TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

somebody had the “oops, I crapped my pants” SNL skit on their thread. @ColeLennon ? They hand out collapsible puke bags too. Like a dryer vent hose closed on one end. They work pretty good.
Me…puked my whole life. Just my response. I could hit any planter. As a kid at big parties I was the really fucked up guy. Puke, rinse my mouth with whatever we were drinking, then finish my sentence. I made a few folks retch just watching. I grew up in a functional alcoholic household. My dad was pretty bad at times, but never missed work in 35 years. I thought everyone puked in the morning. Just normal stuff.


Yeah, really didn’t throw up in my mouth. 90% of what I say is facetious. Unlike @Foreigner he is more 99.9%. I did poop though. :rofl: :poop:


Wait I’m 99.9% poop? I’m not gonna argue with that.


The real question is what’s the other .01%

Even science can’t figure it out.


Foreign material


Update on cuts n clones ?

You ok today? take it one day at a time man


All is well brother, everything is doing great, all cuts have been planted and are awaiting addition to the big show. Good morning @Jetdro


Good morning everyone :wave:t2:


Good Morning :coffee:
The Soylent green has a great amount of frost already.
I would love to get some insight on what can increase the trich production without it being from the genetics to start.
Curious what are you doing different vs your normal regiment?


Honestly I’m doing a bunch different this run. Zero c02, which previously I didn’t run without, I also haven’t touched my UV’s yet either. I believe it’s a direct correlation to watering practices, dryback etc. I am still running current culture nutrients with their specific bud boosters and some dynomyco at uppots but that’s it. I think once you have basically a symbiotic relationship with your plants and can keep things pretty balanced etc. and dryback…. There is a fine line but pushing it close yo the limit is key imho you don’t want cracked soil where the water just sits on top that’s too far, but up until that point basically. I’ve been doing this a long time and certain things just become second nature I’ve never really thought of this too much, thanks for getting me thinking this morning @InTheWoods


I also switched silica’s from the expensive stuff to a cheap 4L one that cost me 30$ and omitted the addition of b-52 in late Veg. (Had to check my notes for these)


Thanks, I always saw the value add for C02 in other’s tent/ grow room.
I don’t have the temps in the tent for it actually work unless I run with my old HPS.
If I understand correctly, Increased c02 levels allow the plant to take higher temps from multiple HPS/MH lighting. (More lumens, more photosynthesis until DLI)

Is it still beneficial with LED normal temp environments?
Was going to ask about your nutes but you already answered that. high five


I think it is for sure, normally when I run c02 I push up around the 85/6/7 degree mark, without I like to keep it around 80-82max I also keep my humidity a bit higher without the co2 and add more fans as well. There’s so many little factors now you really have me thinking. I also truly believe in every genetic in my tent atm and am definitely finding certain breeders and certain lines ( parental lines etc.) just tend to crush it when done right, time will tell and I was actually contemplating switching up nutes next round as Athena sent me a whole wack of 4L’s to try but I’m leaning more towards sticking with this stuff as I brought it over from my RDWC runs and incorporated it into coco and it’s been absolutely stellar since day 1


You are 100% correct , I’ve found that increased levels to a certain point even in Veg definitely help increase growth rates, and even speed up all processes including showing sex. My mentor runs minimal c02 from the time he adds them to solos right up until chop steadily increasing until it’s eliminated. I’ve seen the proof that even early on it helps. His brother runs little lines into his Veg/clone rooms as well. These guys have been doing it forever and have tried it all imho so I take everything they say as church.


That thing is a beauty.


Is that the Church of What’s Happening?


On my last run, I didn’t get the chance to string up and of my plant either in a net or with yo-yos. So when the buds flipped over slightly, I noticed a much higher/tighter density of trichs that were getting blasted by the light. The underside, shaded side, was still frosty, but not nearly like the exposed side. I did a little experiment where I would manipulate the buds to where the bare side was facing the lights and within 2 or 3 days the frost has filled out on that side too.

This leads me to believe that the trichomes are a protective response from the plant to possibly shield it’s tender bits from UV radiation.


Oh and good morning everyone


Thanks for taking the time to answer.
I think the next run ill incorporate one of those smaller c02 bags into the tent to see what happens. It’s fun to experiment until I get everything dialed in. I haven’t tried UV but will look into it more.
I’m used to soil and will probably stay in my lane for medium choice, although the turnaround time on DWC plants is tempting.

You got a great green thumb. I wouldn’t call you a pupil :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: