TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

What ya smoking brother? @Jetdro

Lost Cake
It is growing on me


Nice! I bet over time it’ll develop too, may end up loving it That damn wedding cake has me comparing everything to it I’m smoking again lol, it’s getting tastier every joint I smoke. Stuff is awesome brother, very well done :raised_hands:t2: actually after last night, wedding cake over Mac 110% @Jetdro


She is super special . If your gonna turn she is THE ONE to run . She will pull serious weight too


OK, I’ll make sure it travels with me @TopShelfTrees1


I’m squeezing in those two no matter what!

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You are too kind @MissinBissin Yup I’m nice and stoned now

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that Mac is no slouch though either :wink: @Jetdro im definitely throwing down one of each, have too now after you got me hooked :fishing_pole_and_fish:


I agree
WC is better than Mac
Not much
But I prefer her

I’m redoing my mom tent as the 4 clones are running out of room and I want more PAR on them .

I expect WC to beat the other 3 in the Kush Off

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@TopShelfTrees1 100 percent agree. I came across some Bio Jesus a couple months back that blew me away. Very similar to Sour D lingering flavoring that keeps you wanting more. Since smoking it I’m on the lookout for the original Denver relief cut or preservation seed of it. I’d love to run it over and over :grin:

@Jetdro The Wedding cake and Lost Cake both look like winners to me. :sunglasses:


I think she will too , we shall see I guess? Looking forward to it !

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Yeah we are gonna see and I’ll call it and show it straight

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your welcome brother.

mac’s killer i hear …

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I’d love to run the Bio Jesus too! Especially if it’s really got that heavy sour twang! My buddy @SkunkHunt101 just sent me some sowahh from karma, plus I have the top Dawg ones from Jinglepot and soon to have the ECSD cut I cannot wait to try them all! @Player0685 is absolutely killing it on a sour run from Top Dawg as we speak too! Got me droolin thinking about those terps now!


Yes! All hail @JAWS :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2: yes brother it truly is, finally got to try a good example and it’s really great. I gotta get you the cut now too, it’s only right. I was just talking about this with Mike. Were your ears ringing :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: comes full circle doesn’t it…. I absolutely love it


One of the few hype strains that lives up to its story . Doesn’t come much prettier doesn’t come much tastier doesn’t come much stronger , she is a trifecta . With that said , the JBeezy cut of Wedding Cake is better




What makes the frozen grove bags good ???

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Nice!! The Sour dee triple crown.
I didn’t realize that there were so many out there. Really only knew of ECSD. I get it though.
I’ve been lurking on the Top dawg run. @Player0685 has a mighty green thumb. If only smell of vision was possible, I’d plug into his room all day for that smell. :joy:


No idea tbh, I always just used the thick ass turkey bags but I’m gonna try a couple of these regular ones, they are only a few bucks, hold 450 grams or something I think.


Agreed :facepunch:t2: he’s really impressed me with that run for sure. And he’s a great guy as well.