TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Awesome, I’d love to see them one day. Love the look of them and the prehistoric lineage.
Glad to hear the protection are in place.


Still going hard over here but I’m in the latter of your stated ages so maybe soon but for now I’m a prick if you are a poacher, snagger etc. funny part is 90% don’t say a word, they know the f’d up! The other 10% well you better be able to throw down cuz they don’t give af! But either do I they soon learn, haven’t broken my hand YET, but that may make me rethink my position as I wouldn’t be able to fish for months ! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
@Cartwright sounds like we’d be an epic team and would get along great!

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It’s absolutely amazing! One of my honey holes is a huge sturgeon fishing ground (they are easy to avoid if you know what they eat) in the fall, when the salmon, steelhead, browns are in THICK, you will see sturgeon as long as your boat/car leap 2-3-4 ft out of the water ENTIRE bodies and splash back in, blue ones, grey ones, white ones! From 2-3’ to 10’ plus it’s absolutely nuts we have some of the biggest sturgeon in the world here but yes fully protected species ! I can only imagine how big some are down there at 127’ of water !


Where’s a family of hungry grizzly bears when you need them. Wish those poachers catch mother nature’s fury.

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Ya really! Ugh it upsets me to no end and with the fact we have like 4 game wardens for almost an entire province is mind boggling, I was going to go to school for it until I found out how few actual positions there are :man_facepalming:t2:

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Here’s some centrepin pics for those that don’t know, it’s a free spool you control with your palm, no drag just you versus the fish, tough at first but absolutely epic once you get the hang of it! These are a few of my collection


When I went to Alaska I met an artist and we became friends . He is VERY GOOD . Sent me some drawings he did , let me see if I can find them


@Jetdro i looked at that card a million times, even looked it up Narrows Lodge! I am super jealous! I’ve been to Alaska but didn’t fish, not once :cry:. I dream of fishing up there one day! How long ago did u go? Just Curious

I should be whipped . The 2 with the glass off are ruined and all colors gone :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


OMFG Jet those are gorgeous! I collect stuff like this and old kreels and reels and flies! Those are absolutely epic and are worth getting restored if you ask me. @Jetdro i wonder what it would cost?

They were STUNNINGLY well done

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What a talent! Do you happen to know his name brother? @Jetdro

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I am gonna call him today and tell him what I did . He does it for a living , all 3 of those were worth a lot of money , I’m ashamed of myself .

What a dumb ass , upstairs in my old grow room got eaten by double ended Hps



Ya it’s sad, really is they are gorgeous he really captured the colours in the brookie ! And the steelhead is perfect even minus the colour! Tell him I said his work is absolutely exceptional and ask if you can drop his name? I’d like to look at his work. I don’t have them up now cuz I no longer have a fishing man cave but had a bunch of stuff from artists all over Canada on the walls with my reels, rods and shadow boxes.

Would you go back to Narrows @Jetdro ?

@TopShelfTrees1 you sure you didn’t pay some kid to hold his fish? Might explain why you’re broke like me.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is a prized possession of mine! Custom built from a tree he cut down by my brother Wes in St.Johns New Brunswick ! It’s absolutely gorgeous has inlayed pearl to reflect like a brown trouts spots! It’s something I will always cherish


Nice net…work of art there!

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Haha not a soul insight until about 11:45 had the whole dance floor to ourselves until then, 7 hours of solitude and fish and fatties of gas face galore! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: