TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

@crownpoodle is also a highly experienced big BIG fish guy…. California monsters even grouper! Stuff is nuts fighting fish as big as your boat!


I’ve got fishing stories for days. Haha Grew up working on boats. Charter and commercial. All saltwater though. Know nothing about freshwater.


Definitely. I remember back in the day watching them use tow trucks at the docks to bring up the goliaths. Back then they were called jewfish.


That’s the exact same background @crownpoodle has he’s got epic tales too! Well you ever get a hankering for some fresh water trout/salmon pike/musky you come hit me up…… open invitation to Niagara my brother :facepunch:t2:


That would be absolutely awesome to see! The big sharks too! I remember they used to call them that (wonder why) oh maybe cuz they eat everything in sight? Idk weird but I dream of seeing one one day, I’m jealous of your guys location I truly am

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I’m a terrible fisherman. I go trout fishing every year and I legit haven’t caught anything in the past 10 years. It’s become a running joke in the family. I don’t know if it’s the way I smell or what. Last time I was out with my wife’s uncle I was casting into a certain hole. No bites for 30 mins. He walks over and says “no bites, huh? Lemme see your pole real quick!” This bitch takes my pole, casts right into the same hole I’ve been working and no kidding as soon as the bait hits the water he’s got 2 fish fighting over the line. He hands me the pole like a little kid and is like “go ahead and reel it in.” :joy:


Bahaha that’s embarrassing for sure! Honestly it just takes some skill/confidence once you have someone show you properly and you get a few under your belt and understand them and what they eat, where they hold and how they eat it’s almost too easy sometimes! I’ve been known to sit down and rerig a child’s rod, teach them how to cast and where as well as explaining a bit and putting them in their first.


There’s a place called John’s Pass where I grew up and back in the day they’d have a festival type deal every year for Christmas and the biggest shark caught (they’d say that year, but nobody was keeping a shark on ice for a year anything) that year got hung up by its tail on Gulf Blvd, so all could see. Then when they took it down they’d take it and leave it in the mayor’s front yard. That wasn’t even happening by the time I was a teenager though and I’m sure it hasn’t been brought back. Haha


Mighty nice catches! It’s been a while since I’ve gone fishing. I got to get a pole to get jiggn again.

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Haha my how times have changed huh? You know what makes no sense whatsoever though? Here anyway…. Our stupid numbers (allowable catch/keep) go up every couple years even while the fish numbers are depleting! Especially giants! When I was a kid a 20lb steelhead was a few time yearly occurrence if you fished a lot! In the last ten years if I told you how many days I’ve fished you’d be sick to your stomach guess how many 20’s I’ve caught…. ZERO! Not in 15-16 years! I know of 2 people who have in the last 15 in Niagara , two! And I’m good friends with the shop owner who keeps track of the catches /numbers/records as he holds the only OFFICIAL scale around here anyway. Sad I can only imagine how much smaller the sharks etc. have gotten too :man_facepalming:t2:

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See I knew there was more than one reason I liked you all! Seems like we all enjoy fishing! Thank you @InTheWoods i needed it bad! I’ve fished so little the last few months it’s upsetting

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That is a beauty. :fish:

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I am really glad you got to hit the river and crushed them too!

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Last time I went fishing we chartered a boat to get some stripers, fluke, and bluefish. Stripers and fluke are great. Bluefish if you want to take em home to eat, you have to get the smaller one or if will be very fishy.

Over the past decade the number of larger stripers has drop significantly and even the bluefish which most people don’t like to eat. Somethings afoot.

Truly sad when you think big picture with all the trolling nets scooping up hundreds of thousands of tons of everything out there in the oceans.


Crazy how much overfishing is happening. People constantly get busted here for not following the limits. Plenty get away with it too. Sucks.


Thank you bro! It was long overdue. They were worse for wear but it wasn’t too hot so I kept going after the first. When I hit 3 I was absolutely ecstatic, this smoke is messing with their patterns keeping the sun out I think…. Odd but I’ll take it. Maybe it was meant to be? Little belated birthday fish :thinking:

@InTheWoods @PatHealy it truly is sad. Same here with guys getting busted, but the scammers know where and when to go to avoid the wardens too! I have nightvfushing stories that would make you puke! Guys just slaughtering fish for eggs, discarding bodies by the dozens! Ended up in jail that night (no joke) ya I’m a huge advocate for the fish and proper fishing etiquette and ALWAYS will be! The poachers, snaggers and douchebags despise me, like literally DESPISE ME! Used to get hate mail and all


Is sturgeon up there where your at?

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Yes we have sturgeon, though they’re protected.

You can fish them, but have to release in the water.


Yup, it’s bad all over. I used to kick over buckets of shorts, and try to educate the ignorant, but it is useless. Dirty peeps gonna poach no matter what. and it aint worth breaking my hand on some ah’s face over a fish. So, I am out on the vigilante stuff these days, but in my 20’s and 30’s, even 40’s I was a handful;)