TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

They make my shit so easy. Wet trim really well. 14 day dry. Clip nugs right in groves. 1 and done. Perfect.


I think there is gonna be a little Skip in your Steps today @TopShelfTrees1, with all this Bulk management-talk.

Should we smoke a Joint?


That setup is some serious money. Very cool to see it harvesting hemp I presume. :sunglasses:


Its great to see the technology being applied. Too bad its still at a grass roots level


I don’t know…that’s @MissinBissin driving the John Deere…ask him!


Haha I love that statement and pic! It always blows my mind when I hear people say they got a couple zips or whatever. The way I take my photos and the space available to do so dictates why my pics all look closer etc. it’s cuz that little room is CRAMMED just ask @MissinBissin and he didn’t even get into the other room moms/cuts etc. and the seedling area, plus now a quarantine upstairs too. But I end up with quite a bit. Then after looking further I notice guys growing in a 2x2 or a cabinet etc. then it makes total sense. Whether 3.5g per plant or 3.5oz per plus we all work with what we can at the moment and slowly upgrade or spread out as time and funds allow. I do hope one day I can go back to a whole 3 bdrm home but until then I’ll push for every square inch possible. Just wait until you see what I do next. Hopefully I can obtain and complete everything by fall and be done experimenting and building and get back to growing and dialing all of my environments once again.


Always down for that brother, in fact I have one in hand


Awhile back I saw a roach weed thread. One guy even had a grinder just for roaches. I’ve (weve) gotten so spoiled. I don’t use roaches or fan leaves,but all my tray debris, etc gets cooked.


In the Simcoe area 15 years ago they had HUUUGE HEMP FIElds being harvested similar and bailed etc. first time I saw anything of the sort it was mind blowing and the owner had JUST switched the previous year from tobacco which I commended him for


@MissinBissin Jealous of your ride :sunglasses:


There was a hemp field just outside of Barrie just before legality, and a giant billboard in the middle of it for Big Mac. I thought it was funny so I stopped to take a photo. I walk up into the field and theres a guy there stuffing garbage bags full of hemp. He looks all flustered when he sees me and asks me if this is my pot field. I tell him it’s hemp, and he’s only going to get a headache smoking it…but he keeps stuffing those bags.



Same, fans gone. Roaches get saved but usually given away or used for a party or something. If I think back to all the larf, trim, leaf I’ve tossed and/or had go moldy or ruined dry it’s insane! Pounds and pounds and pounds. One harvest we left in a buddies garage, got so ruined and spent a week at the casino and in hotel rooms, we forgot to turn on the fans or open the upstairs draft windows, came back to pounds and pounds and POUNDS of mold, completely ruined every square inch. That was the day I started being so particular about shit and notes etc. it will never happen again I’ll tell you!


Bahaha priceless! So many would have no clue what the difference is…. Dumbass :man_facepalming:t2: hope he enjoyed those vicious headaches, serves him right tbch


Damn I would love that @CanuckistanPete, still its a little closer to @Emeraldgreen ‘s level



Right, It’s not as common here, big in VA and Delaware too. . CT was previous known for its tobacco, I don’t think anymore. It would be cool to see some farmers try it out. Although its big leap and many hoops to jump thru probably too.

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You get to that level , please don’t forget your boy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Oh Man, if only @InTheWoods.
There is a huge amount of respect from me pouring out to Farmers.
Thats a huge game, and a very Overlooked career.

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No fear on that one amigo.
But I’m also never gonna be Big Time. I’m gonna Go put my Stool in the 4x4 with a bunch of seedlings and see if I can create one of your Field moments.

I’ll be right back


Most definitely. If I had the money/land etc. I’d probably give her a go, just for the fact I would know where everything came from for me, my friends and family. No joke I’d provide those I love with the best meats, veggies, poultry, milk, cheese , bacon and other dairy products etc. I’d absolutely love it tbch plus it’s a helluva way to raise kids too, teaches them so much about responsibility and just life in general as well as empathy which is so so important imho

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Haha nice! I’ll join ya! Joint break EVERYONE!