TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

16 power is all you really need or want, any stronger field of view is way too small


Thanks for the tip and will likely save money from it.


Ya I have a 60 that’s useless


Reco this one
Twice as old as the fan



I do that out my picture window all the time. I can’t wait for them to surround me in the gauntlet. Its something else to sit in between them and dose some shrooms and vap some herb. Good times. :sunglasses: :100:


Oh bet thats cool…id like to bring my lil projector out, set up a screen, sit in the middle of the Gauntlet and watch like Cheech n Chong while blazing in the underbelly of the plants…


When I was exploring farms in Cali we visited a few outdoor plots, one that was all mean genes stuff, HUGE PLANTS, nugs the size of my leg, smells off the chain, every corner a new delicious terp, then we came to this one corner that was like 10-12 absolute monsters in bags the size of a Volkswagen bus, in the middle an outdoor couch, two chairs with cushions a couple of bongs and then a couple of hammocks swinging in the wind…. That picture has been burned in my brain as heaven or paradise ever since , never got to meet MG but I feel like he knows paradise and is one of the best breeders out there hands down.


Awesome. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


I think I just saved money. This magnifier glass will do the trick. :sunglasses:

Easier in person to see closer but here are the best shots I could get with my phone.
Mainly Banana Fruit Cake and one shot of Tahoe Animal.




Nice! Whatever works…… works


BFC will be a better hash producer out of the two.


It might,I don’t know comparing to my friend’s harvest, the Tahoe looks like diamond compared to the BFC. After a couple days drying. Just traded a pack of seeds for 2 full sets of bub bags to get my feet wet.

The ones I’d really like to check it the Gelazzi and Sundae Batter. Those are much farther along than the TA and BFC. They in the back and hard to get both arms in there to get the shots.


You have to take a close look at the trichome coverage using as much magnification as you can, and compare the # of trichome caps you can see, since that’s what hash is made out of. The human eye can only make out things that are over 500 microns tall, so when your trichomes are like 700microns tall it looks like a forest of trichomes, even though there are far fewer trichomes there, you can actually SEE them with the naked human eyeball.


@InTheWoods trust me @JoeCrowe is our resident hash guru. Makes absolutely unreal hash and hash stuffs. I too just grabbed some bags and a wash for a deal I couldn’t pass up (barter) so I’m stoked to get back to making hash etc. again. Joes threads are an absolute wealth of knowledge regarding hash and much more. It’s all about size/shape/density of trichs and heads etc. I don’t even fully understand yet as I’m just getting back into it (had a girl who made ours for many many years) we are also in a similar schedule so we can learn/relearn together :wink:


Ok that makes sense. The more trichs equals better output (washer) for hash.
I do think I got a bad shot of the TA. It’s almost similar on a different cola. I’ll try to get better shots and post in my journal in a little bit.

@TopShelfTrees1 I believe you man. I’ve been lurking in the Unicorn Gold thread. Its inspiring the quality he pumps out. Being a sponge in there is cutting down the learning curve already before the first attempt.
Finger crossed I don’t muck it up. Nice to hear you scooped some bags as well, Should be a fun process!


Contemplating switching things up completely next round, growing real tired of hand watering and gnats etc. was planning on trying something all new to me I’ve seen several others including @Jetdro and @Papalag have great success with but it’s not looking pheasible for the near future. I had intended on having a tent for RDWC and one for whatever else I end up utilizing/trying but now I’m completely torn. I’ve always wanted to go the LSO route, but acquiring everything has turned out to be easier said than done, the octopots is just $ I don’t have atm and RDWC I’d need to stock up on a few things that have dwindled away over the years as well…. :man_shrugging:t2: Guess I’m just talking out loud because I’m frustrated AF atm trying to figure out my next move , especially as each day my window is closing more and more for this next round .


It took me time to save up for them but by waiting I ran into a great sale they had

Don’t try to get every thing at once

Good luck



Good advice sir :pray:t2: gracias @Papalag


I’m really interested to try out some of that sweet sweet RDWC action, but I’m not so keen about doing it on the second floor. Is Indicana Jones gonna have to build a separate grow facility in the back yard?


With anything 1% a day is great progress. Compound those days and you’re at the goal in no time. :vulcan_salute:
RDWC is appealing to me but just too comfortable with the soil.