TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Both plant and grower benifit from it in so many ways , takes out all the guess work

Nutrients are so boring and complicated , make it fun : )

And way cheaper lol


I am not a NPK kinda guy.
Meaning I do not grasp it very well.
I understand what you are doing and why and it make real good sense too.

What are your thoughts on a short burst of high P and a bit K of course after swell/bulk up is finished?

Currently I do 1 feed with kool bloom powder 2-45-28 at that stage and it seems to swell the ovual and help the plants start to finish.
I think @SHSC-1 described it as …the plant swallows the hairs.



When I see a good 10% of calyx’s fattening I see this as a sign that plants hormones are slowing down that in conjunction with lower water uptake

I want the plant to finish quickly , not confused and still trying to fire new hairs out etc
The amount of time plus food plus electric is not worth the slight extra bud

So I give them the message to say no more bud by reducing p in ratio

On the higher in k ratio the rest of the calyx s will fatten and trichs will amber just fine

Means more efflicent , more grows per year etc etc


Plus if growing lots of strains it can help push longer flowering ones to finish quicker

Add that with lower temps , lower light intensity , and your giving a very strong signal

In out in out bang bang , get the grows done , like conveyor belt : )

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Omg. This is giving me flashbacks to the time my man told me he’s never seen titanic or eaten a deviled egg.

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all I can say is… changing nutrient lines is no fun LOL
I’m in the throes of figuring this out myself due to no longer being able to get my tried and true, General Hydro Flora micro and bloom.
I run lucas formula… I have for years. I have my own sort of method that I tailor as I go but it all revolves around 8micro/16bloom at full strength. I keep epsom salts on hand though rarely use them… I keep gypsum on hand and it has it’s place as well although the GH Flora line has pretty good base Ca numbers.
So now I have had to switch and I live in very small town canada so my local options are kinda slim. If I went full organic , the garden center here is well stocked and I use them for my outdoor ammendments when I rebuild my soils. The carry Hollands Secret a 3 part that is actually made here just a couple hours south of me. I’ve been trying to fudge the numbers and run it like i did the GH flora but it is higher in P and K so I have had to try and figure things out. Then there is that darn LED learning curve under the HLG 600 Bspec … some plants seem to really like the feed and light, others are hating me LOL
I may look to the Jacks program here pretty quick and just buy everything mail order which i have been trying to avoid.
I may even pick up some of the holland secret Grow and try thier 3 part numbers for a run when i fire back up indoors.
Now I saw @shag mention General Hydro KoolBloom. Yes I use this product indoors both the liquid and the powder. I don’t really get into my nutrient regimen much because I don’t really want to be criticized or debated as is what can happen these days I find… I’m still learning and always will be. That said … I start running Liquid Kool Bloom(0-10-10) in week 3 or right at the end of stretch ramping up, starting at 3mls per gallon (with regular feed), the next week 4mls, the next week 5mls PLUS 1ml of powdered koolbloom. The next week which will be week 6 on a 10week strain Liquid KoolBloom drops to 1ml per gallon , Powdered KoolBloom at 2mls per gallon Week 6 is where I am also bumping my gypsum(N,Sulphur and Ca) ppm from 150 - 200ppm up to 350 -400ppm
Week 7 I drop the Micro altogether, powdered Koolbloom to 5mls pergallon
week 8- 5mls powdered koolbloom
Week 9 - 13mls Powdered Kool Bloom at the beginning of week 9 and nothing else.
week 10 - water only or flush
My last indoor bud run in 2022 I ran the above numbers with 8micro/16bloom of GH flora. I was very happy with the results. I’ll be planning to run it again this fall/winter
It is kind of a mash up of Swerve/Lucas except I don’t run the high numbers on the micro and bloom like swerves “OG Kush” feeding recipe calls for. I do run the Ca numbers up and I also use Hygrozyme religiously. I dunno…
Never tried the Athena line or anything other than GH flora really… maybe i been living under a rock LOL


how do you feed your coco you let it dry back or keep it 90% wet like dr mj coco says to do ?

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i would try jacks before athena so similar but way cheaper. and you can adapt and tweak things also as you go. but i went from gh and local nutes to jacks and havent noticed much diff besides saving alot of money lol


I don’t see Dyna Gro mentioned much, other than Protekt. Something wrong with it?


Nope Dyna Gro is great. Forgot about that one.
@204medismoke i let it dry back almost completely got that down to a science.


That’s what Schwaggy has been telling me to run actually @crownpoodle


interesting that doesnt cause any salt build up or cal mag issues ? how often are you watering your pots they 3 gallon ?

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4 or 5 depending, nope. Not at all, keeps gnats out too. Been doing it that way for along time too, just works. The dryback is one of the most important parts to me, any other way several factors are affected.


Somebody on the other place spoke of it. Only used the Bloom. I think. Foliage Pro comes to mind too. I’ve got a gal of Grow and a qt of Bloom. I’ll look at the #s, might be an option. It I need an add or boost, I bet I have that covered.


cool, and i hear you on the gnats lol. thats why i like to bottom feed but not sure im going to be able to on my next adventure and will prob hand water coco in 2 gallon pots

trying to see how much 3d printed plant risers cost their like 70 bucks for 24 on amazon jesus


I’ve always wanted to try it, hell he even offered to send me bottles to try but I’m not venturing out any further if I don’t like the two options I’m trying I’m going back to old faithful and never stepping out again. I would like to save my stockpile of CS for when I fire back up the RDWC units though tbch


I had to order 40 large and 50 medium last spring. Got em from indoor farmer but it was pricey!

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riser 1

riser 3

found these templates just need to get a quote from a buddy and decide which one is cheapest and at same time good enough. i like the simplicity of the first one if i can get them for a buck a piece that would be amazing