TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

That’s cuz you are awesome ! Absolutely awesome brother! Saw the new drop this morning! Epic ! So much killer stuff there! And get 2 packs with every one! For 50$ WHAT A STEAL For your genetics! I’m tempted to blow the dust off the credit card and take out a cash advance! (Haha not really cuz the wife would castrate me but I would LOVE TO)


:coffee: :sun_with_face: :metal:


Good morning @Gonzo hope you are well today .


Hey, im Top’s bud…do i get in on all these seed spreadings???




Yes @Jetdro is another brother without question :facepunch:t2: and I promise you’ll definitely be reaping the rewards! @JAWS has been generous, kind and awesome from Day 1 and we’ve become great friends over the years and I honestly think and believe his work is still highly underrated as he’s never focused on advertising or even really pushing his products hard at all. In fact it’s another thing that intrigues me about him, he lets his product speak for itself. E definitely gotta get some Jaws gear in the octopots though 1000% and we know you’re gonna kill it so no worries there either!


I was just messn with both of you.

If you go back just 2 weeks…LMAO…LMAO…and add up ALL the beans you are CRAVING FOR, or have to have, or just got, or whatever…its like 100. LMAO!!!

Would like to see YOU in a 40,000 square foot W/H…youd run out of space!!!

Reminds me of ME…30 years ago…lol.

Love ya @TopShelfTrees1



If you saw my collection it would make you sick, if you saw @JAWS collection it might kill you from shock! And I’m not just saying that. We are both collectors and especially of old/scarce fire genetics that were never in abundance. And with the hundreds and hundreds I pop per year even my collection won’t take long to work through once I have the space again. I have a master list that was once over 350 strains, it’s down to 27 I think now, and that’s in three-four years! Crazy and I’m extremely thankful for. OG AND so many of the members here and their generosity and then the breeders who share their work with me regularly it’s surreal, never thought I’d be here 5-6 years ago, not even close.


I know you were brother….

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Got MAD love for you too brother! In a short time you’ve become like on e of those buddies I’ve known for 25 years and we can finish each others sentences and shit! It’s crazy but I’ve met people on here that have had more of an impact on my life than the friends I’ve had for 20+ years, like yourself :facepunch:t2: thanks for all you do and for ALWAYS being there! Always

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back at ya… :boom:

Did jaws make FPOG…seems cat got his tongue???


Nah, it was alien genetics I didn’t wanna answer for him. But he’s definitely kept her alive and in peoples hands! I remember when people wanted like 1000$ for FPOG! Crazy! I’ve wanted to grow her for 12 years or more now, stoked to finally have a chance!


Did they do Stardawg???

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some of my gatherings have been epic even for me im like holy crap, no joking i have done at least 5 swaps with ppl where the send was 100+ strains at a time. not 100 seeds but 100 strains. i have not done one of those in years and years but i use to be insane with trades it puts what i do now to shame. im at 2411 strains right now, and 635 of my personally made genetics. i stopped taking cuts to make room for more seed popping. and right now i have cloner just full of cut’s so the next seed drop will be smell compared to what i have been dropping lately.

alien rose after only 8 day.

have two of those rooted, and in that dome in the pic all of those were taken on the 15 and 6 have roots already so it’s going to be another cluster#uck in the next round.

peace …


where did my reply go, i did answer you my friend. did i answer at the thread.

no to both of your Question i created neither of those strains.

where did it go …


2411 holy sheep shit! That’s insane! Ya the clone game is where it’s at for certain types but I still love throwing down beans and hunting, it’s just like second nature for me now. Really looking forward to seeing what you do with those cuts !


It was on the other thread @JAWS i know it’s confusing some times going back and forth lol


im going to grow them you silly silly boy HAHAHA, sorry my attempt at humor and im not very good at it.

peace …


Haha I get it! Oh yes you are, and I’ll help :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I can only imagine the hey day I’d have with access to your fridges! :scream_cat:


have a look …


You posted those red packs to tease me huh? Bastard! Those intrigue the f out of me, shoreline stuff too among others. I may have just flooded my keyboard out with drool! @JAWS oh ya and the hazeman goodies too! You probably hold every pack remaining on my list too lol