TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Sorry to hear this brother, pain is the worst especially for me. I become a complete prick! Don’t touch me, talk to me, DONT EVEN LOOK AT ME! I snap easily and want to do nothing but sleep to make it go away. Sad but true, it’s been so bad before I contemplated driving off of a cliff (for real) I have so much empathy for those in pain, suffering. I hope you get this figured out brother. Truly do and never feel like a whiner those of us who know , KNOW


I have to say that when I read about everyone’s ailments I’m extremely grateful for my health!
I’ll second the never feel bad about expressing pain frustration. I always feel like this is a safe place for it


This is a safe place for anything, just say it gentlemen no judgement, no repercussions just support. I promise! I love you guys and this place and can say several times with utmost confidence that this place has saved me a couple times! And people on here (you know who you are) even more times! I happened to be on here two of the toughest years in a long long time! People listened to my bullshit, no judgment and in fact constantly tried to lift my spirits whether just talking, sending me surprises, phone calls, texts etc. I have nothing but respect for so many of you and I’m here…. I’m ALWAYS HERE. Just shoot me a message . And I wholeheartedly mean this


Chem -D and ECSD cuts have arrived . Woohoo :raised_hands:t3:


Talking about it does help. Getting, and staying real stoned helps too. Appreciate your empathy. I’ve never had much sciatica before recently. Doesn’t mean I couldn’t tell it was fucked. Watching guys at work doing Monty Python silly walking.
Sprouts into solos. Sprouts into solos. Sprouts into solos. Got to get this one done.
@Emeraldgreen even hurting I am very grateful for me general health. Some Cream of Wheat with a dollop of cannabutter, finish my 2nd cone, then nap (hopefully) while my wife walks for an hour or so. Just found half a joint from yesterday. Finish that too.


That’s it brother. Smoke your pain and woes away! Story of my life literally :laughing:

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My spinning days are over
Loved spinnin


@ifish, I Commuted to work on my bike for most of 18 spring/summers/falls and it was 18km at times. Was awesome!
Keeping me alive now I think


I’ve got great smoke, but not a great variety at the moment. I was looking for something and saw the missus has a great stash! Good for her. I asked about. She said I’d smoke it all. Yup.


Hey @crownpoodle I’m bout to do a go fund me for all of us in the bad back gang!

Walkers for all



Can you clamp an ashtray on mine lol


Mine has a basket so I can haul crap at the store. Chicks dig it lol.


@ifish I used to use my bike to get everywhere! I was a fixie riding hipster in my late teens-early 20s. Haven’t regularly ridden in like a decade at this point though. Really miss it, but I nearly get in so many accidents because people aren’t paying attention or are blinding each other with their damn LED headlights that I feel like I’d get run over.


Streamers on the Handle-bars by any chance @FirstCavApache64 ?


Fanny magnet for sure : )
“ clean up aisle six “
8 and 9 too lol


Red, white and blue of course. I’m nothing if not patriotic. Still can’t figure out how to get the playing cards and clothes pin setup right to make that cool noise like on my bike in the 70s😂


Haha. I saw it. I seriously don’t like pranks. Like I’d probably jump off a roof head first if I was in one of these prank relationships.

One of these prank dudes came through Virginia and got blasted. We don’t play that shit here. Not funny.


I would have wreaked the place lol
The confetti was brilliant


Bulk rate applies.

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How do you like that trim brush?