TopShelfs trees (Part 1)


That dude up there is Charlie Kelly! Have you seen “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” yet? It’s up there in the top 3 comedies ever made. You would LOVE it man.


Know what I actually haven’t watched it but have so many people tell me too. I literally just put it in my reminders and I’m gonna throw it on tonight for the wife and I . You gotta be the 10th person to say this to me easy


I’m surprised you not on the octopot regime of feeding , it works for all systems and all mediums ?


Been running cultured Solutions so long it’s like second nature. I don’t even know what the octopot regime is tbh @ifish but I know I want to try them but tbh probably never will sadly

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Veg = plant just ticking over/ setting itself up , so a nice balanced feed wants for nothing 1/1/1 20/20/20 or 15/15/15 etc

Stretch = leaf and stem so 2/1/1 or similar pushin n , n is for leaf and stem
W2/3 flowers start to show 1/3/2 1/3/3 p plus k togeather make buds
W4-8 1/4/4 ppm is raised by pk pushing more flowering
W8 to finish 1/2/5 k without good p equals no more budding k keepin plant health good for finish


The plants don’t care about brands or mixing them
But they do care about what feed ( npk ratio ) they get and when

So we push at certain times/ stages npk in favour of what we want to do and nothing else , so no confusion or wasted energie


Very interesting, I’ve always just went by feel/eye although I’ve always kind of followed their feed schedule with my own tweaks and additions at certain points. Honestly I’ve not once in 20 years ran a set schedule I just go by eye /feel which sometimes works out epic, sometimes not. Especially with sativas as I’m still pretty unfamiliar as I’ve run maybe 12 in my life. 4 outside lol

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The ppm of feed is lower this way but we are actually pushin harder than others as we are not wasting ppm on stuff plant doesn’t need or wasting energy etc


Give it a whirl : )


Makes complete sense tbch

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Would be nice to just have a set schedule like I did in RDWC (plant dependant) but I run mostly indies or Indy hybrids so I just followed my EC schedule, and at certain times added additives of my choosing but it was on my white board for a few years never changed, worked great but then I switched (I’m weird and have to constantly switch shit/try new shit. So I was going to go to LSO, but after realizing everything I needed said screw it, back to good old coco, been stuck here since but getting stagnant and starting to procrastinate and shit all the time…. Idk I need a change I think :thinking:


No coco lol the cation exchange takes away all control , you never know what’s truely going on , only guessing and chasing ghosts

Go promix : )

With the system above you are in total control at all times


With slurry /run off tests etc. you get a pretty good idea. But tbh you don’t need to when things are going great which 98% of the time it does, only ran into issues switching nutes, now my Veg stuff has been hating me. That’s why I loved my current culture setup start to finish, look at my guardian…. Numbers good? Check my res, levels good, RO good. Done. Was so simple to produce stellar results . Ugh I wish I had the space it kills be it’s sitting in boxes around my house

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I’ll Definitely give it a shot, need something before I give up over here, just frustrated AF atm tbch @ifish

Flood and drain is what I would do : )


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what r u frustrated about ??? @TopShelfTrees1


@ifish i appreciate you and your help/advice so very much bro. I truly do, been there for me for years, always are. Thank you brother :pray:t2: just know I truly appreciate it

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Space, my setup, my stuff among a million other things…. Thank you for asking though brother ? Just off that’s all and can’t seem to find my way back that’s all @Jetdro i really appreciate you too. Nice to have good friends who GAF

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The feeding shedual simplifies everything ask jet and paps , it’s dare I say fun ?


i will never go away from it …