TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Here we go again. I look for the odd stuff too. I’ve found so many gems in plain sight. I’m always more about what it does to me than how popular it is. Take Blue Dream. Not a thing wrong with it. If I have any it’s a cross.
Easy for solid stuff to get lost where there’s a big inventory of really good smoke. Not just some good ones mixed in.


I’m with ya, most hype stuff is overrated, I was hoping glg would go to some online payments vs mail only. My mail out here is always jacked up. But the Stoney looks good. I’m excited for fall to come around have the lime ogee and the memery loss planned for fall!


Lime OGEE is great! Where you at that mail is an issue?


Rural Missouri, my post office is only open 3 hr a day and we have one employee I have to drive a bit to the next town to get a bit more reliable.


Ya I’m not looking for much actively anymore. There are 3-4 I’d kill for to finish my hunt on a high note and to just be able to relax and work on progeny and my repros etc. but I always find stuff not on the radar as well. Usually a breeder I’d never heard of that has better genetics than many of the hyped 150-500$ a pack guys :man_facepalming:t2: other than collecting all the best skunks for an epic project I’ve wanted to do for 10+ years , dominion stuff and some stuff I haven’t been able to obtain from the breeders I love I’m pretty much done bringing stuff in, truly


A little birdy told me this is in the works. :sunglasses:


Ya the GLG cash thing sucks imho but it’s never failed me and I’ve made 10-15 orders easy. Never a single issue and his freebies are unmatched absolutely. I’d give her a shot if I was you @Hotrods_and_hounds


About time…. It will open the floodgates for Jeff and Linda 100%


i dropped the ball on my run of the stoney when lit, it is stardawg * purple kush v2. i have a habbit of not rerunning things so once it passed the herm test i moved on and hoped ppl who bought the seeds would do some grow in show but ya not much happened with that one sadly.

story of my life …


Yeah I may have to try a little shit at the Stoney when lit for a go with them. They were the only place I saw the Stoney.

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Well, we’ll change that ASAP …. Once I get my hands on some! Both of those are all time favs too! @JAWS i don’t know how I missed those or the lemon Larry x Chem 4 both of those I’d drop right now 100%


brother PLEASE keep strains jotted down on paper that you want from me and the next package will have those in it.

not joking …


On it…. Appreciate you brother so very much! Truly do


I love this sorta shit.
@JAWS gets a dependable grower to show off his work.
@TopShelfTrees1 gets some awesome genetics to show off his work.
Fuckin’ harmonious. :wink:


If they go cc at GLG, I sure hope they have folks ready to work. That is the only roadblock for a lot of folks, no access to using plastic. . It scares me. I should have a note on my file. CASH ORDERS ONLY FOR THISIDIOT!
At one point my 1st order would be at least 50 packs. If I’m going to be stupid, might as well be stupid about it.


I feel you brother! I held off almost 2 years because of the cash thing, then said screw it…. And I’m not even gonna say how many but have placed many in the last few years and never been disappointed even once! It’ll definitely open the flood gates 100%


GLG now takes Credit cards??? NEVER bought from them wont send cash


Nope . Not yet. But working on it so hopefully soon :crossed_fingers:t2:Sent cash dozens and dozens of times, not a single issue, even sent 840$ before on my 4th order.


@Jetdro watched SISU badass movie for sure. Killer recommendation :facepunch:t2:


Cant stop watching it, my GO TO movie for trimming…seen it like 6 times, better every time
Such a bad ass huh!! @TopShelfTrees1

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