TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

That’s a problem I can relate with. Sleep is not really my friend.


The funk on this Chem-D is off the charts today! Like absolute nose tingling, burning BO/garlic/onion ontop of a tire fire. My god it’s glorious! :sneezing_face:


Ironically since I found I had anxiety and was diagnosed they gave me all sorts of pills but this escitalopram stuff was the only one I didn’t despise, after a few weeks I started sleeping, after like 12 years of full on insomnia it was glorious, and I feel like I’m still playing catch up, no joke I could smoke a fatty, sleep, get up and do it again on repeat for days if I could/chose to. Pills keep the anxiety down and make me sleep. I’m so anti-pill it’s crazy but this one I gladly take now, only thing is I don’t wanna find out what happens if I stop…. :weary:


Just read thru the flood Tony Green’s cleaning up from. Damn. But in perspective, me killing some seeds isn’t the end of the world. Just pisses me off.


I am not anti pill at all, would just prefer a more natural way when possible. Unfortunately I have not smoked this morning. I am at work so no soup for me until I get home, lol.


Morning. Since I started sleeping with a C-pap. 18 months ago. I sleep like a baby every night. This machine has been a life changer. Between it and titrating cannabis oil along with a weekly micro-dose of Psilocybin. I wish I would of started all three 20 years ago. :slightly_smiling_face:


No your not. Just 99.9% jokes and facetiousness. :sunglasses:


I’d like to ask ANYONE of my friends, hell even if I don’t like ya or vice versa to please send positive vibes for my very old, very good friend Randy as it’s beginning to look like I’ll never see him again and it’s been killing me, absolutely killing me


I saw him in 1996 at small venue in burnout Portland,Or La Luna. He opened for Soul Asylum

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Prayers before I posted.


Positive Vibes Randy’s Way… :pray:


Very cool, one person I idolized and never had the pleasure to meet, although B-Real told me some epic stories and showed me some crazy pics/videos from the House Of Pain days and I feel like we’d be tight if we ever met. Been a big fan since I was a youth and still am to this day, when I had Slaine come down for a week in 2002 we were supposed to meet with him late at night but he ended up getting sick which actually turned into some crazy throat thing that had him down for months. I figure that was my one shot sadly, bet he absolutely killed it live


Show was dope as f. Portland,Or mid 90’s scene was off the charts. :100: :sunglasses: :metal: Time in Music we will never get back. Glad I was there for it.


IMHO the entire 90’s was ! At least for me, the 90’s and much of the 2000’s were truly a time to behold and no one can understand unless they lived it. I was blessed to have started a production company with a good friend and associate and that gave me access to people I idolized and would have never thought would be crashing in my spare room, or taking me on shopping sprees, insane 3/4/5 day parties and basically anything you wanted FREE :man_facepalming:t2: what a time to have grown up in . We are blessed , truly blessed :facepunch:t2:


Word :100: