TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Haha :laughing: get on that! I absolutely loved my RDWC years and grows but it’s more geared towards big mothafuckin trees! ie my name in fact. But I had more space etc and still needed two 4x8s for 8-12 plants, and a 4x4 constantly making big ass clones pre vegged to plop in, the timing and vigour is insane! I was constantly thumping out stuff unless I was pheno hunting etc. I had 3 full size bloom areas and two Veg and then an off site mom room, now it’s all about optimizing space etc. it’s the only reason I’m not running the Current Culture goodies as we speak tbh. Plus it’s clean af if you run sterile


@TopShelfTrees1 what’s the math on that? I see the plants get stupid big. Are we talking a 4 site system could fill up a 4x8?


Easily , mine are 13g pro units and without question that can be done as I’ve done it , but ended up with a lot of larf as I was experimenting but man a scrog and 4 plants with great genetics no problemo! The root systems alone will literally blow your mind :exploding_head:


Then it’s settled. I’ll start on that as soon as I finish remodeling downstairs. I keep telling my wife it’s gonna take another 5 years to do downstairs and she keeps telling me that she is going to kill me. :joy:


@TopShelfTrees1 cones. That’s me baby…cone to the bone. Or something. What sent me down the yellow cone road, was my arthritic fingers not cooperating when I need them too. Got a 3 pack of 1x1/4 . Got 1 of 3 tournament really good, frigi g perfect. On accident obviously. Youtube a video and rarely s rew one up. After much experimenting I buy boxes of 100 98mm unbleached cones. ZigZag’s. I smoke them all by myself. Even when I had other sizes, this was it.
Got one in my fingers right now. My 1st taste of some weed I had to “take a peek” at. @JAWS Blackberry Cookies. I’ll share about this on @JAWS thread after I do something


Good morning everyone


Man. Myth. Legend! Smoking a sample of my BBC. No cure. Barely smokable. @JAWS … delightful buzz on this one. Literally. Good and stoned. But I got a buzz going that’s pretty pleasant. Interesting. Come on cure!


Morning bud.


Haha I love it! Soon, very very soon I’ll have some goodies to sample, not a minute too soon either as I’m getting real sick of what I’m blazing day after day. Can’t wait to sample everything! Get the next one going


I got up and my whole downstairs stunk/smelled wonderful. “Crownpoodle to the bakery. Your Blackberry Cookies are done.”
June Gloom here. Nice yesterday. Nice every day with friends like you @TopShelfTrees1 and the OG crew.


Haha I love that shit! Walking into a room or area with fresh cut! It’s like heaven, and a good indication of what you are gonna get if done properly. Gloomy day here as well, pouring out but Canada needs it BAD! Stupid forest fires /vandals etc. Who starts forest fires for fun!? WTFF :man_facepalming:t2: now they put peoples lives in jeapordy etc. ridiculous.


Could not agree more brother. You guys always make every day better. Guaranteed :facepunch:t2:


Now that’s funny. I know some of what you have going. Looks to be growing proper. Grown poorly it would likely still fuck you up.
So you, me, maybe more, are wishing for different weed when half our respective countries would die for our roaches, try debris, trim, etc.


Lmmfao true that brother, true that. Never thought of it like that, shouldn’t be complaining that’s for sure. My buddy Bob has a neighbour (has issues) Bob has given him his roaches every Friday for years and years, and the guy is ecstatic EVERYTIME.


Bobs your uncle and your neighbor? :joy:


Bahaha :rofl: and the dirty roach guy too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Glad to hear some reprieve for those fires and really hope they catch those SOBs. Absolute insanity.

Getting some spotty showers which is welcomed. We haven’t had a good rain for two weeks. Only the microbursts of rain then back to sunny and low humidity.
Definitely a noticeable shift here over the past couple years with summer rain being uncommon and mild winters. Third year in a row where in December we had highs of 50s near xmas, little snowfall and dry summers.


It’s definitely getting weird that’s for sure, 10-12 years ago mild winters were starting to be more frequent I remember snowboarding in shorts and a t-shirt and was blown away, now those days are expected, water levels have risen to the point my favourite childhood spots can no longer be seen never mind fished. There’s spots I carved my name on rocks as a kid that are 8-15ft underwater now. The whirlpool has almost swallowed the surrounding land mass here. And the humidity is insane . Dry AF summers lead to crazy fires , and tsunamis, hurricanes and tornadoes have at least quadrupled…… maybe Mother Nature/Earth is telling us something and has been for some time, idk but we gotta be at the point of no return soon, breaks my heart tbch


We’ve cruised past the point of no return, we’re at the “brace for impact” stage. I’m sure the atmospheric contamination humanity has introduced will heal itself naturally… in 20million years :smiley:


Wild shifts in little as decade. Tornados were talked about as a rare occurrence now we get them frequently. All we can do is roll with mother nature’s punches well now they’re uppercuts.