TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

I’m back baby!



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For about 15 mins at most :joy:


:joy: true that…. Aaaand they’re gone! :laughing: just kiddin I’m trying to restrain myself today


So much greatness and so little likes available. :joy:

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3 minutes? Joe’s gonna make me wait the full 3 minutes. I feel like when you get to a store a couple mins before they open and the employees are just staring at you through the glass while counting down the seconds before they let you in.


"I only need a couple things.
Sir we are not open yet. You have to wait a couple minutes. "

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Hahaha. Yeah just like that. All pasty and creepy and shit!

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Hollytone is made up of lots of great stuff too. I used only Hollytone for years with great results. It’s cheap, too. Has blood, bone, kelp and other meals in it. Great stuff.
I’ll have to check out that Gaia. Never heard of it.


I mentioned the Gaia cause it’s Canadian and so is TopShelf and myself. Easy access. It’s available pretty much everywhere you buy garden stuff here.




Hey there @Hapi nice to see you around my friend :facepunch:t2:


@THRESH HOW ARE YOU BROTHER? Been thinking about you lots, hope all is well up in the hills! Can’t wait to see what you got cooking’ :facepunch:t2:

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Indeed, was catching up, hope all is well @TopShelfTrees1 .
Herd is my CC 8xl RDWC system now with the added two (10xl).

Hope you get back to yours soon enough
And speaking of OG.
Just popped some HAOG X TK by Goat and Monkey RIP Matt.
In this system I have a few SFV OG BX2 f3 by 707seedbank, reproduced and auctioned here, not dialed in like I like, 4 weeks or so left

Cheers bro, Hapi growing


Ooooh VERY VERY NICE ! Everything you have going sounds killer! God I miss my current culture setup! And it kills me looking at it all boxed up collecting dust, soon though, soon I’ve got a game plan this year and that’s top of the list . The Goat x Monkey cross is gonna be epic 100% Matt really was a great breeder I only wish I would have got some of his beans before he passed his Irene and his TK stuff is phenomenal I didn’t even know about an HAOG cross! As that’s an all time favourite I’m praying I can locate in the near future as it’s the most medicinal strain I’ve ever blazed by far. Don’t be a stranger bro, really glad to see you, can u throw up a link to your thread please as well @Hapi


Heard that sfv from 707 is some great stuff I think that sfv is my favorite og that ha og x tk sounds great too wish I scooped up some of goat and monkey before he past he had lots of great work good stuff @Hapi


@CanuckistanPete can you tag me In your thread idk if I stopped watching or something but I can’t seem to find it anymore.


I don’t have a thread…i just pop in to everyone elses.

I guess at some point I should just make my own huh?


Well that would be why! I remember you showing me pics many times…. Must be why I thought you did. Why yes you definitely should . I’d be down to watch 100%


Like @TopShelfTrees1 said. I’ll follow. Might even like something when I’m not making sarcastic comments. I hang out with my cats Maui and Leo the tripod. Top’s got Charlii. Got any pets?

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