TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

It’s funny you say that I was watching a documentary from 2018 and they were talking about Chernobyl etc. and this guy is certain the contamination is almost at the point it’s non existent and plans to buy up all the land and start building…. He’s like look look at all the people coming/going? Lol it’s because they are there to build the new sarcophagus’ containing the deadly chemicals etc. hence the influx :man_facepalming:t2: that contamination is gonna be there looong after we are all gone, the basement of the hospital is still one of the most radioactive places on earth because of the contaminated clothing and stuff still lying there to this day. People will believe anything!


“Save the planet?.. we can’t even save ourselves.”

“The planet is fine, the people are f*cked!”


Gotta love George! People thought he was nuts for years, look at most of the shit he was saying now :thinking: it’s crazy the people that saw this shit 20/30/40 years ago and we’re ostracized for even bringing it to light . Now they are called visionaries :man_facepalming:t2:


You guys see this shit! Absolutely epic!


Funny how that is. He really dug deep on so many topics.
One of the great orators and ability to cut thru all it and get to core of the issue.

This clip sums it up quite well.


Wow, Thats an incredible shot!

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Good morning everyone. Love George Carlin


First Canadian to win it in 69 years, legendarily too! Made me a proud Canadian that’s for sure! Loved watching the pro V1 drop in the cup below the Canadian green flag! Gave me goosebumps and my dad jumped higher than I’ve seen him in 30 years no joke ! I think his head hit the ceiling!


Morning @Emeraldgreen guy was definitely an absolute legend and way ahead of his time!


Ya I just posted it in @Foreigner thread. Amazing shot and huge for Canada. :canada:


Soooo I have questions for ANYONE utilizing Grove Bags, I am going to grab enough to do my current run and give them a go finally. I’m just unsure of what the ideal sizes are ? What works best etc. I was thinking a couple 1 pounders, 6-8 QP ones, couple 1/2P’s and 6-8 ounce bags? I have no clue even after thoroughly researching for weeks now.


I like the 1lb’ers. Jet swears by the 1/4 lb. Depends on your yields. I put them in 1 lb groves and fold them over if necessary. Then they all go in weather tite totes.


What a way to win it. 72 footer is insane!



Absolutely is! My old man is still going on about it, in fact that’s what made me post it was him sharing the interview with me a few minutes before. My whole family are golfers, i have been since 11 years old and my boys since about 10 as well. My uncle is a licensed pro and my cousin David just got his pga card this year. I definitely don’t play like I used to but still get out at least 10-12 times a summer. Much more if my dad stays home in the summer . That’s funny you posted it there, I actually volunteered to teach Foreigner and his wifey to play golf this year a month or two back.


Ya I’m thinking 1’s, 1/4lbs and 1/2’s just so everything will be separate. I haven’t weighed a grow in 15 years so I have no clue about weight tbch and with the density I’ve been getting I’m always way under what it actually would be anyway. If I added up jars etc I’m sure I’d have a good idea but I prefer not to know…. Just one more thing I’ll freak out/stress about lol. I figure once I’m set and truly dialed., TRULY DIALED. Then I’ll worry about numbers as it’ll be all that’s left to improve for the most part but for now I’m never dissapointed or anything so I’ll call em all wins!


Think Bulk @TopShelfTrees1, i grabbed 10x 1lb and thats a functional Storage size. 1oz size are nice for samples… n daily’s


For me, 5x 1oz, 5x 4oz. I shouldn’t pull much more than 5 ounces with this run.

Probably the bigger sizes for your run. You’re list seems like a good start to try out what works.


Gotta love this place…we have two types of growers here…those who use combines and those who don’t! :grin:



Ya the zips will be for what I keep around to smoke, pounds for multiple plants and the rest as size dictates I also tend to leave my buds huge especially colas etc. stock and all so I’m thinking a few extra 1p ones for that purpose. Oh and a couple fresh frozen bags for bubble/rosin etc.