TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

@204medismoke my life practically stops for a sick pet. Leo my cat got cancer in a paw last year. Took off his right front. I nursed him thru recovery. Total recovery. Didn’t need that arm I guess He’s literally the happiest cat I’ve ever had or known now. New lease on life. His brother is Maui is bigger and Leo just dominates.


yes i too have a soft spot for any pet im glad you saved him and i know he is as well. thank you for doing it alot of people wouldnt have


It’s insane how much the smallest sickness can affect us with our pets or children . The empathy is almost unbearable


Most is probably more like it, takes a special person for sure, my friend has a sanctuary and takes pets people don’t want anymore, mostly exotic. Breaks my heart and angers me beyond control to hear/see what people do to some of these poor creatures. Especially leaving babies to die etc. makes me sick to my stomach


Morning, glad to hear Charlii is doing good and lives pumpkin!!


Good morning @Hotrods_and_hounds Thank you, me too!


the anger some people give me with how cruel they are to pets is nuts i could literally lose all compassion for human life when i see it and want to cave their teeth in. but then i would be in jail. i once saw a man punt a cat for no reason walking down the street as a kid and since then i always tell myself if i catch someone doing that i will teach them the lesson of their life.


Sick to my stomach is the least of it. Anger.
Our fur babies are part of the family. We’d do anything for them. The vet bills have piled up before, but that shit don’t matter. It’s the life of a part of the family. You can’t put a price on it.
Though, I will admit; I’m not so sad if we lose a chicken, lol.


@TopShelfTrees1 what sanctuary does your friend run and what’s the location?


First off THATS MY SAYING! Haha I just said this to a neighbor the other night, told him he looks at my wife again I’m caving his face and his teeth in no joke! And the punt a cat thing I witnessed as well, we were walking down the street drinking, smoking at like 15-16 years old, maybe 8 of us. This one guy runs up to a cat and kicks it hard and far. Made me sick to my stomach and I couldn’t stop thinking about it for days maybe weeks! I saw him again maybe 1.5 years later and we had words, he said “guy it’s just a fucking cat” “what if it was your cat, or your brother” “well it’s not, fuck off” we ended up fighting and wrestling on the ground for a good 20-30 mins until both of us were completely dead from exhaustion…… like the baby in the crib in trainspotting and almost killing my best friend as well as my sons diagnoses I’ll never forget that as long as I live. Some people just REALLY SUCK! :man_facepalming:t2:


Aspen Valley in Rousseau (probably spelt that wrong) he’s got bears, foxes, moose all sorts of crazy stuff! And I’m not sure if there’s an animal they haven’t had. We grew up together and his parents had a petting zoo nearby Bowmanville (where I once lived) we also played hockey together it’s a family thing , so amazing and selfless I love going there! @Hotrods_and_hounds


Good morning (evening) brother…
Seems like I run similar to your current conditions perpertually…:v:t3::joy::herb:
Interesteing to note you’re an indoor coco grower as that’s my preferred method as well…with a dash of dwc here and there .
Good luck on your harvest! :fire::eyes::wink:


@iceman grest minds my friend, great minds ! It’s a bit chaotic at times but what grow isn’t? Lol I’m trying to simplify things a bit but I’m also pretty set in my ways but my reasoning is my back and money. I remember when buying everything I needed was nothing, never had to worry about getting those last drops, trying to reuse coco, trying new stuff constantly etc. Now EVERYTIME I leave the hydro store it’s 250-500$ PLUS, and In my situation and not moving product really any longer it’s not easy that’s for sure. But I have loved coco, semi perpetual for many many years and dwc/RDWC I absolutely love but the space restrictions are why it’s in a box atm. Glad to have you bro! :facepunch:t2:


Mornin’ @TopShelfTrees1 …have a great Sunday bud!


@CanuckistanPete the same to you brother! Hey @Budderton just received his package like 11-12 days after sending so I still have faith at least one but hopefully both show up.


I really enjoy the simplicity and predictability of Coco coir. Once dialled in well, it’s a breeze.
I tried reusing once and ended up with a bad calcium deficiency on some blueberry that I ran earlier. Plus, my country produces a shit ton of Coco that it’s dirt cheap. Finally settled with a brand that’s to my liking (nice grains and lesser dust). Microbes too are available for a steal and in all varieties.
Nowadays it gets so boring (not really :wink:) that I’ve started to take notes on organic grows. That’s something I’ve yet to explore but dealing with pests in the soil…makes me cringe.
Have a good day brother! :v:t3::herb:


Yeah, the post has been kinda messed up lately. I had one take almost 3 weeks to get to San Francisco but made it to the UK in 7 days, both recently. I have a bunch of stuff I’m still waiting to hear landed safely.


This is what I’ve been looking into as well, it just makes sense to me, but same bugs etc. I don’t wanna deal with. I have been using Koko moko for about 8 years now, found it, killed that crop, like best one EVER and never looked back, reused once and gnat city plus I noticed salt buildup for the first time etc. now I buy buy buy, but if you knew what I pay you would cringe, especially as I need 8-10 bags every few weeks, month tops! Shit is like throwing away money :man_facepalming:t2:


I’m glad I’m not the only one, it’s pretty strange when stuff shows up in Arizona, Cali, even West Virginia before stuff to Hamilton Ont that’s 35-40 mins away :man_facepalming:t2:


Does anyone have any glue tini, maruf black or OG Chem bub beans to trade? Just putting it out there also would love the sour bub x Chem 91 freebies as well. Lots to offer in return.