TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

I really do hope so, it’s so strange though, only two to not show up for the second time . And Pete is like a 30-40 min drive from my house so his should not take even a week idk . I’m starting to feel there’s either two sticky finger bastards or it’s just a huge mixup. I have always had the utmost faith in the postal service, hoping this doesn’t destroy that


ya those are from my grow of them when i made the fresh seed stock.

peace …

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Man I remember gorgeous but they are blowing my mind now! Now I really need to throw these down!


Had to check my sheet for some reason I thought I had those!


Here’s a little known fact.
I love me some black or almost black plants. The darker the better.
I love green ones too.
I guess I just love cannabis plants.
That black one is gonna knock you down.


Those J’s are cleaannn and classic! :ok_hand:

…also beautiful garden! :heart_eyes:


Morning team OG. G-day @TopShelfTrees1 I grew Mass Medical Vanilla Pupil outside a few years back. I was real new. Damn thing turned such a dark purple it looked black. Killer weed.


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Hope your girl is doing better today


Good morning fam. @InTheWoods shes at least a little more herself but still not 100% I just took her outside and she just looks sad, and is definitely not her usual chipper, vibrant self. Thank you for asking. @DannyTerpintine much respect, I’ve wanted these ones for a long time, at one point they were impossible to get. Kids came through with an epic surprise for sure. Thanks bro, truly :facepunch:t2:


Oh yeah those were super :fire: back in the day (they still are :stuck_out_tongue: )! I just got a pair of SF AF1s… I so want to wear them… but I so don’t :rofl: .


I know the feeling brother, very nice! Love me some AF1’s ! haha that first bit of dirt or scuff is heart wrenching every time. Some of my buddies laugh at how I am with my shoes….


I just sold all of my AF1s at a garage sale last year. They were starting to hurt my feet. I was selling them for dirt ball prices like $35 a pair. I got down to my last 3 pair. I had real tree camo a snow camo pair and have a Nike day pair. I told some dude I’d bundle em all together for like $60. Man was playing the garage sale “iiiii don’t knooowwwww…” This black dude walked up Infront of him and handed me $60 and said “I don’t care if they don’t fit.” Lol. Sold! And fuck that other guy.


Haha no way, that’s epic! I would have snagged em up too, I would have found someone who’d love em. Things are like 2 bills a pop over here anyway. I’m down to one pair of Snow White AF1’s low cut. My mids are no longer collection worthy. If you guys saw my closet it would make you sick :nauseated_face:


Hey @TopShelfTrees1 . Didn’t realize your buddy was under the weather. I hate that like I hate sick kids. You’re both in my thoughts. We’ve talked enough I know how you feel.
Remember, tomorrow’s Friday. Weekend vet visits here are insane. I have a mobile vet now. Fucking genius. They come to the house and treat cats that haven’t been traumatized in the cage, then the car.


Thanks brother, ya it sucks. Hell she is my other child no question, hate seeing her like this. The mobile vet is genius. They know and despise the vets, it’s like they just know they are going, she tries to hide under the seat of the car no joke :laughing:


Was it here you guys were talking about Jaw’s Chem #4 x Lemon Larry? These will straighten out in a node or 2.


Willie the Beagle loved going to the vet. They have biscuits. Fucker knew if he was a spasm, they’d keep feeding him biscuits. Shit…it it wasn’t a regular visit for shots or whatever, he was there cuz he ate something he shouldn’t eat.


Yes sir it was! You were what reminded me how bad I wanted that one. @JAWS told me to write down strains…… bad idea! I’m like 25 deep now :man_facepalming:t2:


Oh that’s Charlii, she eats random shit all the time, making me wonder what TF it was this time. I’ve heard so much about Willie over the years, can truly tell how much you loved him. May I ask how come no more dogs? Just too much to take care of with everything else? Or is it something else ? @crownpoodle


all good brother you give as good as you get so im not at all concerned.

peace …