TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

It takes a little crazy. I have extra😁


I might have glue tini. But I’m just walking out the door to try and get some yardwork done. Let ya know tonight.


You should consider re using soil if you don’t. For peat based soil, add extra lime to prevent ph drop from fungal dominance. I like powdered dolomite for quick release and pelletized dolomite for long term. Throw some bone meal, rock phosphate and feather meal in there, along with pelletized chicken poo, when you are done with it for a grow and let it sit a month or more. These nutrients last 4 years in your mix. I also add wood ash and biochar to hold onto nutes long term. Soak biochar in compost over winter before using it, or you’ll have N deficiency from all that extra carbon.
For extra feeding, which I’d imagine hybrids need, make some 555 organic dry food spikes, some blood meal or bat guano ( high N) spikes and some fishbone meal spikes. Topdress with chicken poo, 555 early, and 584 or fishbone meal (3-18-0)just before Flower onset. I also typically throw some dry food on the floor of my containers. If using plastic, I put it on top of an inch of dirt so it doesn’t wash out of the holes and if using fabric I just put it on the floor of the container and let a little bit stick to the walls, too. A handful for a 5 gallon pot. The plants will not be able to use all these nutrients because you are adding them so late… But they will compost fully as your mix sits for 30 plus days. I actually let mine get rained on to make sure there are no salts built up in it. Give it a shot sometime. Soil prices have really gone up these last couple years and they’re only going to rise more.
Almost forgot. Don’t forget to mix some castings, perlite and compost into your mix. I like seafood compost for the extra calcium. This probably sounds like a lot of ingredients to buy, and it is a lot to get started. , but you can do it on the cheap and just use holly tone by itself and have good results


Guess I missed what happened . What happened to you dog @TopShelfTrees1 ??


Very VERY much appreciate you and any and all advice you give @Upstate thank you very much​:pray:t3: I’m going to work on this stuff and give it a shot, even a couple on my porch for now…. I would love to get to the point I just need a few additives here and there. This shit is getting costly and old and wearing ne out as well. I will be coming to you with questions and advice. Again I really appreciate you! :facepunch:t2:


@Jetdro She Had an upset stomach which got worse and worse, bad diarrhea, lethargic, just not Charlii , then the next day she wouldn’t eat unless I fed her (plain rice) and she didn’t wanna do anything. I got her pumpkin on @blowdout2269 advice and have been just giving her rice and water and ice cubes, yesterday I noticed improvements and she started to truly eat again, and this morning I had my baby girl back 100% THANK GOD :pray:t3:


@blowdout2269 i appreciate it brotha, very much


Not to take anything away from @Upstate who gave you tons of great info there, but there’s nothing simpler in organics than using Gaia Green…literally most of that stuff already mixed into it.

I used to buy all that stuff seperate, but now just buy Gaia in 10kg bags of all purpose and bloom. Of course I still have to tweak things a bit, just cause I can’t NOT!


I appreciate your advice very much as well I have been looking at their stuff and black swallow for months, actually over a year now :man_facepalming:t2: I love the idea of pre mixed and just add teas/amendments etc.

Careful. Some of those items smell pretty ripe when damp. Likely to attract an additional bug or two.


Black Swallow is another I’ve heard nothing but good things about. But GG is easier to come by for me.

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Indoor Farmer has both as well if you are ever looking and can’t find @CanuckistanPete

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Ya it’s one of the only things that freaks me out about LSO…. But I like how the bugs you breed/want take care of the unwanted ones etc. it’s such a cool symbiotic relationship that I can’t help but be INTRIGUED AS F?$!

Seams like a lot of hard work and a lot of finger crossing
: )

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one of those things you need to go all in with. Full commitment gets scary, the bigger a guy is.

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I was waiting for you to chime in my brother from across the pond. It really does doesn’t it…. I’m glad I’m in no rush…. But by fall/winter I hopefully have gave it a shot and wil go from there. Its one of 3-4 options regardless so I just need to sample all then I’ll make a decision once and for all. Much respect as always :facepunch:t2: @ifish

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Putting most of it all in the pot at start and hoping it’s released when needed is risky I think
Like taking edible v smokin
Take the edible and your committed where as with smoking you can set joint down or smoke less in next joint
: )


I agree , why I run octos @ifish


Once every few months one of my pack will get that way . Just like us they get upset stomachs. Won’t eat for 1 to 2 days . Use to freak me out , now I don’t even think about it unless they won’t eat for more than 2 days

GLAD SHE IS FINE :100::heart::100:


First time in 9 years she’s ever been like this, was scary to say the least. I’ve seen upset stomach this was worse, poor girl was scared too I could see it, I was literally one millisecond from calling the vet about 8-9 times . I have a feeling she ate something she shouldn’t have as she tends to randomly eat dumb shit during walks as soon as I’m not looking.?thanks brother definitely lifted my mood this morning to see her bright eyed and busy tailed outside my door this morning.