TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

T5 uv for the win : ) keep things happy happy and still fun


Well said…. There’s a certain point where it stops becoming fun. I love what I do , absolutely love it and hope I never get to that point like many friends who either went legal, commercial or working for someone running big huge spaces have gotten, it’s just not fun anymore, now it’s a job! And they start to despise it.


It has to be fun : )


Random bud shots from last night


Alright! Time for me to go find some hilarious tiktoks before I start my day.


I have ruined a few things I loved to do by turning them into jobs. Never again.


This is my only problem with growing so far. I just can’t nail down watering at the right time & right amount.

Also good morning!


It’s funny how that works isn’t it, I almost ruined fishing when it became a career path, so I opted for I’ll do the ops, tourneys , conventions I feel like doing and if you want me bad enough you’ll deal…. They have dealt for 5 years now. Even through Covid when I did next to absolutely nothing for 3 years . Learned a valuable lesson there and now when I feel that situation approaching I quickly withdraw. We only have so much we do we truly love/enjoy and I’m not losing any of those no matter what.


“Well that was a perfectly wonderful hobby that I just fucked up good in the search for money.”

Funny yes. Unfortunate yes. But it’s a good lesson, for the youth, so listen up, youth.


I used to measure, calculate and all of that, but I’ve stuck with generally the same pot sizes all along , after a few runs with certain sizes you build up a feel , to the point where I know my watering can will feed two whole pots, and I pour it on heavy so it builds then slowly feeds the entirety as it works it’s way through, you also get a feel for times etc. I prefer to water a couple hours after lights on so they can utilize most through the day and start to dryback over night, and there will be very minimal moisture retention in the bottom 1-2inches just enough for a couple change in the coco. That is perfect and time to recharge/fertigate

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This is the root of all evil imho


@ifish my buddy used some real cheap LED strips in the corners. 3x4 closet. I forget his main light. Those strips blew up the lowers is what occurred. Some increase in size, but rock hard and frosty.


Long story short I dabbled in poker in my youth and then went professional. It was a great game and I loved to do it and was a very cool lifestyle. Fast forward 8 years and I’m totally sick of it and never want to play it again.

Fuck the money.


Always wondered what that lifestyle was like…. Makes total sense because you no longer did it just when u wanted to have fun, now it was work even if u socked away 280,000$ you ruined something you loved. I get it, totally do. I became friends with many hip hop stars over the years, many absolutely hated making music, doing shows etc after a few years, especially if they were touring, never heard one person in the industry longer than a few years say they loved doing tours/ shows fact most despised it and it showed as when they were in their own atmosphere just freestylin making beats, etc. they were in their atmosphere but it changes on stage year by year. Sad but true


At one point it was freedom from tedium and then just became its own tedium.

Had I quit after 5 years I would have a different awesome rosy perspective but I just did it too long and sucked all the joy out of it.


Shoot for a 2 day dryback time.
Only give enough water to feed the plants for a day or so.
You can weigh your pots for a better feel of how wet they are.
You can water every day to if you have the time just make sure they a pretty dry before you water again.

In flower you can give a bit more water it is best no to let the plants dry out too much in flower.
But the last few weeks go really light on the water.
Not too light but quite a bit less water in the last 2 weeks.


Ya I usually water every 2nd day but water to slight run off every time

Fished all my life till my last injury. Not big deal. Had more than my share. I also fished commercially off and on for many years. Interesting stuff. Different. Got involved in the local live fish market. That was crazy fun. Had a couple 18’ boats. A lot wasn’t different than for fun. Instead of an ice chest it was a recirculating 55 gal barrel or 2. Dead 30 cents a #. Live $6.0-10. Now that was work and really fun. But because $ was involved it got ugly. I walked.


Crazy how money does that …. Just sucks the fun out of it somehow

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And a fine good morning to you @TopShelfTrees1 . Hope you have a pleasant day. Zero stress bud. Got my Jaw’s stuff out. Soaking more of his gear in a bit. Tough decisions. You know. Got Chem 4 x Lemon Larry going into rooters later. Likely to have at least one or two of everything I start outside too. See what happens.