canary inside of a quail inside of a pigeon inside of a duck inside of a turkey inside of an ostrich.


Ok let’s go to Mobillys for a bird roast! OG style! YES!

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But I’m not helping stuff birds up the next ones ass! I’m out for that part


That’s the fun part though. lol
I just have to find an oven big enough for an ostrich. :thinking:
I have an old van out in the field. We could put them in there and put a fire under it. lol


Haha that sounds killer! Turn that van into a Dutch oven! Wait are we on the island here? @shag mudt have some diy input on a spit or something. But I like the van. See now I know you are a true farmer, as only true farmers say stuff like that “I’ve got an old van out in the yard etc.” every farmer has the best scrap collections I’ve ever seen and are after my own heart with the reuse of ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING :facepunch:t2:

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I swear I was never meant to leave the farm at 15yo

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We don’t waste anything. You got that right. When we butcher a steer we use everything except the mooooo.


Loved how my mom did liver and onions. We had it fairly often. Must have been a cheaper cut of meat.


As it should be brother, as it should be. My wife calls me a hoarder but I just hate wasting stuff a:I paid for b:that I know has a million uses , especially wood, metal and wiring :wink:


For us it was ground beef everything, until my dad got his own ambulance base, then we got pork chops, steak etc. lol the good old days


Well I won’t say that I’m a hoarder. I’m a collector of things others find useless until they need one.


See, like minded we are. Oh she’d know if I was a hoarder lol


Willie the Beagle. In true hound fashion ate everything. The napkin you wiped your hand on from greasy pizza. Baguettes, including the bag and plastic tie. He was the worst. Not picky. He could always puke later on anyways
But… Willie’s Bait and Tackle has shown up in more than one mailbox here.


Yes sir…. God bless Willie lol Charlii is not much different, it’s a constant struggle keeping her from eating stuff while we walk, and for some reason she loves napkins, paper towels etc. the other day she ripped an arm off of her favourite bear, then pranced around with it for hours spewing stuffing all over the place, after a couple hours I tried to take it away, she took off downstairs and quickly ATE IT! :man_facepalming:t2: an entire small teddy bear arm :man_facepalming:t2: that one was unique

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Morning @TopShelfTrees1 I’m off to a fair start. Solos looked nice yesterday. Real bright fuzzy roots. 19/20, and I think these will all go. 3 more strains in shot glasses right now, one of those Killer Chem crosses. More picked out for very soon.


Good morning brother.


How goes it @DougDawson hope all is well for you and yours brother :facepunch:t2:

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Atta boy @crownpoodle we all have lapses or just shit luck, even me remember I had to recently plant restart s for the first time in memory, EVER! :grimacing: but I’m going back to old faithful from now on, especially for all the precious stuff I have coming up as they are so rare and scarce losing any will be a sad affair. What else you poppin? How’s that OTS after a bit of a cure now brother?


All is well, just a bit tired today, was a late night. How are you doing today?

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I’m good, honestly for the first time in a long while I can say I had a great month, I feel great and I’m happy. And it’s a very welcome change. And it has a lot to do with this place and my friends here, my true friends. And I’m not letting it stop anytime soon. I feel like it’s my year , FINALLY👊🏻 thank you for asking. S far as tired I know the feeling, I just couldn’t sleep last night, couldn’t shut off the brain.